Rubus Idaeus, Raspberry, Fu Pen Zi, 覆盆子

Fu Pen Zi (TCM)
Picture New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563

Picture Koehler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887

Botanical name:

Rubus idaeus
The Chinese Raspberry is R. chingii. However, a number of varieties are used including R. idaeopsis, R. coreanus, R. corchorifolius. R. idaeus is used in Hebei province, showing the species are synonymous with the Western Raspberry.
See also Rubus Kanda Kar Ri (used in Tibetan Medicine)

Parts used:

Leaf, fruit

Temperature & Taste:

Leaf: Cool, dry. Fruit: Cool, Moist. Sweet.


R. Astringents


1. Benefits the Kidneys and Yin, Stops Leakages: (leaf, fruit)
-gentle tonic in old age, especially in Europe. (leaf, fruit)
-various conditions of old age, including to cleanse and strengthen the joints in Rheumatism.
-‘treats impotence and hardens the ejaculation’. (Fruit, Zhen Quan)
-‘reinforces the Qi and makes one to feel happy and vigorous’ (Fruit, Ming Yi Bie Lu)
-‘prevents the hair from turning white’. (Fruit, Ming Yi Bie Lu)
-‘Very Good’ for Diabetes (juice, leaf).

2. Benefits the Uterus, Regulates Menstruation and Pregnancy: (leaf, fruit)
-irregular and painful menstruation; PMS.
-specific medicine for use during pregnancy: it helps ease morning sickness, prevents miscarriage, promotes easy, speedy delivery with less pain, as well as preventing hemorrhage and cleansing the afterbirth. (leaf)
-promotes the production of breast milk.
-regulates labor if taken during the last month of pregnancy.
-leukorrhea and prolapse of the Uterus (leaf)
-sterility in both Men and Women. (Fruit, leaf)
3. Astringes, Benefits the Stomach: (leaf, fruit)
-nausea and vomiting, especially during pregnancy
-indigestion, colic, abdominal pain, especially that coming with mild constipation (good in enemas for these conditions).     
-diarrhea, dysentery, ulcers, looseness of the bowels
-summer complaints in children.
-Dried Raspberries have been used for biliousness in Russia.
4. Clears Wind-Heat (leaf):
-Domestic remedy for Colds, Flu, and early stages of Infection.
5. Externally:
-fruit or juice is good to cleanse the teeth, but Strawberries are stronger
-Raspberry leaf tea is a good mouth wash for sore mouth and throat including tonsillitis
-wash (leaf) for wounds and ulcers
-wash (leaf) for inflamed eyes.
-in douches (leaf) for prolapsed uterus.
-in enemas for colic, mild constipation, diarrhea

1. Strengthens the Liver and Kidneys, Stops Leakages:
-impotence, sterility, seminal emission, frequent urination
-poor vision, dizziness and premature greying of the hair
-fruit has been used in Europe for anemia, low energy
-sterility and to prevent miscarriage


LEAF TINCTURE (1:5): 2–4 mls, 2-3 times daily;

Main Combinations:

1. Consumption, Raspberry with Agrimony and Barberry
2. Pneumonia, Raspberry leaf with Cayenne
3. Bedwetting:
i. Raspberry leaf with Marshmallow root
ii. Raspberry leaf with Plantain, Agrimony, Camomile
4. Tonic during Pregnancy, Raspberry leaf with Yarrow and Cinnamon
5. Prepare for Birth:
i. Raspberry leaf with Pennyroyal
ii. Raspberry leaf with Cinnamon and Licorice
6. During Labor:
i. Raspberry leaf with Nettle
ii. Raspberry leaf with Cinnamon and Saffron
7. Female Infertility:
i. Raspberry leaf with Red Clover
ii. Raspberry leaf, Sage, Ladies Mantle
8. Old age tonic:
i. Raspberry leaf with Rosehip
ii. Raspberry leaf with Balm, Rosemary, Sage
9. Gastritis, Raspberry leaf, Centaury, Cleavers, Agrimony (Slack’s Herbal, 1892)
10. Stomach Ulcers, Raspberry leaf with Cleavers and Burdock root (Valuable Herbal Prescriptions, late ‘s)
11. Diarrhea in Children:
i. Raspberry leaf with Agrimony
ii. Raspberry leaf, Sage, Calendula, Marshmallow root, Licorice
12. Measles, Raspberry leaf, Pennyroyal, Cleavers, Calendula, Hyssop (½ oz. ea.), Boil in 1 ½ pints of water down to 1 pint. Take 2 tablespoonfuls every 3 hours. (Slacks Herbal, 1892)

1. Impotence
i. and Spermatorrhea, Raspberry fruit (Fu Pen Zi), Dodder seed (Tu Si Zi), Goji berry (Gou Qi Zi), Schisandra Wu Wei ZI
ii. with Lower Back Pain, Raspberry fruit (Fu Pen Zi), Goji berry (Gou Qi Zi), Plantain seed (Che Qian Zi)
iii. or Male Infertility, Raspberry fruit (Fu Pen Zi), with Morinda Ba Ji Tian, Cistanche Rou Cong Rong, Velvet Deer Horn (Lu Rong)
2. Lower Back pain from Kidney weakness, Raspberry fruit (Fu Pen Zi), Eucommia Du Zhong
3. Poor Vision in old age, Raspberry fruit (Fu Pen Zi), Goji berry (Gou Qi Zi), Rehmannia Shu Di Huang, Ligustrum Nu Zhen Zi


Fresh fruit is not suitable for Cold and moist Stomach

Main Preparations used:

Juice, Syrup of the Juice, Raspberry Vinegar