Przewalskia, Thang phrom dkar po ཐང་ཕྲོམ་དཀར་པོ་

Thang phrom dkar po (Tibet)
Ma Niao Pao, Ma Sui Pao (TCM)

Botanical name:

Przewalskia tangutica (syn. P. roborowskii, Mandragora shebbearei)
Various types of Thang phrom are used in Tibetan Medicine:
  1. Thang phrom dkar po (‘White’): Przewalskia tangutica
  2. Thang phrom: Datura stramonium
  3. Thang phrom nag po (‘Black’): Anisodus tanguiticus
  4. Thang phrom lang thang rtse: Hyoscymaus niger (Henbane)

Parts used:

Prepared Seed, Root; sometimes the whole plant

Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry. Bitter, Sweet


Tropane alkaloids (2–4%), principally hyoscyamine



1. Clears Heat, Relieves Spasms, Eases Pain:
-Gastrointestinal pain and spasm
-Acute and Chronic Gastroenteritis
-topically and internally for various types of pain
-also Mania

2. Clears Heat and Toxin, Disperses Swellings:
-Toxic Sore and Swellings (TCM, Tibet)
-itchy and inflamed skin

3. Benefits the Kidneys:
-restores virility
-Aphrodisiac (seed, Tibet)

4. Externally:
-topically to inflammations, swellings, toxic sores, carbuncles, furuncles


1. Doses are similar to Henbane
2. Seed or Root can be used in similar doses
Powdered Prepared Seed: 150–350mg
Powdered Root: 100–250mg
Used externally in fomentations, plasters etc.


1. Henbane
2. Physochlaina physaloides (Buryat and Mongolia)


The seeds are stir-fried until yellowish which helps to reduce toxicity. (Tibet)

Main Combinations:

1. Gastrointestinal pain and spasm, Przewalskia with Cotus, Coptis
2. To warm the Kidney Yang and as an Aphrodisiac Przewalskia seed, Mirabilis himalaica, Gymnadenia, Cynomorium songaricum

Major Formulas:

Przewalskia 11 (Thang phrom bcu gchig)


Toxic in overdose. Contains tropane alkaloids. The roots have the highest alkaloid content.

Main Preparations used: