Punica Flos et Pericarp, Pomegranate Flower & Rind
Wild Pomegranate Flower–Balaustium; Dadima (Ayurveda)
–Anar, Bidana (Unani)
–Ruman, Ruman Halw, Ruman Murr (Arabic);
Cultivated Pomegranate flower: Cytinoi
Pomegranate Rind:
–Shi Liu Pi (TCM)
Ortus Sanitatis, Cube, Johann von, 1501
Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 | Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 |
Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640
Pomegranate rind
Notes on Pharmacognosy, Otto Augustus Wall, 1902
Dried Pomegranate Flower
(Adam, 2019)
Botanical name:
Punica granatum
Parts used:
Flower; Fruit Rind
Typically the flower of the ‘Wild Pomegranate’ was used (this being the true Balaustine), the cultivated forms supplying the fruit and rind. Dioscorides, however, says that the wild and cultivated flowers have the same effect, although the Wild is stronger.
Temperature & Taste:
Rind is Cool, very dry. Sour
Flower is Cool, Dry, slightly Sweet and Sour
Flower: “Cold in the last of the First degree and Dry in the Second degree”. (Avicenna)
1. Astringent, Stops Leakage:
-Diarrhea, Dysentery
-Leukorrhea, Spermatorrhea
-strengthens and comforts the Stomach, Head and Womb (rind, flower)
-this is the primary action of the fruit-rind and flowers
2. Clears Heat, Stops Bleeding:
-excessive Menstrual Bleeding; Bleeding of the Stomach or Bowels (rind, flower)
-“Stops all kinds of bleeding”. (Flower, Avicenna)
3. Kills Worms
-especially for Tapeworm (Rind; Bark is stronger)
4. Clears Stones:
-Flowers were used for Stones (Riverius)
5. Externally:
-fastens loose Teeth and loose gums (mouthwash of the flowers; Dioscorides, Avicenna)
-topically for Hernias (flower, rind)
-“in powdered form heals Wounds, chronic Ulcers, Injuries and Skull Fractures”. (Flower, Avicenna)
1. The primary functions of the Pomegranate are its drying, Astringent effects due to tannins throughout the plant (dried rind and root-bark, around 25-28%, leaf 11%). Primarily used for Diarrhea and Dysentery, with or without Blood as well as other forms of Leakage.
2. Anthelmintic effects are found in the Root-bark and Fruit Rind with the Bark being strongest.
Rind or Flower in Powder: 1–3 grams
Rind in Decoction: 3–9 grams
1. In Unani the Fruit/Seed and pericarp may be used interchangeably.
2. Dioscorides also said the Flowers can be used for the same purposes as the Seed, and the Rind is used the same as the Flowers.
Main Combinations:
1. Bleeding from Heat, Pomegranate flower, Red Earth, Gum Arabic, Rose (Unani)
2. Diarrhea with or without Blood, or for Bleeding:
i. Pomegranate flower, Conserve of Red Roses, Red Earth, Dragons Blood
ii. Pomegranate flower, Rose, Oak Bark, Barley Cinnamon water
iii. Pomegranate flower, Red (Armenian) Earth, Sealed Earth, Red Coral, form an Electuary with Syrup of Quince (A Treatise on Foreign Drugs, Geoffroy and Thicknesse, 1749)
iv. Pomegranate flower, Red Earth, Gum Arabic, Rose, Gum Tragacanth, Pomegranate juice (as in Troches of Pomegranate flower, Unani)
v. Pomegranate rind, Chebulic Myrobalan, Emblic Myrobalan
3. Bleeding Piles, Pomegranate Rind with Cyperus rotundus (Ayurveda)
4. Bleeding:
i. Pomegranate flower, Gum Arabic, Dragon’s Blood
ii. Pomegranate flower and bark, Hematite prepared, Alum, Conserve of Rose, form an Electuary with Syrup of Comfrey (A Treatise on Foreign Drugs, Geoffroy and Thicknesse, 1749)
5. Hemorrhoids:
i. Pomegranate flowers with Aloe and Frankincense, powdered, mixed with Egg white and applied.
ii. Yarrow, Plantain, Mullein (4 handfuls each), Elder flower, Pomegranate flower (1 oz. each). (Dispensatorium medico pharmaceuticum Palatinatus, 1764)
6. Bladder Ulcers, Pomegranate flower, Horsetail, Myrtle berry, Rose, Tragacanth (Fuller)
7. Strengthen the Stomach, promote appetite and digestion:
i. Pomegranate flower, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Clove, Long Pepper, Gentian
ii. Pomegranate flower, Angelica, Mint, Cinnamon, Mace, Long Pepper (Fuller)
8. Nausea, Vomiting, Pomegranate flower, Mint, Wormwood
9. Worms:
i. take a dose of Pomegranate rind, followed by a dose of Rhubarb to purge the worms (Ayurveda)
ii. Pomegranate rind, Garlic
10. To cleanse, dry and heal Ulcers, Pomegranate flowers, Alum, Frankincense, Myrrh, Bile, Aloe made into Troches with Nightshade juice (as in Sealed Troches)
11. As a gargle:
i. Pomegranate rind, Bistort, Tormentil (equal parts) (Pharmacopoeia Gallica, 1818)
ii. Plantain, Pomegranate flower, Rose, decoct, add Alum and Syrup of Pomegranate (A Treatise on Foreign Drugs, Geoffroy and Thicknesse, 1749)
iii. Bistort root, Pomegranate flower, Hollyhock flower (Pharmacopoeia Hannoverana, 1819)
iv. Plantain, Self Heal (4 0z. each), Sage (2 oz.), Rose, Ligustrum flower, Pomegranate flower (1 oz. each) (Dispensatorium medico pharmaceuticum Palatinatus, 1764)
v. Bistort, Agrimony, Periwinkle, Hollyhock flower, Pomegranate flower (2 oz. each) (Pharmacia rationalis, 1806)
vi. Agrimony, Cypress nuts, Pomegranate rind, Elder flowers (4 oz. each), Honey of Roses, Syrup of Mulberries (3 drams each), Sulphuric acid (20 drops). Mix. (Formulaire Magistral et Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1823)
12. Cleanse the Teeth, Pomegranate rind, Chalk, Tincture of Myrrh
Major Compounds:
Astringent Decoction
Powder of Amber (Unani)
Powder to Strengthen the Stomach and Digestion
Powder to Stop Bleeding of the Stomach (Nicholas)
Powder to Suppress Hemorrhage (Unani)
Powder for Bruising (Bononiense)
Powder for Dysentery of Galen
Powder for Chronic Diarrhea (Nicholas)
Powder for Excess Menstruation (Serapion)
Powder for Menstrual Flux (Isaac)
Powder for Moist and Hollow Ulcers
Powder for Vomiting from Bile
Powder for Vomiting from Phlegm and Bile (1)
Powder for Vomiting from Phlegm and Bile (2)
Power to Tighten the Vulva like a Virgin
Pills Against Fluxes (Nicholas)
Pills to Stop Bleeding (Unani)
Styptic Pills
Electuary of Micleta (Nicholas)
Electuary of Comfrey (Fioravantus)
Gargle for Swollen Tonsils (Wirtzung)
1. Avoid use in Constipation
2. Generally not used in early stage hot-toxin diarrhea (but has been when combined with suitable medicines).
Main Preparations used:
1. Astringent Enema:
i. Pomegranate rind (1 oz.), Water (sufficient to obtain 2 lbs. of decoction). (Pharmacopoeia Hispana, 1798)