Rumex, Dock
LapathumHummad (Unani, Avicenna)
Above Left: R. acutus. Above Right: R. sanguineus
Flora von Deutschland (9), Kohler, 1882
RUMEX CRISUPS 1. Twisted root. 2. Transverse and longitudinal sections. 3. Stem of the plant. 4. The thick cortex. 5. Radiate wood. |
RUMEX OBTUSIFOLIUS 1. A twisted, furrowed root, annulate at the crown. 2. Numerous transverse and longitudinal sections. 3. Stems of the plant. 4. Wavy cortex. 5. Wood of irregular diameter. |
Botanical name:
Rumex spp.
A number of Docks have been used similarly, Yellow Dock generally being most used.
1. Yellow Dock, Curled Dock: R. crispus
2. Yellow Dock, Broad-leaved Dock, Round-leaved Dock: R. obtusifolius
3. Sharp-pointed Dock: R. acutus (syn. R. pratensis)
4. Blood-veined Dock: R. sanguineus
Dioscorides listed 7 varieties of Dock.
Monk’s Rhubarb (R. alpina, R. patienta) is related and is also used similarly.
Parts used:
Root; rarely the leaf or seed
Temperature & Taste:
Cold, dry. Bitter
“Cold and Dry in the Second degree and its Seeds are Cold in the First degree and Dry in the Second degree” (Avicenna)
1. Clears Heat and Toxins from the Blood:
-Itching, Boils
-various chronic skin conditions such as Eczema and Psoriasis.
-Eruptive diseases.
-Gout, Rheumatism, Leprosy, Syphilis.
-acute Sore Throat from heat toxin.
-Venomous Bites: “useful in the sting of Scorpion particularly of the wild Scorpion. When the seeds are taken before the Scorpion sting, harmful effects of the sting will not appear.”. (Avicenna)
2. Clears Heat from the Liver:
-Liver Headache, red or dry itchy Eyes, inflamed Eyelids, as well as Tinnitus.
-Anemia, Autoimmune disease, acute Hepatitis.
-Irritability and lowness of Spirits associated with poor Liver function.
-“All varieties remove Yellow Bile” (Avicenna)
3. Clears Heat and Toxin, Resolves Swellings:
-Scrofula, Glandular Swellings, Lymphadenitis, Tumors.
-‘considered to have a positive effect in restraining the inroads made by Cancer in the human system, being used as an alterative and tonic to enfeebled condition caused by necrosis, cancer, etc.’ (Grieves)
-‘Dr. Vassar of Ohio believes that Yellow Dock is the best remedy known to prevent the inroads made by Cancer on the human system’ (Ellingwood).
-“It is plastered on Scrofula. Suspending it around the neck of a patient of Scrofula is said to be very useful”. (Avicenna)
4. Clears Deficient-Heat:
-Diabetes and diabetes-like disorders
-deficient heat with weakness and Anemia, and other chronic Wasting Diseases.
5. Benefits the Lungs, Clears Heat:
-irritable Coughs, Bronchitis and chronic Sore Throat.
-Tuberculosis, Emphysema, Asthma.
-Spitting Blood.
6. Clears Heat and Damp:
-Difficulty Urinating, Urinary Infections, sudden urge to urinate
-Diarrhea, Dysentery, or Enteritis with foul smelling, burning stool.
-abdominal distension, rumbling, griping pains etc.
-adjunct for heat-type Constipation and urinary Stones
-The seed (which is more astringent) is used for Diarrhea, Dysentery and Hemorrhages.
6. Clears Heat, Benefits Eyes:
-Liver heat eye conditions: red, sore, itchy eyes
-The leaves of Yellow Dock are rich in Vitamin A, and so have been used for Eye disorders including Night-blindness.
7. Externally:
-wash for sore and tender Feet
-wash for Ulcerated Eyelids.
-poultice or ointment for Boils, Sores, Scabs, Itches
-“Its roots are used with vinegar in case of purulent Scabies and Ringworm”. (Avicenna)
-“Its decoction with hot water is applied to itches. Similarly the patient may be given a bath with its water also” (Avicenna)
-a saturated tincture of the root made in vinegar is applied twice daily to Eczema (Vitalogy)
in poultices etc. for Swellings, Scrofula, Tumors and Cancers.
In Decoction 5–15 grams (up to 30 or 60 grams daily for Cancer);
Of the Powder: 1–4 grams;
Of the Tincture (1:5 in 45% alcohol): 1–4, up to 6mls.;
Of the Dry Extract of the Root: 150–400mg
Main Combinations:
1. Cancer, Yellow Dock, Quassia, Bittersweet, Cinquefoil, Agrimony, Sarsaparilla (Model Botanic Guide to Health)
2. Cleanse Heat and Toxin from the Blood in chronic skin diseases etc.:
i. Yellow Dock with Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Licorice
ii. Yellow Dock with Bittersweet
iii. Chronic Skin Diseases, Liver Heat, Yellow Dock with Gentian and Dandelion
iv. Yellow Dock with Burdock root, Dandelion root, Sarsaparilla
v. Chronic Eczema, Yellow Dock with Burdock root, Sarsaparilla, Poke root (Wonders in Weeds, W. Smith)
3. Scrofula, Yellow Dock with Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Bittersweet
4. Gout and Rheumatism, Yellow Dock with Guaiacum, Mezereon bark, Meadowsweet, Cleavers, Yarrow Celery seed (Wonders in Weeds, W. Smith)
5. Itch Ointment, combine Yellow Dock with Black Hellebore root, adding Lavender oil. (Model Botanic Guide to Health)
1. Not used in cold and weak Stomach; generally safe and well tolerated.