Pyrethrum, PellitorySpanish Camomile, Pellitory of Spain; BertramAaqarqarha, Ood al-qarh (Unani) Akarkara, Aakarakarabha (Ayurveda) Akirakaram (Siddha) |
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Krauterbuch, Rihel, 1565 |
Left: Greater Pyrethrum; Right: Lesser Pyrethrum Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 |

(Image by Rawpixel) (Wikimedia)

4. Cut longitudinal surface showing wavy line. 5. Root with a large crown. 6, A slightly twisted spindle-shaped root.
Squibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919

(Adam, 2024)
Botanical name:Anacyclus pyrethrum (syn. Anthemis pyrethrum, Pyrethrum officinale); A. officinarum Greater and Lesser varieties were known Parts used:Root Temperature & Taste:Very warm, dry. Pungent “Hot and dry in the second degree” (Avicenna) Classifications:2A APERIENT. 2K. RESOLVENT. 2M. DRAWING 3P. MASTICATORIES & STERNUTATORIES. 3Q. ANTHELMINTIC |
![]() Notes on Pharmacognosy, Otto Augustus Wall, 1902 |
1. Clears Wind-Phlegm, Stops Spasms:
-Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Convulsions, Vertigo, Dizziness, Migraine
–Paralysis, Numbness, Hemiplegia, Loss of Speech
–Neuralgic pains including Trigeminal Neuralgia
2. Clears Wind-Cold, Resolves Phlegm:
-clears viscous Phlegm, especially of the Lungs
-“Sipping of its extract is recommended in cases of chronic Cough”. (Avicenna)
-Catarrh, Sinusitis, Rhinitis
-Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Laryngitis, Sore Throat
-Scrofula, Lymphadenitis, Phlegm nodules
-“causes sweat violently”; used for Fevers, especially Quartans.
-“It dissolves swellings”. (Avicenna)
3. Warms the Kidneys, Clears Wind-Damp, Relieves Pain:
-Arthritic and Rheumatic complaints
-Sciatica, Lumbago, Sciatica
4. Warms the Stomach, Promotes Digestion:
-poor digestion, abdominal pain or distention
5. Moves the Qi and Blood, Promotes Menstruation:
-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea.
6. Externally:
-applied to Toothache (tincture), or the root chewed. The tincture or alcoholic extract is applied directly to caries.
-powdered root is a good snuff for chronic Catarrh, or to clear Phlegm from the head; it promotes sneezing
-held in the mouth for loss of the sensation of taste (Unani) and paralysis of the tongue (Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485)
-as a poultice to clears Bruises
Given with Honey for Epilepsy and to clear Phlegm
Powder: 1–2 grams (1 scruple–½ dram)
1. Valerian or Indian Spikenard
2. Orris (when used for the Lungs)
3. Ginger, Pepper root, White Behen (Unani)
4. Plumbago zeylanica, Inula helenium, Long and Black Pepper (Unani)
4. “The substitute of dried Ginger is Pellitory [Pyrethrum]” (Avicenna). This suggests Ginger could be used as a substitute for Pyrethrum.
1. Tragacanth
2. Gum Arabic
3. Raisins
Main Combinations:
Cold, Phlegm, Damp:
1. Cold Phlegm of the Lungs and Stomach, Pyrethrum with Licorice, Mastic, Caraway, Fennel seed, Galangal, Cinnamon, Pepper, Cardamon (as in Powder of Anise Compound)
2. To promote Urine, Pyrethrum with Marjoram and Long Pepper
3. To clear the Throat in Hoarseness or Loss of Voice, Pyrethrum with Cumin seed roasted, Mustard seed, Black Pepper, Calamint (as in Electuary to Clarify the Voice)
4. Laryngitis, take 300–600mg of thew powder twice daily. with warm water. (Siddha)
5. Scrofula, Lymphatic swellings, Pyrethrum with Cuttlefish bone, Long Pepper, Black Pepper, Ginger, Cinnamon, Galls, Sponge stone (as in Powder for Scrofula)
6. Epilepsy, Apoplexy:
i. Pyrethrum taken with Aromaticum Rosatum and Diamoschu (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
ii. Pyrethrum powder confected with Diamoschu and Sugar dissolved in Lavender water (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
iii. Pyrethrum with Triphala, Black Myrobalan, Stoechas, Peony (as in Triphala Electuary for Epilepsy (Itrifal Zabeeb))
7. Poor memory from a Cold and Moist cause:
i. Pyrethrum, Calamus, Frankincense
ii. Pyrethrum, Ginger, Galangal decocted in wine and used as a gargle. (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
8. Paralysis, Pyrethrum with Cowslip, boiled in wine and oil to form a plaster. (Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485)
Warm the Kidneys
9. Impotence, Pyrethrum with Withania, Asparagus root, Dodder, Nutmeg, Salep (Orchis), Saffron (Unani)
10. Aphrodisiac:
i. Pyrethrum with Long Pepper and Galangal (Culpeper)
ii. Pyrethrum with Nutmeg and Cannabis (Unani)
11. Increase Sperm count, Pyrethrum, Tribulus
12. As a stimulant, Pyrethrum with Peppermint
13. Sternutatory: Pyrethrum, Staphysacre seed, Ginger (1 dram each), Long Pepper (½ dram) (Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1824)
14. Masticatory. Pyrethrum, Mastic (equal parts)
15. Toothache:
i. chew Pyrethrum with Balm (Arnold de Villa Nova)
ii. decoct Pyrethrum in vinegar with Betony and Ground Ivy and use as a mouthwash (Arnold de Villa Nova)
iii. Digest Pyrethrum (1 oz.), in Spirit of Rosemary (½ pound); digest, filter.
iv. Pyrethrum (2 oz.), Spirit of Lavender (1 pound), Ammonium chloride (½ dram)
v. form a Tincture with Pyrethrum, Clove, Thyme, Camphor
vi. Pyrethrum decocted, with Vinegar and Black Pepper added, held in the mouth (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
vii. Pyrethrum, Camomile, Betony, Oregano, Orris, boiled in water and wine and held in the mouth (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
16. Tooth Powder, Pyrethrum with Coral, Mace, Mastic, Pumice, Red Earth
17. To promote Sweat, Pyrethrum root, Calamint juice, decoct in wine and oil and rub the whole body. (Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485)
18. Herpes and Erysipelas, Pyrethrum with White Lead (Lead carbonate) topically. (Avicenna)
19. Ointment Against Lice: Pyrethrum, Mustard seed (2 oz.), Parsley seed (4 oz.), Lard (32 oz.), Anise oil (2 drams); powder the herbs, mix into the lard and add the oil. (Niemann)
Major Formulas:
Syrup of Stoechas (Judeus)
Syrup for the Memory
Powder Proven for Lung Defects and All Coughs (Galen)
Powder for Scrofula (Arnold de Villa Nova)
Powder to Strengthen the Teeth (Galen)
Powder of Anise Compound (Mesue)
Warming Pearl Powder (Diamargariton Calidum) (Avicenna)
Christian Electuary (Unani)
Electuary to Clarify the Voice (Galen)
Extraordinary Confection for Epilepsy
Diacameron Minus (Nicholas)
Medicine to Defend the Base from all Danger
Philonium Romanum Galenii
Philonium Persicum
Electuary of Pearl (Avicenna)
Triphala Electuary for Epilepsy (Itrifal Zabeeb)
1. Plaster of Pyrethrum;
i. Wax (3 oz.), Turpentine (1 oz., 2 ½ drams); melt slowly together, then add Sagapen, Galbanum, Gum Ammoniac (each 1 oz.); when half cold add the following in powder: Pyrethrum, Mustard seed (each 1 oz.). Resolve and stimulant, for hardness and tumors. (Niemann)
1. Not used during Pregnancy
2. Very drying, not suitable for Heat or Yin deficiency.
3. Regarded as harmful for the Lungs in excess dose or prolonged use. (Unani)
–Evaluation of the acute toxicity of the extracts of Anacyclus pyrethrum var. pyrethrum (L.) and Anacyclus pyrethrum var. depressus Maire in Swiss mice.
Main Preparations used:
‘The [?] of Dioscorides was an umbelliferous plant, the deter-mination of which must be left to conjecture. The pellitory of modern times was familiar to the Arabian writers on medicine, one of whom, Ibn Baytar, describes it very correctly from specimens gathered by himself near the city of Constantino in Algeria. The plant, says he, called by the Berbers sandasab, is found nowhere but in Western Africa, from which region it is carried to other countries. Pellitory root is a favourite remedy in the East, and has long been an |
article of export by way of Egypt to India. An Arabic name for it is Aaqarqarha or Akulkara, a word which, under slight variations, is found in the principal languages of India. In Germany, pellitory was known as early as the 12th century; it is named in the oldest printed works on materia medica. In the 13th century “pellitory of Spain” (Pelydr ysbain) was a proved “remedy for the toothache” with the Welsh physicians. (Pharmacographia, Fluckiger & Hanbury, 1879) |