Purging Mixed Humors
Bile & Phlegm 1. Rosed Aloes Aloes 4 oz. Damask Rose juice 1 lb. Soak Aloes in the Rose juice in the sun or a water-bath until the excess moisture has evaporated. Repeat three times with fresh Juice. Dose: 1 scruple–½ dram 2. Pills of Mastic (Mesue) Aloes 10 drams Mastic 4 drams Agaric 3 drams Powder and form pills with Hydromel. Dose: ½–1 dram 3. Pills of Three Solutive (Mesue) Rhubarb Agaric Aloe equal parts Powder and form pills with Syrup of Rose Solutive, or another suitable syrup. Dose: 1 scruple–½ dram 4. Assajaret Pills (Avicenna) Aloe 2 oz. Hiera Picra Galenii 1 oz. Mastic Yellow Myrobalan 4 drams 5. Pills to Purge Bile and Phlegm (Mesue) Chebula Yellow Myrobalan ½ dram Rhubarb 1 dram Traditionally formed into pills with Syrup of Stoechas. Dose: 1 scruple–1 dram 6. Pills to Purge Bile and Phlegm (Mesue) Rhubarb Agaric Yellow Myrobalan Chebulic Myrobalan Aloes washed 1 dram each Dose: 1 scruple–1 dram 7. Electuary to Purge Bile and Phlegm Turbith 40 drams Violet 30 drams Indian Salt Licorice juice 7 drams ea. Fennel seed Aniseed Mastic 5 drams ea. Scammony 10 drams Cassia Fistula 100 drams Almond Oil 40 drams Honey Sugar 50 drams ea. Heat Cassia with Honey, dissolve the Sugar and Oil, and add the rest in powder. Dose: 2–4 drams. (Syrian Book of Medicine) 8. Pills of Rhubarb and Agaric (Mesue) 9. Golden Pills (Nicholas) 10. Arabian Confect Purging Melancholy Bile & Melancholy 1. Potion for Bile and Melancholy (Mesue) Black Myrobalan Yellow Myrobalan Rhubarb 1 dram each Rock Salt 1 scruple Infuse in 6 oz. Goat Whey for 10 hours, strain, express and add Syrup of Fumitory 2 oz. Phlegm & Melancholy 1. Infusion (Mesue) Black Myrobalan Chebulic Myrobalan 1 dram Dodder of Thyme 2 drams Infuse in 4 oz. Senna infusion for 10 hours. 2. Infusion 2 (Mesue) Black Myrobalan Chebulic Myrobalan 1 dram Epithymum 2 drams Black Hellebore 1 scruple Infuse in 4 oz. Senna infusion for 10 hours; express, sweeten with sugar. 3. Potion (Mesue) Chebula 5 drams Raisins ½ oz. Mix, infuse in 6 oz. Oxymel. 4. Pills (Mesue) Black Myrobalan Chebulic Myrobalan 1 dram each Epithymum ½ dram With squill juice, form pills. 5. Pills 2 (Mesue) Black Myrobalan Chebulic Myrobalan ½ dram each Black Hellebore Turbith ½ scruple each Form pills with Squill juice. 6. Pills of Fumitory Myrobalans, Chebulic Yellow Black Scammony, prepared 5 drams each Aloe 7 drams Powder, and triturate with clarified Fumitory juice, and dry. Repeat three times, then powder and with Syrup of Fumitory, form pills. Dose: 1 scruple–1 dram 7. Pills Turbith 1 mithqal (4.5 grams) Hiera Picra 1 dirham (3.1 grams) Stoechas 2 daniqs (1 gram) Agaric ½ dirham (1.5 grams) Scammony 1 ½ däniq (780 mg) Ginger 1 daniq (520 mg) Rose. 1 daniq (520 mg) Bdellium 2 daniqs (1 gram) 8. Electuary to Purge Melancholy and Phlegm Myrobalans, Black Emblic Belleric Epithymum 10 drams ea. Polypody Stoechas Turbith 5 drams ea. Agaric 3 drams Lapis Lazuli, washed Azurite, washed 2 scruples ea. Scammony, prepared 3 drams Mix with 150 drams of clarified Honey to form an Electuary. Dose: 2 drams (Syrian Book of Medicine) 9. Arabian Pills |
Pituitous and Burnt Humors Pituitous means mucus, but was generally used to denote thinner fluid than Phlegm, being analogous to Damp. Infusion for Pituitous and Burnt Humors (Mesue) Infusion for Pituitous and Burnt Humors with Hellebore Pills for Pituitous and Burnt Humors (Mesue) Pills for Pituitous and Burnt Humors with Hellebore (M.) Complex and Mixed Humors 1. Infusion (Mesue) Myrobalans, Yellow Chebulic Black 1 dram Infuse in Whey, or Chicken broth; express and add in: Rhubarb 1 dram Senna 2 drams 2. Pills (Mesue) Rhubarb Myrobalans, Yellow Chebulic Black 1 dram Polypody Aloes washed Agaric 2 scruples Powder, with Syrup of Rose solutive, form pills. 3. Pills 2 (Mesue) Agaric Rhubarb 1 dram Aloes washed 1 ½ drams Myrobalans, Yellow Chebulic Black 2 scruples Powder, with Rose juice, form a pill mass. 4. Imperial Pills Aloes 2 oz. Rhubarb 1½ drams Agaric Senna leaf 1 oz. each Cinnamon 3 drams Ginger 2 drams Nutmeg Clove Indian Spikenard Mastic 1 dram each Powder and form Pills with Syrup of Violets. Dose: 1 scruple–1, or 1½ drams 5. ‘Pills without which I would not be’ Aloes washed with Rose juice 14 drams Prepared Scammony 6 drams The 5 Myrobalans Rhubarb Mastic Senna Wormwood Rose Violet Troches of Agaric Dodder of Thyme 1 dram each Form pills with Fennel juice or Honey boiled with Fennel juice. Dose: 1 scruple–1 dram 6. Polycrest Pills (Mesue) 7. Catholic Pills (Nicholas) 8. Arabian Pills (Nicholas) 9. Arabian Confect Purging Melancholy 10. Pills of 5 Myrobalans (Nicholas) |