Quinquefoliae, Cinquefoil
Pentafillum, Five-leaved grassHerbarius latinus, Petri, 1485
Dioscorides Materia Medica, Ruellio, 1549
Flora von Deutschland (25), Kohler, 1886
Botanical name:
Potentilla reptans (syn. P. repens)
A number of similar related Potentilla species have been used in the various systems.
- Sulfur Cinquefoil: P. recta
- White Cinquefoil: P. alba
- Shrubby Cinquefoil: Dasiphora fruticosa
- Marsh Cinquefoil: Comarum palustre
Parts used:
Herb in flower; Root
Temperature & Taste:
Temperate, very dry.
1. Stops Leakage and Bleeding:
-Leukorrhea, Spermatorrhea
-Bleeding in any part of the body, spitting of Blood, blood Nose
-Excessive Menstruation (root decocted in wine)
2. Clears Wind-Damp:
-damp affecting the Nerves: Paralysis, Epilepsy
-Joint pain, Arthritis, Gout, Lower Back Pain, Sciatica
-obstructions of the Liver and Spleen; Jaundice
-“leaves are mixed with wine and are to be taken for three days in Epilepsy”. (Avicenna)
-“useful in Arthralgia, Sciatica”. (Avicenna)
3. Clears Phlegm, Stops Cough:
-Cough, Cold, Catarrh
-some claimed it to strengthens the Lungs
-“The root extract is used in Lung pain”. (Avicenna)
4. Promotes Healing, Moves the Blood::
-traditionally used as a Wound herb, for Trauma, Bruising etc
-corrosion or Ulcers of the Kidneys or Bladder
-Tumors, Cancer
5. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-juice or root for Poison, taken with Mead
-with Honey Water for Fevers, Tertian and Quartan Agues (taken for 30 days together) (Avicenna)
-Bile diseases
6. Externally:
-Herpes, Shingles; “when cooked with vinegar, it is useful in Herpes”. (Avicenna)
-helps Ulcers (including Malignant), fretting Sores,
-helps cleanse foul and malignant Ulcers; “decoction of its root is used in Creeping Ulcers”. (Avicenna)
-applied to Fistulas (Pliny)
-“plastered on Abscesses, Scrofula, Phlegmatic Swellings, Whitlow and Itches”. (Avicenna)
-externally for sore, red and inflamed Eyes (distilled water or the juice dropped in)
-inflammations of the Mouth, loose Teeth (used as a gargle)
-strengthen the teeth and gums: root boiled in wine or vinegar and used as a Mouthwash.
-root chewed eases Toothache (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
-topically for Hernias
Herb and Root can be used in similar doses.
Herb, Root or Whole Plant in Decoction: 3–9 grams
Herb or root in powder: 2–5 grams
Juice of the Herb: 5–10 mls.
Distilled Water: 2–4 oz.; 4 oz. morning and night to dissolve congealed Blood.
Traditionally used for Fevers, as a folk remedy, 3 leaves would be given for Tertian Fever (3-day fever), and 4 leaves for Quartan (4-day fever)
1. Tormentil;
2. Sea Holly root;
3. Plantain
Main Combinations:
1. Convulsions, Epilepsy, Cinquefoil with Cardamon (as in Powder Helpful for Epilepsy)
2. Scrofula, Lymphatic swellings., Cinquefoil with Figwort, Meadowsweet, Agrimony (as in Electuary of Figwort)
3. Incontinence, Cinquefoil with Cypress nuts, Comfrey, Cyperus rotundus, Galangal, Plantain, Horsetail
4. Diarrhea or Dysentery with Blood, Comfrey, Knotgrass, Shepherd’s Purse, Cinquefoil, Plantain, Ribwort Plantain, Strawberry leaves (1 handful each), decoct.
5. Herpes, Cinquefoil root decocted in vinegar and applied (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
6. Cancer, Cinquefoil with Yellow Dock, Quassia, Woody Nightshade, Agrimony, Sarsaparilla (as in Decoction for Cancer)
7. Fistulas, Cinquefoil applied with Salt and Honey (Pliny)
8. Astringent Fomentation: Cinquefoil root (1 oz.), Oak bark powder, Rose (6 drams each), Water (1 lb.). Boil, strain. (Ratier)
9. Topically for Pain: Cinquefoil, Poppy leaf, Pennyroyal, equal parts, decoct in wine and foment the part. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)
Major Formulas:
Decoction for Hernia
Syrup of Balm (Fernelius)
Wine for Incontinence
Powder Helpful for Epilepsy (Alexander)
Electuary of Figwort (Avicenna)
Electuary for a Duke (Electuarium Ducis) (Nicholas)
The Queen of Colen’s Electuary
None noted
Main Preparations used:
Distilled Water of the Herb
Extra Info