Rohdea, Wan Nian Qing 万年青Nipponlily, China LilyWan Nian Qing (TCM) |
Curtis, W., Curtis’s botanical magazine (1800-1948)
Rohdea japonica
(Photo by Alpsdake) (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Rohdea japonica (syn. Orontium japonicum)
Rohdea japonica var. variegata is also used.
Parts used:
Root and Rhizome
Temperature & Taste:
Cold, dry. Bitter, Sweet. Slightly Toxic
B. Clears Heat
1. Clears Heat and Toxin:
-Sore Throat, Tonsillitis, Diphtheria
-juice can be taken for severe sore throat with constriction
-Toxic Sores, Erysipelas
–early stages of epidemic encephalitis (Barefoot Doctors Manual)
-Rabies (juice extracted from 15 grams of the whole plant)
-Snake Bites
2. Clears Heat, Stops Bleeding:
-Coughing or Spitting Blood, Vomiting Blood
-Uterine Bleeding
3. Strengthens the Heart, Promotes Urine:
-in modern times it has been used for its cardiotonic effect in congestive Heart failure
-Edema from Heart disease
4. Externally:
-topically for Hemorrhoids and Rectal Prolapse (steam applied topically)
-topically to toxic bites
-the powder can be blown directly onto the throat in sore throat and laryngitis
Decoction of the Root and Rhizome: 3–9 grams (15–30 grams fresh)
Decoction of the Leaf: 9–15 grams
The juice from 10–15 grams of the whole plant has been given in some cases such as Rabies.
Fresh plant or juice is used topically.
1. Rohdea is used as an adulterant / substitute for Paris Rhizome (Chong Lou)
Main Combinations:
1. Sore Throat:
i. severe Sore Throat, Rohdea with Forsythia Lian Qiao, cutellaria Huang Qin
ii. severe Sore Throat with constriction, Rohdea juice is taken with Rice Vinegar
2. Heart Tonic:
i. Rohdea, Astragalus Huang Qi, Salvia Dan Shen
ii. Edema from Heart failure, Rohdea with Poria Fu Ling, Cinnamon Rou Gui
Major Formulas:
She Yao Pian (Snake Bite Pills)
Rohdea leaf
Crisium Da Ji
Costus (Mu Xiang)
Madder (Qian Cao)
Bidens bipinnata Gui Zhen Cao
Aristolchia Fang Ji
Sophora Ku Shen
Powder equal parts, make a paste with water and form pills weighing 500mg.
Dose: 4–6 pills
1. Avoid overdose or long-term use.
2. Not used during Pregnancy
3. Contains Cardioactive glycosides which are cumulative.
Toxic in overdose, side effects include nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, diarrhea. Severe poisoning may lead to Arrhythmia and AV block.