Rubus fruticosus, Blackberry

Ullaiq (Unani)
Picture Fuchs, L., New Kreüterbuch (1543)

Botanical name:

Rubus fruticosus (syn. R. fructicosus)
R. villosus (Low-running or Tall Blackberry), R. flagellaris, R. nigrobaccus, R. cuneifolius are also used.

Parts used:

Fruit (ripe and unripe), Leaf

Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry. Sweet
Bramble in general is cold and dry but its ripened fruit is somewhat hot [warm].”


R. Astringent
The unripe fruit is most Astringent, next the Root or Root-bark, then the leaves.


1. Stops Leakage:
-Diarrhea, Dysentery
-Leukorrhea, Spermatorrhea
-Chronic Runny Nose, Catarrh
-also excess Menstruation (Culpeper)

2. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-Fever, Spotted Fevers (mostly in Children)
-Heat diseases, Fever (Distilled Water)
-Restlessness, Nervousness, Insomnia
-used against poison of Colchicum (Wirtzung)

3. Externally::
-mouthwash and gargle for Mouth Sores and Ulcers, Thrush (Leaf, unripe berry)
-to fasten loose teeth
-leaves chewed strengthen the gums. (Dioscorides)
-“Chewing its leaves strengthens the gums and brings relief in stomatitis” (Avicenna)
-Wounds and Scabs (Leaf, unripe berry)
‘leaves heal the eyes that hang out’ (Gerard)
-Herpes, Venereal Warts (Dioscorides)
-“Plastering with its leaves stops Herpes and it is more suitable for treating Carbuncles” (Avicenna)
-Running Ulcers (leaf, Dioscorides)
-the powder sprinkled on Cancers and Running Ulcers helps heal them. (Culpeper)
-applied to Hemorrhoids (Gerard)
-as a wash to Blacken the Hair (Leaf, unripe berry)

1. Nourishes the Heart and Blood:
-Cordial, nourishes the Heart
-‘a Great Cordial’. (Salmon)

2. Clears Heat, Nourishes Yin:
-Gout (Greeks)
-Joint disease from Heat (Mesue)
-‘a notable Restorative’. (Salmon)

3. Externally:
-fruit juice was used for mouth, gum and throat diseases
-Blackberry wine and Jam is used for Sore Throat

1. Astringes to Stop Leakage:
-Diarrhea, Dysentery
-Leukorrhea, Spermatorrhea
-also to stop bleeding, especially Hemoptysis, excess Menstruation
-‘one of the greatest astringents in nature’ (Salmon)
-the root-bark, tops and flowers are similarly astringent

2. Resists Poison:
-Snake bite (internally and topically, Culpeper)

3. Externally:
-as for external uses of the leaf, but stronger
-in ointment or fomentation for Prolapse of the Rectum (Salmon)
-Dislocations, Fractures
-applied to painful eyes

1. Stops Leakage:
-used as the Leaf and Unripe fruit

2. Stops Cough:
-Spasmodic Cough, Whooping Cough

3. Promotes Urine, Clears Stones:
-Gravel, Stones (Culpeper)

4. Externally:
-used as the leaf


The astringent properties of leaves and fruits become more evident on drying”. (Avicenna)
LEAF in INFUSION or BRIEF DECOCTION: 5–15 grams; older Herbals said a handful of the dried leaf infused in a pint of boiling water can be taken in teacupful doses for Diarrhea, Bleeding etc.
LEAF TINCTURE (1:5): 2–4 mls, 2-3 times daily;
ROOT in DECOCTION: 1 oz. of the bruised root decocted in 1.5 pints down to 1 pint can be taken in teacupful doses.


1. Unripe Raspberry fruit (Fu Pen Zi) may replace Unripe Blackberry fruit.
2. Blackberry and Raspberry may generally substitute one another, fruit for fruit, leaf for leaf. Raspberry is generally considered a little more tonic, Blackberry is more Astringent, but they are very similar in effect.


The ancient Greeks extracted the juice from the stalks and leaves was stirred in the sun until thick. This was used for all the purposes of the leaf, but was regarded as stronger. (Dioscorides)

Main Combinations:

1. Diarrhea:
i. Blackberry juice concentrate, Peppermint
ii. Blackberry leaf, Agrimony, Camomile
iii. Blackberry leaf, Tormentil, Agrimony
iv. Unripe Blackberry, Chebula
2. Dysentery: ‘500 Oneida Indians went down with dysentery in one season. All recovered by the use of Blackberry root while their white neighbours fell before the disease.’ (Dr Wooster Beach, New York Medical Society)
3. Restlessness, Nervousness, Insomnia:
i. from Heart deficiency, Blackberry, Hawthorn
ii. Blackberry leaf, St. John’s wort, Hops, Lavender, Hawthorn flowers
4. Restless or Aggressive Children, Blackberry leaf, Rosehip, St. John’s wort, Camomile, Balm (Weiss)
5. Nervous Exhaustion, Blackberry leaf, St. John’s wort, Camomile, Balm, Hawthorn berry and flower, Peppermint, Valerian, Hops, Lavender
6. Heart tonic, Blackberry juice is made into a syrup with Sugar, adding Clove and Nutmeg powder. When cool, a little Brandy is added.
7. Spotted Fever (Scarlet Fever etc.), Blackberry leaf, Linden flower, Rosehip
8. Chronic Runny Nose, Blackberry leaf, Sage, Linden flower, Camomile, Elder flower
9. Diabetes, Blackberry leaf, Yarrow, Bilberry leaf
10. To fasten loose teeth, Blackberry leaf, Blackberry leaf juice, Honey, Alum and Red Wine as a mouth wash. (Salmon)
11. Eczema, Blackberry leaf, Sage, Oak bark, Horsetail as a wash
12. Eczema, Herpes, Blackberry leaf, Willow leaf, Plantain topically.
13. Chronic Ulcers: ‘Take a decoction of blackberry leaves made in wine, and foment the ulcers with this whilst hot each night and morning, which will heal them, however difficult to be cured’. (Treasury of Easy Medicines, 1771)
14. Eye pain or Eye Wounds, apply Blackberry buds beaten with Houseleek and Fennel. (Wirtzung)
15. Bleeding of the Ears, Blackberry, Plantain, Shepherd’s Purse (Wirtzung)
16. As a Tea substitute, Blackberry leaf, Balm
17. To dye the hair black, make a strong decoction of the leaves in lye and use as a wash.

Major Formulas:


The ripe fruit are cool and moist and cause nausea and indigestion if eaten too much.

Main Preparations used:

Blackberry Wine

Blackberry Wine (Traditional recipe)
  Blackberry                1 gallon
  Boiling Water.           1 quart
Infuse 24 hours, stirring occasionally, then strain. To every Gallon add 2 pounds of White Sugar. Put in a cask and cork tightly and leave for a few months.