Raphani hortensis et sylvestris, Radish, Garden & Horse-radish

Turb (Unani)
Radish Seed
Lai Fu Zi 莱菔子 (TCM)
Tukhm e Turb (Unani)
Picture Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485

Picture Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485

Picture Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491

Picture Della Materia Medicinale, Andrea Valuassori, 1562

Picture New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563

Picture Horseradish
Cochlearia armoracia
Flora von Deutschland
(14), Kohler, 1883

Botanical name:

Raphanus sativa: Garden Radish
Cochlearia armoracia: Wild or Horseradish

Parts used:

Seed of Garden Radish; Root of Horseradish
The strongest part of radish is its seed” (Avicenna)

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry (wild is hotter). Pungent
Its roots are hot in the first degree while the seeds are hot in the third degree” (Avicenna)


O. Promote Digestion (Seed)
P. Clears Cold Phlegm (Seed)


1. Clears Cold Phlegm (Root, Seed; TCM, West):
-clears various types of Cold Phlegm obstructions within the body
-Phlegm in the Lungs, Stomach, Intestines, Joints.
-cold Phlegm from the Lungs, help old Coughs, Bronchitis, Wheezing, Asthma (Seed, Root, Juice)
-“The decocted radish is good to be used in old and chronic cough” (Avicenna)
Sinusitis, acute Sore Throat, as well as to treat common Cold and Flu (Seed; Juice; Root)
-‘Sharpens the senses’ [when obstructed with Phlegm] (Dioscorides)
-Swollen lymph nodes, Goiter, Thyroid Swellings, Cold-Phlegm Tumors etc. (Root, Seed)

2. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine, Breaks Stones (Root, Seed; TCM, West):
-Gravel, Stones, stoppage of Urine, Edema
-cold Joint pain, especially Sciatica
-the Salt of Radish has been used for the same purpose
-“Its seeds relieve joint pain. It is very effective for treating
arthralgia“. (Avicenna)

3. Clears Damp, Opens the Liver:
-open obstructions and treats hardness of the Liver and Spleen
-Liver disease including congestion, sluggishness, Liver swelling, Fatty degeneration, Jaundice and Cholecystitis (Juice; Root)

4. Warms the Stomach, Promotes Digestion, Relieves Food Stagnation:
-food stagnation of the digestive tract; mucus accumulations, focal distention, belching
-indigestion, abdominal swelling
-Helps ‘attenuate clammy Mucilage in the Stomach, and to distribute the Chyle’.
-Seed is best for Food Stagnation, but Horseradish root also shares this effect

5. Moves the Blood, Promote Menstruation, expels the Afterbirth (West, since Dioscorides)
-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea
-expels Afterbirth
-also for Trauma, Bruising

6. Promotes Milk:
-promotes Breast Milk, especially in Cold and Phlegmatic women (Seed)

7. Emetic:
-Promotes Vomiting (juice of Horseradish taken with Vinegar and Honey)
-a strong decoction of the seed also promotes emesis.
Its seeds, when used with vinegar, prove to be emetic” (Avicenna)

8. Kills Worms (Root, Seed; TCM, West)
-Kills Worms
-mostly used to help clear Food Stagnation associated with Worms.

9. Resists Poison:
-sometimes used in Antidotes against Cold-Phlegm-Damp poisons
-also helps clear Food Stagnation and obstructed Qi which allows pathogens to increase
-“useful in cases
of suffocation caused by the fatal Fungi” (Avicenna)
-“Radish is useful in Viper’s and Horned Snakes bite”. (Avicenna)
-“Its precautionary intake protects one
against the harmful effects of Scorpion bite” (Avicenna)

10. Externally:
-externally laid to the Feet in Fevers and the neck in Headache from Malignant Fevers.
-juice boiled in oil is used for Earache and Tinnitus (Unani)
-Seeds resolve brown skin spots and brown spots on the face
-“Its seeds are useful in all kinds of external reddish or other coloured Spots on the body, Scars and Freckles”. (Avicenna)
-“Application of its seed with vinegar removes gangrenous Ulcers and Ringworrns”. (Avicenna)
-“Its instillation into the eye, cleanses it and removes the spots under the canthus”. (Avicenna)


Root and Seed can be taken in similar doses.
In Powder: 1–3 grams; In Decoction: 4–12 grams
Fresh Radish Juice: 10mls
Salt of Radish Root: 1–2 grams


The roots of Radish and Horseradish have similar effects, as do the seeds of Radish, used in the West and TCM. All parts of Radish warm to clear Cold Phlegm and resolve Damp. This is related to their other effects including Cough and Wheezing, clearing Food Stagnation and clearing Stones. The Chinese use Radish seed specifically for Food Stagnation and Cold Phlegm type Cough and Wheezing.


1. Cumin
2. Salt


1. Turnip (root)
2. Mustard (seed)

Main Combinations:

Radish seed & Mustard seed

1. To promote Urine and clear Stones:
i. Radish seed with Parsley seed (as in Decoction of Parsley and Radish seed)
ii. Juice of Horseradish (4 oz.), Oxymel of Squill (1 oz.) (Pharmacopoeia Suecica, 1817)
iii. Garden and Horseradish root, Parsley and Fennel roots, Nettle, Burdock seed, Raisins (as in Syrup of Radishes)
iv. Radish seed with Carrot seed, Parsley seed, Caper root bark, Bitter Almond
v. Radish seed, Parsley seed, Lapis Judaicus (Jew’s Stones) (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
2. Wind-Cold sinus congestion:
i. Horseradish, Myrrh, Fennel seed
ii. Horseradish, Garlic, fresh Ginger, Chilli steeped in Vinegar
iii. Horseradish, Eyebright, Hyssop, Fennel seed, Ginger
3. Cough with Cold Phlegm:
i. Radish seed with Pinellia Ban Xia and Licorice (TCM)
ii. Radish seed with White Mustard seed for Cough and Wheezing from Cold Phlegm
iii. Radish seed with Elecampane, Pyrethrum, Orris (as in Powder Proven for Lung Defects and All Coughs)
4. Asthma:
i. Radish seed with Licorice, Hyssop, Maidenhair, Bitter Almond (as in Electuary for Asthma)
5. To increase Milk supply, Radish seed with Parsnip seed, Aniseed, Fennel seed, Celery seed, Dill seed, Rue seed, Chickpea (as in Powder to Increase Milk Supply)
6. Against Poison, Radish seed taken with Theriac (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
7. To expel Small Pox, Radish Seed, Melon seed, Calendula, Licorice
(Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
8. Lupus, wash the part with Radish water.
(The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)
9. Food Stagnation with abdominal distention, belching, diarrhea, Radish seed with Hawthorn fruit (Shan Zha) and Tangerine peel (Chen Pi). (TCM)
10. Dimness of sight: cut fresh Radish roots before bed and lay the cut side down on a plate. In the morning collect the water thats drops out of them and drop into the eyes. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)
11. As an emetic:
i. Radish root decoction in water, mixed with Oxymel (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
ii. decoct Radish seed in white wine, strain and take with olive oil

Major Formulas:

Powder Proven for Lung Defects and All Coughs (Galen)
Powder to Increase Milk Supply
Electuary for Asthma (2) (De morbis internis curandis, 1551)

Bao He Wan
Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan
San Zi Yang Qin Tang


Not used for Heat and dryness, or Yin deficiency

Main Preparations used:

Essence, Wine Infusion and Distilled Water of Radish or Horseradish.