Quisqualis, Shi Jun Zi 使君子

Rangoon Creeper fruit
Shi Jun Zi (TCM)
Rangoon-ki-Bel (Ayurveda)
Irangunmalli (Siddha)
Picture Quisqualis indica
Lowis, L., Familiar Indian flowers (1881)

Picture Quisqualis indica
(Photo by Forest and Kim Starr) (Wikimedia)

Picture Quisqualis seed
(Adam, 2024)

Botanical name:

Quisqualis indica (syn. Combretum indicum)
Q. densiflora is also used.

Parts used:

Fruit; Seed

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, moist. Sweet


S. Worms and Parasites


1. Kills Worms and Parasites: (TCM, Ayurveda)
-mainly for Roundworm, Tapeworm, Pinworm
-also for Infantile malnutrition related to Worms
-infused in oil and applied to parasitic skin infections (Ayurveda)
-regarded as especially useful for children as it has low toxicity.

2. Strengthens Digestion:
-weakness and malnutrition in Children (especially with Worms)
-the leaf has the same effect and is regarded as a mild Spleen tonic.
-‘it is good for treating the five kinds of infantile malnutrition’. (Kai Bao Ben Cao)
-‘good for treating infantile diseases of 100 kinds’. (Li Shi Zhen)

3. Moistens the Bowels:
-a gentle laxative
-roasted seeds are used for Diarrhea (Ayurveda)


1. If powder is used it should be taken with cool water as warm water may induce nausea.
Decoction for Adults: 6–10 grams; in Children (3–9 years old): 2–4 grams
The Seed kernels can be decocted: 5–7 for adults, 2–3 for children.
For Children: one and a half pieces of the fruit (increasing by one and a half for every year of age) Maximum daily dose is 20 fruit.
For Worms, it should be taken for 3 days on an empty Stomach first thing in the morning. Several pieces can be taken as a dose.
Another for Worms: 7 kernels and 7 roasted kernels are taken as a dose.


The leaf is also used and is called Shi Jun Zi Ye. It ahs similar functions but is regarded as a mild tonic to the Spleen.


It can be dry-fried to be eaten directly.

Main Combinations:

1. Worms:
i. Quisqualis with Melia Ku Lian Pi.
ii. Quisqualis with Melia Ku Lian Pi, Omphalia Lei Wan (15 grams each), Ginger (12 grams), Licorice (4.5 grams). Powder. This is used for infantile malnutrition from Worms. Dose: 1–3 years old: 600–1500mg; 3–9 years: 1200–2400mg; 9–12 years old: 2400mg–3 grams, taken twice daily with cool boiled water. Take for 3 days and repeat after a one week break. (Barefoot Doctors Manual)
iii. Roundworm, Quisqualis seed is roasted and shelled. 9 grams is taken each morning on an empty stomach, chewing well before swallowing. Take for 3 mornings, then rest 3 days and repeat again. (Barefoot Doctors Manual)
iv. Pinworms, 3 fen (1 gram) of the powder for each year of age, to a maximum of 4 grams, taken 3 times daily with a decoction of 9 grams of Stemona Bai Bu. Six days is a course of treatment. (Barefoot Doctors Manual)
2. Indigestion and malnutrition in children (with or without worms):
i. Quisqualis with Atractylodes Bai Zhu,
ii. for more pronounced Indigestion add Chicken Gizzard Skin (Ji Nei Jin), Hawthorn fruit (Shan Zha)
iii. more pronounced distention, add Citrus Chen Pi, Magnolia bark (Hou Po)
iv. more pronounced weakness, add Ginseng

Major Formulas:


Large doses may cause Nausea, Vomiting and Dizziness.

Main Preparations used: