Q. Stop Cough and Wheezing

Medicines that stops Cough and Wheezing work in one of several ways. Some clear Phlegm, some soothe and calm irritation in the Lungs, while others strengthen the Lungs. They are usually combined with Medicines that clear Phlegm, medicines that clear Heat, or those that strengthen the Lungs.

Combinations with other Medicines:
1. With medicines that clear Phlegm for Cough and Wheezing from Phlegm
2. With medicines that clear Heat for Heat-type Cough and Wheezing
3. With Lung tonics in cases with Deficiency
4. With medicines to clear the Exterior in acute Cough.

                             Apricot kernel Xing Ren
                             Coltsfoot Kuan Dong Hua
                             Mulberry bark Sang Bai Pi
                             Stemona Bai Bu                              Ardisia Zi Jin Niu
                             Momordica Luo Han Guo

                             Poppy seed
                             Adhatoda vasica

                             Belladonna root

Bitter Almond kernel Ku Xing Ren
Loquat leaf Pi Pa Ye
Perilla Zi Su Zi
Lepidium Ting Li Zi
Oroxylum Mu Hu Die
Aster Zi Wan

Licorice juice
Ivy leaf

Henbane seed
Datura leaf

Rhododendron dahurican Man Shan Hong, Ginkgo nut Bai Guo, Veratrum nigrum Li Lu, Ephedra Ma Huang

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Chinese Classification
A. Clear the Exterior
B. Clear Heat
C. Clear Damp and Promote Urine
D. Clear Wind and Damp
E. Laxatives, Purgative and Cathartics
F. Emetics
G. Sedate the Heart, Mind and Spirit
H. Nourish the Heart

I. Settle Internal Wind
J. Regulate the Qi

K. Medicines which Move the Blood
L. Medicines which Stop Bleeding
M. Medicines to Warm to Expel Cold
N. Tonics
O. Medicines which Promote Digestion
P. Clear Phlegm
Q. Medicines for Cough and Wheezing
R. Astringents
S. Medicines for Worms & Parasites
T. External Medicines