Rosmarinus, Rosemary

Picture Ortus sanitatis, Cube, Johann von, 1501

Picture Picture
New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563
Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578

Picture Darstellung und Beschreibung Pharmacopoea Borussica, Berg, 1858

Botanical name:

Rosmarinus officinalis

Parts used:

Herb in flower; Flower.

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter


4a. CEPHALIC.    4b. OPTHALMIC.    4c. CARDIAC.    4e. STOMACHIC.    4g. HEPATIC.    4i. UTERINE.   4j. NERVINE.    4k. ARTHRITIC


1. Moves the Blood and Qi, Clears Cold and Damp, Benefits the Heart:
-cold diseases of the Heart and Liver; ‘comforts’ the Heart
-Heart disease and as a Heart tonic; poor circulation, functional Heart complaints, Angina Pectoris
-circulatory debility in the elderly, weakness and paleness in young adults
‘Strengthens the nerves, preserves health, and keeps back old age’ (Salmon). Kneipp said Rosemary was the best tonic for the elderly.

2. Moves the Blood and Qi, Clears Wind, Calms the Mind:
Stress, Nervous Tension, Depression, Hyper-emotionalism and Repressed Emotions.
-Epilepsy, Apoplexy, Vertigo, Dizziness; Hypertension and Hypotension
-resists Madness, has been given for Insanity.
-relaxes and calms the mind and nerves
-Headaches from poor circulation; Cerebral Arteriosclerosis.

4. Benefits the Brain and Senses:
-warms and clears the Brain, and quickens the Senses
-Lethargy, Dullness of the mind and senses, Stupidity, Dumb Palsy, Loss of Speech,
-benefits the Memory and the Eyesight (decocted in Wine).

The Grete Herbal (1526) listed it ‘against weakness of the Brain and Coldness thereof’.
-Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease

5. Moves the Blood, Warms the Womb, Promotes Menstruation:
-Threatened Miscarriage from cold
-painful menstruation with cramps
-cleanses the Uterus, promotes Fertility (Lonicerus); Infertility

6. Warms the Stomach, Opens Obstructions, Moves the Qi:
-coldness of the Stomach, promotes digestion; indigestion, poor appetite; long used to improve appetite.

-opens obstructions of the Liver and Spleen; enlarged Liver and Jaundice
-helps Fat metabolism.

7. Clears Cold and Damp, Promotes Urine:
-early stages of Edema.
-Gout and Rheumatic diseases.

8. Externally:
-Leaves or Oil have been much used externally in ointments, oils, baths
and plasters, or as a wash to help cold numb joints, sinews etc.
-topically for ‘all diseases of the Head’.
-astringent and antiseptic; used for Wounds.
-Cosmetic: ‘boil the leaves in White Wine and wash thy face therewith and
thy browes and thou shall have a fair face … the Timber thereof, burn it to coals and make powder thereof and rub thy teeth thereof and it shall keep thy teeth from all Evils’. (Banckes herbal, 1525)
-the ashes make yellow teeth white when used to brush them, and were used for diseases of the gums.
-as a hair wash it prevents premature baldness and Dandruff, and helps to promote lush hair growth.

-the fumes is good for Catarrh, and for diseases of the Womb (Hysteria etc.)
-topically for Cancer (Lonicerus)

-decoction gargled for Bad Breath
-applied to Hemorrhoids


INFUSION or BRIEF DECOCTION: 2–6, up to 9 grams (dried), or 1 teaspoonful can be used per cup (when the flowers were Decocted, they were usually added at the end being tied up in cloth);
TINCTURE (1:5): 1–3, 4, or 5 mls, 2–3 times daily;
POWDERED HERB: 300mg–1 gram, up to 3 grams, often taken with Wine;
ESSENTIAL OIL: ½–3 drops, and sometimes up to 5 drops, taken on Sugar;
SPIRIT (B.P.): 5–20 drops.

Main Combinations:

Lavender & Rosemary

Head, Brain:
1. For Vertigo, Migraine, Epilepsy, Convulsion, and Paralysis, and to strengthen the Heart, Rosemary with Rose, Violet, Licorice, Cinnamon
2. Headache:
i. Rosemary, Vervain, Betony
ii. Rosemary, Dandelion, Skullcap, Mint, Vervain (equal parts), form a decoction. (
Valuable Herbal Prescriptions, late ‘s)
iii. Rosemary, Peony, Mistletoe, Betony, Sage
iv. Rosemary with Valerian, Peony, Calamus, Mistletoe, Betony, Sage, Marjoram, Calamint, Rue, Juniper
3. Vertigo:
i. Rosemary with Sage, Betony, Mistletoe, Peony
Rosemary with Eyebright, Thyme, Marjoram, Betony, Lavender, Aniseed, Fennel seed, Peony root, Clove, Aloeswood (as in Tincture for Vertigo)
4. Epilepsy:
i. Wine decoction of Rosemary with Rue (Wittich, Vade mecum, 1594)
ii. Rosemary, Sage, Peony
5. Paralysis:
i. Rosemary with
Hyssop, Sage (as in Decoction for Paralysis)
ii. Rosemary with
Asparagus root, Peony root, Hyssop, Betony, Cowslip, Four Cold Seeds, Calendula (as in Tincture for Paralysis)
6. Apoplexy:
i. Loss of speech and Apoplexy, Rosemary water rectifies
(Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
ii. Rosemary with
Sage, Lavender, Juniper (as in Wine for Apoplexy)
iii. Rosemary with Sage, Marjoram, Wild Thyme, Lily of the Valley flowers, Lavender, Cinnamon, Clove (Pharmacopoeia Wirtembergica, 1798)
iv. Rosemary with Peony, Nutmeg, Coriander, Mistletoe, Galangal, Cubeb, Cinnamon (as in Tincture for Apoplexy)
v. Rosemary with Lavender, Borage, Castoreum, and Bitter Musk Powder (Diamoschu amara) (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
vi. Rosemary with Doronicum, Peony, Costus, Lavender, Siler, Peony, Aniseed, Cinnamon, Clove, Aloeswood, Amber (as in Powder Against Apoplexy)
vii. Rosemary with Calamus, Orris, Marjoram, Cowlsip flower, Sage, Fennel seed, Nutmeg, Clove, Cinnamon, Aloeswood, Myrrh (Pharmacopoeia Generalis, 1783)
7. To enhance Memory:
i. Rosemary with Sage, Balm, Calamus
ii. Rosemary with Sage, Betony, Balm, Peony, Basil seed, Cinnamon, Zedoary, Caraway, Nutmeg, Clove, Cardamon, Licorice, Frankincense (as in Powder of Great Use Against Forgetfulness of Grulingus)
8. Depression, Rosemary, Sage, Balm, St. John’s wort

Heart, Circulation:
9. Poor circulation:
i. Rosemary with Balm, Rosehip
ii. Rosemary with Hawthorn, Calendula
10. Strengthen Heart and Brain, Conserve of Rosemary

11. Cardiac and Renal Edema, Ascites, Rosemary with Horsetail, Parsley root, Prunus spinosa (Müller)
12. Nervous Heart disorders, Rosemary with Elder flower, Mallow flower (Kroeber)
13. Palpitation, Arrhythmia, Vertigo, Migraine, Rosemary with Rose, Violet, Licorice, Clove, Indian Spikenard, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Zedoary, Aloeswood (as in Powder of Rosemary Compound)

14. To promote Menstruation:
Rosemary Water or Wine taken for 7 days promotes menstruation
ii. Rosemary, Mugwort
iii. Rosemary
with Bay berry, Rosemary, Juniper berry, Cinnamon, Saffron (as in Decoction Against Retention of Menstruation)
iv. Rosemary with Roman Camomile, Rue, Balm (
15. To promote Fertility, decoct Rosemary and Balm and wash the pubis. (Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485)

16. Pleurisy, Rosemary decocted in wine (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
17. Stomach Pain, Rosemary with Camomile, Meliot, Rue, Marjoram, Pennyroyal, Cumin, Aniseed (as in Decoction for Stomach Pain)
18. Intestinal Pain, Rosemary and Cumin decocted in wine.
19. Carminative, Rosemary with Elecampane, Rosemary, Marjoram, Fennel seed, Aniseed, Caraway, Cinnamon, Orange peel
20. Boils and Abscesses, Rosemary with Horehound, Centaury, Wormwood (as in Decoction for Boils and Abscess)
21. Arthritis:
i. Rosemary with Willow bark, Elder flower (as in Decoction for Arthritis)
ii. Rosemary with Sarsaparilla, Guaiacum, Mistletoe, Germander, Ground Ivy, Sage (as in Wine for Arthritis)
22. To promote Urine, Rosemary, Fennel seed, Parsley seed, Mugwort
23. Jaundice, wine decoction of Rosemary, Scolopendrum, Borage (Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485)

24. Eyewash for Poor Eyesight:
i. Rosemary with Eyebright and Rue (Ulrich)
ii. Rosemary juice mixed with Fennel water, with a little Tutty (Zinc oxide) added. (Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485)
25. Douche for Leukorrhea, Rosemary with Sage, Yarrow, Oak bark (Meyer)
26. Bath for Rheumatism, Rosemary with Thyme, Sage, Oregano, Mint
27. Gangrene, Rosemary with Sage, Thyme, Ammonium chloride, Camphor (Ratier)
28. Oil of the Nerves, Rosemary with Camomile and Thyme
29. Oil for Lameness, Rosemary with Rue
30. Edema, Rosemary, Calamint boiled in oil and wine, rubbed on the skin. (Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485)
31. Bleeding Hemorrhoids, Rosemary and Plantain topically

Major Formulas:

Decoction for Paralysis (Praxis Medicinae)
Decoction Against Retention of Menstruation
Cephalic Decoction (Charras)
Decoction for Boils and Abscess
Decoction for Stomach Pain
Decoction for Cancer (Fuller)
Syrup of Betony (Bononiense)
Syrup of Stoechas (Fernelius)
Powder for Cold Diseases of the Head (Renodeus)
Powder of Rosemary Compound (Dianthos) (Nicholas)
Powder of Great Use Against Forgetfulness (Grulingus)
Powder for Epilepsy of Philon
Powder for Mental Weakness
Powder to Cleanse the Sight (Wirtzung)
Powder Against Apoplexy (2) (Zwelfer)
Troches for Heart Weakness
Wine for Apoplexy
Tincture for Apoplexy
Tincture Against Convulsions
Tincture for Vertigo
Tincture for Paralysis
Electuary to Strengthen the Sight (Wirtzung)
Oil for Lameness

1. Hungary Water, Compound Spirit of Rosemary:
i. Rosemary flowers (1 lbs.), Lavender (4 oz.), Proof Spirit (6 lbs.). Digest 12 days, distil 3 pounds. (Pharmacopoeia Danica, 1805)
ii. Rosemary, Wild Thyme, Thyme (1 part each), Proof Spirit (24 parts), Water (48 parts). Distil 20 parts. (Pharmacopee Usuelle, Louvain, 1821)
iii. Rosemary (2 lbs.), Sage (3 oz.), Thyme (6 oz.). Alcohol 34% (16 lbs). Macerate 2 days, distil in a water-bath; rectify by re-distillation. (Farmacopea Ferrarensis, 1825)

2. Aromatic Vinegar:
These are effectively reformed versions of Four Thieves Vinegar.
i. Rosemary, Sage (1 oz. each), Lavender (½ oz.), Clove (½ dram), dilute acetic acid (2 lbs.). Macerate 7 days, filter. (Edinborough)
ii. Wormwood, Rosemary, Sage, Peppermint (2 oz. each), Cinnamon (½ oz.), Clove, Nutmeg (2 drams each), Vinegar (8 lbs.). Digest, express, filter. (Pharmacopoeia Oldenburgica, 1801)
iii. Zedoary, Clove (½ oz. each), Wormwood, Rosemary, Sage, Peppermint (2 oz. each), Vinegar (8 lbs.). Macerate, add to the strained liquor Rosemary Spirit (4 oz.). Mix. (Pharmacopoeia Hannoverana, 1819)
iv. Wormwood, Rosemary, Sage, Rue (1 ½ oz. each), Calamus, Cinnamon, Clove (2 drams each), Vinegar (6 lbs.). Infuse 8 days, add to the expressed strained liquor Camphor (1 oz.). Garlic (2 drams) may be added. (Farmacopea Ferrarensis, 1825)


Not used during pregnancy.

Main Preparations used:

Distilled Water of the whole Plant, Distilled Oil, Balsam (made of the oil), Conserve of the Flowers, Rosemary Wine, Infused Oil of Rosemary

1. Conserve of Rosemary:
i. Rosemary flowers, bruised (1 part), White Sugar (2 parts). Beat. (Pharmacopoeia Wirtembergica, 1798)
ii. Rosemary flowers, bruised (1 part), White Sugar (3 parts). Beat. (Pharmacopoeia Amstelodamensis, 1792)

2. Honey of Rosemary:
i. fresh flowers of Rosemary (8 oz.), Spring Water (4 oz.), Warm depurated Honey (2 lbs.). Digest 10 or 12 days in a warm place; then boil in water-bath, express. (Pharmacopoeia Wirtembergica, 1798)

3. Vinegar of Rosemary:
i. Rosemary (1 part), Vinegar (16 parts). Macerate 15 days in a covered vessel, shaking occasionally; strain, filter. (Pharmacopoeia Gallica, 1818)

4. Infused Oil of Rosemary:
i. Rosemary flowers (1 part), Olive oil (3 parts); digest for 3–4 days, then boil to the consumption of the humidity and express. (Pharmacopoeia Hispana, 1798)

Pliny of Rosemary:
There ore two kinds of rosemary ; one of which is barren, and the other has a stem with a resinous seed, known as “cachrys.” The leaves have the odour of frankincense. The root, applied fresh, effects the cure of wounds, prolapsus of the rectum, condylomata, and piles. The juice of the plant, as well as of the root, is curative of jaundice, and such diseases as require detergents; it is useful also for the sight. The seed is given in drink for inveterate diseases of the chest, and, with wine and pepper, for affections of the uterus; it acts also as an emmenagogue, and is used with meal of darnel as a liniment for gout. It acts also as a detergent upon freckles, and is used as an application in diseases which require calorifics or sudorifics, and for convulsions. The plant itself, or else the root, taken in wine, increases the milk, and the leaves and stem of the plant are applied with vinegar to scrofulous sores; used with honey, they are very useful for cough’. (The Natural History of Pliny, trans. by Bostock and Riley, Vol. 5, 1856)

Pharmacographia, Fluckiger & Hanbury, 1879:
Rosemary is mentioned by Pliny, who ascribes to it numerous virtues. It was also familiar to the Arab physicians of Spain, one of whom, Ibn Baytar (13th cent.), states it to be an object of trade among the vendors of aromatics. In the middle ages rosemary was doubtless much esteemed, as may be inferred from the fact that it was one of the plants which Charlemagne ordered to be grown on the imperial farms. It was probably in cultivation in Britain prior to
the Norman Conquest, as it is recommended for use in an Anglo-Saxon herbal of the 11th century. In the “Physicians of Myddvai” a curious chapter is devoted to the virtues of Rosemary, called “Ysbwynwydd, and Rosa Marina in Latin.” The essential oil was distilled by Raymundus Lullus about A.D. 1330. John Philip de Lignamine, a writer of the 10th century, describes Rosemary as the usual condiment of salted meats.’
Rosmarinus officinalis L.: an update review of its phytochemistry and biological activity.
Pharmacological and biotechnological advances with Rosmarinus officinalis L.
Chemotypic Characterization and Biological Activity of Rosmarinus officinalis.
Rosmarinus officinalis leaves as a natural source of bioactive compounds.
An in-depth review on the medicinal flora Rosmarinus officinalis (Lamiaceae).
Pharmacology of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis Linn.) and its therapeutic potentials.

The antimicrobial effect of Rosmarinus officinalis extracts on oral initial adhesion ex vivo.
Antibacterial Activity of Rosmarinus officinalis against Multidrug-Resistant Clinical Isolates and Meat-Borne Pathogens
Chemical characterization of the polar antibacterial fraction of the ethanol extract from Rosmarinus officinalis.
[Anti-microbial activity of Rosmarinus officinalis and Zingiber officinale extracts on the species of the genus Candida and on Streptococcus pneumonia].
Antibacterial and antioxidant effects of Rosmarinus officinalis L. extract and its fractions.
Enhancing antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of carnosic acid in rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) extract by complexation with cyclic glucans.
In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oil of Thymus schimperi, Matricaria chamomilla, Eucalyptus globulus, and Rosmarinus officinalis.
Evaluation of the antibacterial potential of Petroselinum crispum and Rosmarinus officinalis against bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.

[Anti-microbial activity of Rosmarinus officinalis and Zingiber officinale extracts on the species of the genus Candida and on Streptococcus pneumonia].
Antifungal and antiaflatoxigenic activity of rosemary essential oil (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) against Aspergillus flavus.
Antifungal activity of essential oils extract from Origanum floribundum Munby, Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Thymus ciliatus Desf. against Candida albicans isolated from bovine clinical mastitis.
Antifungal effects of the aqueous and ethanolic leaf extracts of Echinophora platyloba and Rosmarinus officinalis.
Antifungal activity and inhibition of fumonisin production by Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oil in Fusarium verticillioides (Sacc.) Nirenberg.
A herbal antifungal formulation of Thymus serpillum, Origanum vulgare and Rosmarinus officinalis for treating ovine dermatophytosis due to Trichophyton mentagrophytes.

Potential antiviral agents of Rosmarinus officinalis extract against herpes viruses 1 and 2.

Potential Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Rosmarinus officinalis in Preclinical In Vivo Models of Inflammation.
Antimicrobial, Cytotoxic, and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Pimenta dioica and Rosmarinus officinalis Essential Oils.
Anti-inflammatory effects of ethanolic extract of Rosmarinus officinalis L. and rosmarinic acid in a rat model of neuropathic pain.
Anti-inflammatory effect of rosmarinic acid and an extract of Rosmarinus officinalis in rat models of local and systemic inflammation.
In vivo analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of Rosmarinus officinalis aqueous extracts, rosmarinic acid and its acetyl ester derivative.

Comparative study of the antioxidant activity of the essential oils of five plants against the H2O2 induced stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Phytochemical Screening of Rosmarinus officinalis L. as a Potential Anticholinesterase and Antioxidant-Medicinal Plant for Cognitive Decline Disorders.
The cytotoxic activity of Salvia officinalis L. and Rosmarinus officinalis L. Leaves extracts on human glioblastoma cell line and their antioxidant effect.
A shortened treatment with rosemary tea (rosmarinus officinalis) instead of glucose in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (TSD).
Antibacterial and antioxidant effects of Rosmarinus officinalis L. extract and its fractions.
Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis, L.): A Review.
The Antioxidant Effect of Rosmarinus officinalis L. Hydro Alcoholic Extract on Wheat.

Attenuation of allergen-mediated mast cell activation by rosemary extract (Rosmarinus officinalis L.).

Effects of Rosmarinus officinalis and Platanus orientalis extracts on asthmatic subjects resistant to routine treatments.

Therapeutic effects of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and its active constituents on nervous system disorders
In vivo analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of Rosmarinus officinalis aqueous extracts, rosmarinic acid and its acetyl ester derivative.

Effect of alcoholic extract of aerial parts of Rosmarinus officinalis L. on pain, inflammation and apoptosis induced by chronic constriction injury (CCI) model of neuropathic pain in rats.

Beneficial Effects of Rosmarinus Officinalis for Treatment of Opium Withdrawal Syndrome during Addiction Treatment Programs: A Clinical Trial.
Effect of Rosmarinus officinalis L. aerial parts extract on morphine withdrawal syndrome in mice.

Adaptogenic activity of Cinnamomum camphora, Eucalyptus globulus, Lavandula stœchas and Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil used in North-African folk medicine.

Effects of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion and colonic fermentation on a rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L) extract rich in rosmarinic acid.

Protective action of ethanolic extract of Rosmarinus officinalis L. in gastric ulcer prevention induced by ethanol in rats.
Antiulcerogenic activity of crude hydroalcoholic extract of Rosmarinus officinalis L.

Rosmarinus officinalis L. extract ameliorates intestinal inflammation through MAPKs/NF-κB signaling in a murine model of acute experimental colitis.
Effects of extract and essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis L. on TNBS-induced colitis in rats.

Chemical Profile, Antioxidant, Anti-Proliferative, Anticoagulant and Mutagenic Effects of a Hydroalcoholic Extract of Tuscan Rosmarinus officinalis.

Effectiveness of Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil as antihypotensive agent in primary hypotensive patients and its influence on health-related quality of life.

Investigation of rosemary herbal extracts (Rosmarinus officinalis) and their potential effects on immunity.

Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity and Oxidative Stress Reduction of Rosmarinus officinalis L. Shoots Tincture in Rats with Experimentally Induced Hepatotoxicity.
Hepatoprotective potential of Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil against hexavalent chromium-induced hematotoxicity, biochemical, histological, and immunohistochemical changes in male rats.
Comparison of the Protective Effect of Salvia officinalis and Rosmarinus officinalis Infusions Against Hepatic Damage Induced by Hypotermic-Ischemia in Wistar Rats.
Hepatoprotective, Antihyperlipidemic and Radical Scavenging Activity of Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) and Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) on Alcoholic Liver Disease.
Evaluation of the hepatoprotective effect of combination between fermented camel milk and Rosmarinus officinalis leaves extract against CCl4 induced liver toxicity in mice.
Efficacy of Rosmarinus officinalis leaves extract against cyclophosphamide-induced hepatotoxicity.
Antioxidant activity of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) essential oil and its hepatoprotective potential.
Hypoglycemic and hepatoprotective activity of Rosmarinus officinalis extract in diabetic rats.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of Rosmarinus officinalis (Lamiaceae) in the alleviation of carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatotoxicity in the rat.

Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil modulates renal toxicity and oxidative stress induced by potassium dichromate in rats.
Protective effect of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) against diethylnitrosamine-induced renal injury in rats.
The preventive effect of aqueous extract of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) leaves against the nephrotoxicity of carbon tetrachloride in mice.

Neuroprotective effects of Rosmarinus officinalis L. extract in oxygen glucose deprivation (OGD)-injured human neural-like cells.
Neuroprotective and antinociceptive effects of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) extract in rats with painful diabetic neuropathy.
The Neuroprotective Effect of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) Hydro-alcoholic Extract on Cerebral Ischemic Tolerance in Experimental Stroke
Neuroprotective effect of Rosmarinus officinalis extract on human dopaminergic cell line, SH-SY5Y.

Topical Rosmarinus officinalis L. in Systemic Sclerosis-Related Raynaud’s Phenomenon: An Open-Label Pilot Study.

Experimental diuretic effects of Rosmarinus officinalis and Centaurium erythraea.
Antidepressant- and anxiolytic-like activities of Rosmarinus officinalis extract in rodent models: Involvement of oxytocinergic system.
Effects of Rosmarinus officinalis L. on memory performance, anxiety, depression, and sleep quality in university students: A randomized clinical trial.
Antidepressant, Anxiolytic and Antinociceptive Activities of Constituents from Rosmarinus Officinalis.
Antidepressant-like effects of fractions, essential oil, carnosol and betulinic acid isolated from Rosmarinus officinalis L.
Rosmarinus officinalis polyphenols produce anti-depressant like effect through monoaminergic and cholinergic functions modulation.
Antidepressant-like effect of ursolic acid isolated from Rosmarinus officinalis L. in mice: evidence for the involvement of the dopaminergic system.
Rosmarinus officinalis L. hydroalcoholic extract, similar to fluoxetine, reverses depressive-like behavior without altering learning deficit in olfactory bulbectomized mice.
Antidepressant-like effect of the extract of Rosmarinus officinalis in mice: involvement of the monoaminergic system.

Antidepressant- and anxiolytic-like activities of Rosmarinus officinalis extract in rodent models: Involvement of oxytocinergic system.
Therapeutic effects of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and its active constituents on nervous system disorders
Anti-stress effects of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) leaf extract on intestinal goblet cells and immobility of forced-swimming test in BALB/c mice.
Effect of Salvia Officinalis L. and Rosmarinus Officinalis L. leaves extracts on anxiety and neural activity.
Effects of Rosmarinus officinalis L. on memory performance, anxiety, depression, and sleep quality in university students: A randomized clinical trial.
Anti-stress and neuronal cell differentiation induction effects of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oil.
Effect of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Rosmarinus officinalis L. Leaf on Anxiety in Mice.
Antidepressant, Anxiolytic and Antinociceptive Activities of Constituents from Rosmarinus Officinalis.

Phytochemical Screening of Rosmarinus officinalis L. as a Potential Anticholinesterase and Antioxidant-Medicinal Plant for Cognitive Decline Disorders.
Cognition enhancing effect of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) in lab animal studies: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Methylphenidate and Rosmarinus officinalis improves cognition and regulates inflammation and synaptic gene expression in AlCl3-induced neurotoxicity mouse model.

The Therapeutic Potential of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Diterpenes for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Therapeutic effects of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and its active constituents on nervous system disorders
Effects of Rosmarinus officinalis L. on memory performance, anxiety, depression, and sleep quality in university students: A randomized clinical trial.
Molecular docking and antiamnesic effects of nepitrin isolated from Rosmarinus officinalis on scopolamine-induced memory impairment in mice.
Rosmarinus officinalis L. leaf extract improves memory impairment and affects acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase activities in rat brain.

The delayed death-causing nature of Rosmarinus officinalis leaf extracts and their mixture within experimental chronic toxoplasmosis: Therapeutic and prophylactic implications.

Water soluble compounds of Rosmarinus officinalis L. improve the oxidative and inflammatory states of rats with adjuvant-induced arthritis.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) as a potential therapeutic plant in metabolic syndrome: a review.

Antidiabetic Effects and Mechanisms of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and its Phenolic Components.
Hypoglycemic efficacy of Rosmarinus officinalis and/or Ocimum basilicum leaves powder as a promising clinico-nutritional management tool for diabetes mellitus in Rottweiler dogs
A shortened treatment with rosemary tea (rosmarinus officinalis) instead of glucose in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (TSD).
Ameliorative impact of cold-pressed Rosmarinus officinalis oil against liver toxicity and genotoxic effects in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and their offspring.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) essential oil components exhibit anti-hyperglycemic, anti-hyperlipidemic and antioxidant effects in experimental diabetes.
Beneficial Effects of Endurance Exercise with Rosmarinus officinalis Labiatae Leaves Extract on Blood Antioxidant Enzyme Activities and Lipid Peroxidation in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats.
Protective Effect of Lavandula stoechas and Rosmarinus officinalis essential oils against reproductive damage and oxidative stress in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.
Hypoglycemic and hepatoprotective activity of Rosmarinus officinalis extract in diabetic rats.
Effect of a Rosmarinus officinalis leave extract on plasma glucose levels in normoglycaemic and diabetic mice.
Hyperglycemic and insulin release inhibitory effects of Rosmarinus officinalis.

Neuroprotective and antinociceptive effects of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) extract in rats with painful diabetic neuropathy.

Adverse effects of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) on reproductive function in adult male rats.

Effects of Rosmarinus officinalis on orchitis following spermatic cord torsion-detorsion in male mice with emphasis on anti- inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Industrial Elimination of Essential Oils from Rosmarinus Officinalis: In Support of the Synergic Antifibrotic Effect of Rosmarinic and Carnosic Acids in Bleomycin Model of Lung Fibrosis.
[Effects of diterpene phenol extract of Rosmarinus officinalis on TGFbeta1 and mRNA expressions of its signaling pathway molecules in the lung tissue of pulmonary fibrosis rats].

Prevention of radiation induced hematological alterations by medicinal plant Rosmarinus officinalis, in mice.

Chemical Profile, Antioxidant, Anti-Proliferative, Anticoagulant and Mutagenic Effects of a Hydroalcoholic Extract of Tuscan Rosmarinus officinalis.
Phytochemicals, Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Properties of Rosmarinus officinalis L on U937 and CaCo-2 Cells.

Antimicrobial, Cytotoxic, and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Pimenta dioica and Rosmarinus officinalis Essential Oils.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract causes ROS-induced necrotic cell death and inhibits tumor growth in vivo.

Anticancer Activity of Rosmarinus officinalis L.: Mechanisms of Action and Therapeutic Potentials.
Anticancer Potential of Calli Versus Seedling Extracts Derived from Rosmarinus officinalis and Coleus hybridus.
Anticancer Effects of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) Extract and Rosemary Extract Polyphenols.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) Extract as a Potential Complementary Agent in Anticancer Therapy.
Antibacterial activity and anticancer activity of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oil compared to that of its main components.
The Effect of Rosmarinus Officinalis and Chemotherapeutic Etoposide on Glioblastoma (U87 MG) Cell Culture.
The cytotoxic activity of Salvia officinalis L. and Rosmarinus officinalis L. Leaves extracts on human glioblastoma cell line and their antioxidant effect.
Assessment of Cytotoxic Activity of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.), Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.), and Ginger (Zingiber officinale R.) Essential Oils in Cervical Cancer Cells (HeLa).
Sageone, a diterpene from Rosmarinus officinalis, synergizes with cisplatin cytotoxicity in SNU-1 human gastric cancer cells.
Anti-Proliferative Effect of Rosmarinus officinalis L. Extract on Human Melanoma A375 Cells.
Diterpenes from rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): Defining their potential for anti-cancer activity.
Rosmarinus officinalis extract inhibits human melanoma cell growth.
Evaluation of cytotoxic activity and anticancer potential of indigenous Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) dry extracts on MG-63 bone osteosarcoma human cell line
Antiproliferation effect of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) on human ovarian cancer cells in vitro.
Polyphenols from the Mediterranean herb rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) for prostate cancer.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) extract inhibits prostate cancer cell proliferation and survival by targeting Akt and mTOR.

Skin photoprotective and antiageing effects of a combination of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) polyphenols.

Promotion of hair growth by Rosmarinus officinalis leaf extract.