Rose, Sandalwood & Licorice
Rose is Cool, Dry, Aromatic and mildly astringent. It moves the Qi and Blood, gently clears Heat, benefits the Heart, Stomach, Liver and Spirit. It calms the Mind and Spirit and promotes calmness, and is most appropriated to the Heart. Useful in Anxiety, Depression, Irritability, Hyper-emotionalism etc.
Sandalwood is Cool, Dry, Aromatic and Pungent. It moves the Blood and Qi, clears Stasis, benefits the Heart, Liver and Stomach, and Resists Poison. It calms the Mind and promotes Tranquility, and is most appropriated to the Liver. Good for Fainting, Palpitation, Headache, Liver Heat etc., as well as pain and distention of the Chest and Abdomen.
Licorice is Warm, Moist and Sweet. It strengthens the Spleen, increases Qi, benefits Digestion, clears Heat and Poison, quenches Thirst, eases Tension and calms the Mind. Larger doses strengthen the Heart and are useful in Liver disease.
When combined they synergistically work to move Qi and Blood of the Heart and Liver, promote Rest, relieve constraint, clear Heat from the Heart and Liver while strengthening the same, and Calms the Mind and Spirit. They open obstructions of the Heart, Liver, Spleen, Stomach, and Bowels, and are used for pain or distention of the same.
Between them, these medicines calm, strengthen and regulate the Heart, Liver and Spleen, thereby calming the Mind and Spirit, relieving constrained Emotions, easing Anger and Restlessness, Anxiety, Tension, Insomnia, Depression and Hyper-emotionalism. This combination brings Harmony, Contentment, promotes Well-being, and stimulates Intelligence. Licorice is Anti-depressant (at least 8 MAO inhibitors), Sandalwood is Sedative, while Rose is Anti-depressant, Sedative and Tranquilizing.
They clear Heat and are combined in medicines for chronic and stubborn Fevers, and have been used against Poison and Infectious diseases, more to protect from than to treat. Anti-bacterial, anti-poison and immune-stimulating properties are noted within the trio.
It is a useful in Palpitations, Angina Pectoris, Heart Disease, especially with Anxiety. Beneficial effects on the Heart have been noted in all three medicines. Also for Wind diseases including Spasms and Hypertension.
Good for Liver disorders with Hypochondriac Pain or Distention, and Liver Heat conditions. Rose has been shown to promote synthesis of bile acids while increasing secretion of bile; Sandalwood enhances Liver function, while Licorice has proven clinically useful in Liver disease including Hepatitis.
All three medicines have been used to strengthen the Stomach and Digestion. They may be used for conditions including Indigestion, Poor Appetite, Abdominal Pain, Colitis, Irritable Bowel, especially when associated with Anxiety or Emotions.
As they calm the Liver and move Qi, they may be used for menstrual pain and obstruction of the Menses, when combined with other medicines.
The combination has been used in medicines for Infertility and Aphrodisiac formula.
Restorative Electuary, Electuary of Prunes, Solutive Electuary of Prunes, Delicate Solutive Electuary, Tincture of Sun Dew, Aromatic Clove Powder, Aromatic Rose Powder, Abbots Confect of Roses, Three Sandalwoods Powder, Troches of Camphor, Troches of Ramich, Troches of Roses (some versions), Troches Against Urinary Ulcers
1. To restore strength in debility or after long illness, add Gums Arabic and Tragacanth, Pine nuts, Almonds, 4 Greater Cold Seeds, Clove, Cinnamon, Saffron (as in Restorative Electuary)
2. As a gentle Laxative in Heat and Fever, add Prunes, Tamarind, Rhubarb, Violet, Barberry, Gum Tragacanth and the 4 Greater Cold Seeds (as in Electuary of Prunes)
3. To make the former stronger, add Scammony and Cinnamon (as in Solutive Electuary of Prunes)
4. To strengthen the Heart and Stomach, stop Vomiting, and regulate Qi, add Clove, Zedoary, Galangal, Spikenard, Cardamon (as in Aromatic Clove Powder)
5. To Strengthen the Heart, Stomach and Brain, promote Digestion, and to strengthen after Chronic Illness, add Cinnamon, Mace, Clove, Gums Arabic and Tragacanth, Cardamon and Galangal (as in Aromatic Rose Formula). This may be used for Palpitation, Melancholy, Joint pain, Infertility, and as a tonic during Pregnancy.
6. To strengthen the Stomach, clear Damp, and promote Digestion and Appetite, add Cinnamon, Mastic, Saffron, Cardamon, Licorice and Aniseed (as in Abbot’s Confect of Roses)
7. For Liver Heat and Obstruction, add Rhubarb, Purslane seed, 4 Greater Cold Seeds, Gums Arabic and Tragacanth, Camphor (as in Powder of Three Sandalwoods)
8. For strong Heat, Burning and Spotted Fevers, Hectic Fever, Headache, Irritability etc., add 4 Greater Cold Seeds, Gums Arabic and Tragacanth, Saffron, Camphor (as in Troches of Camphor)
9. For Complex and Chronic Fever, and for old diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, add Mastic and Saffron; some versions adding Camphor and Ivory or Spodium (as in Troches of Roses)
10. To calm the Mind and Spirit, and calm the Heart in Palpitations, Anxiety, Restlessness, Insomnia, add Pearl and Coral.
11. To strengthen the Heart, Liver and Spleen, add Peony, Elecampane.