Prunus spinosa, Sloe
BlackthornGerman Acacia (dehydrated unripe fruit juice)
Prunus spinosa
Masclef, A., Atlas des plantes de France (1890-1893)
Prunus spinosa
(Photo by Georg Buzin) (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Prunus spinosa (syn. P. sylvestris)
Parts used:
Fruit, collected before fully ripe (strongest astringent)
Also the Leaf, Flower, Bark: all have similar properties, except the flowers which are laxative.
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry. Sour
‘All parts of the Sloe bush are Binding, Cooling and drying’ (Culpeper)
1. Clears Heat, Stops Leakage:
-Diarrhea, Dysentery
-all parts share this effect except flowers
-excess Menstruation
-various types of Bleeding
2. Clears Heat:
-heat of the Stomach or Liver; intestinal or abdominal pain
-promotes rest in heat diseases
3. Externally:
-inflammation or styes of the eyelids, apply the thickened juice
-juice is applied to make a part bald
-topically in plasters to restrain excess menstruation and prevent miscarriage
-leaf decoction as a gargle for Sore Throat
-leaf decoction as an eye wash for Heat and inflammation of the Eyes
1. Stops Leakage:
-Diarrhea, Leukorrhea
-chronic leukorrhea, uterine prolapse, passive menorrhagia, threatened miscarriage
2. Clears Heat:
-Intermittent Fever (said to be as good as Cinchona)
-tincture of the wood and bark for eye pain, and to clear the vision
-Syrup of the flowers is a gentle Laxative, especially useful for children
Fruit in Powder: 1–3 grams
Fruit in Decoction: 3–6 grams
Flowers: 2–5 grams boiled briefly
A tincture was prepared from the flower buds before they open.
1. Dried Unripe juice of the fruit was called German Acacia and used as a substitute for Acacia.
2. The Bark was recommended for Intermittent Fevers in place of Cinchona. (Lewis, 1784)
3. Peach tree flowers can be used for Sloe flowers.
The leaves have been used as a tea substitute
Main Combinations:
1. Diarrhea:
i. Juice of Sloes with Raisin seeds
ii. Juice of Sloes with Chebula and Nutmeg
2. Dysentery:
i. juice of Sloe, juice of Barberry (equal parts), mixed and taken with wine. (Wirtzung)
ii juice of Sloe, Quince juice, Plantain seed, Cypress nuts, Oak bark, Butchers Broom bark, form a syrup.
iii. juice of Sloe with Pomegranate bark, Comfrey root, Dragon’s Blood, Red Earth, Rose, Gall, Cinnamon, powder and make small pills with Plantain juice. (Wirtzung)
3. Stomach heat with indigestion, roast Sloes and eat them. (Hildegard von Bingen)
4. Threatened Miscarriage, Sloe bark with Blue Cohosh.
5. Scarlet Fever and other eruptive Fevers, Sloe flowers, Linden flower, Rosehip, Blackberry leaf, Aniseed
6. Kneipps Blood Purification Tea: Strawberry leaf with Dwarf Elder root, Elder flower, Sandalwood, Mistletoe, Nettle, Sloe flowers, Juniper shoots
7. Skin rashes, Sloe flower. Walnut leaf with Heartsease, Sanicle, Pimpernel, Sarsaparilla (Rose)
8. Gout:
i. mix Sloe fruit with Honey and eat regularly. (Hildegard von Bingen)
ii. Sloe fruit burnt (3 parts), Cinnamon (2 parts), Clove (1 part), add the powders to wine mixed with clarified Honey to form a spiced wine. (Hildegard von Bingen)
9. Headache from trauma, juice of Sloes, Dragons Blood, Hypocistus, Red (Armenian) Earth, Sealed Earth (equal parts), powder, mix with egg white and apply to the place. (Wirtzung)
10. To remove hair: ‘anoint the hairy place with the juice of Sloes, and it will make the hairy place bald and smooth’. (Wirtzung)
11. Heat or blisters of the eyes, mix Sloe juice with Rose water and apply. (Wirtzung)
12. Fistula in the corner of the eye, Mumiya (Shilajit), Red Earth, Juice of Sloes, Frankincense, Mastic (1 part each), Cypress nuts, Galls, Tragacanth (2 parts each). Make a plaster with a little vinegar and apply.
13. Hernia: juice of Sloe, Frankincense, Mastic, parched Cumin, Dill seed, Cypress nut, Tragacanth, with Honey of Roses form an Electuary. Take 2 drams every morning, and 1 dram every night. This was said to have cured many when it was used in conjunction with a truss. (Wirtzung)
14. Plaster for Hernia:
i. juice of Sloe, Comfrey, Tansy, Pomegranate flowers, Mastic, made into a plaster with oil and wax.
ii. juice of Sloe, Cypress nuts, Myrrh, Frankincense, Galls, Marjoram, as a plaster topically.
iii. Shilajit, Dragon’s Blood, Red Earth, Frankincense, Myrrh, Cypress nuts, Juice of Sloes mixed with Vinegar, Wax and Resin to a Salve, to be applied three times daily for 40 days. (Wirtzung)
15. Plaster to prevent miscarriage: juice of Sloe,
16. A bath to make fruitful: take 6 handfuls of Sloe roots. Boil in water until the water becomes red, then add Alum (1 pound), Sulphur (half pound) both tied up in a bag. Let it steep then add to bath water. (Brunschwig, 1561)
17. To reduce overgrowing of the Breasts, Sloe juice, Pomegranate peel, Alum, roasted Lentils, Snails burnt, Southernwood, form a salve with Plantain juice and apply. (Wirtzung)
Major Formulas:
Troches of Amber (some versions)
Should not be used in those with Constipation.
Main Preparations used:
Rob of Sloe, Dried Juice, Conserve, Distilled Water of the Flowers
Thickened Juice or Rob of Sloe
i. The fruit is expressed and gently simmered down until as thick as honey. This will keep good for a year.
ii. Sloes (not fully ripe), stew in water until soft, push through a sieve, evaporate excess moisture and add half its weight of sugar and boil to a suitable consistency.
Dried Juice of the Unripe fruit:
The unripe fruit juice is expressed and gently boiled down until thick, then allowed to sun-dry. This is an astringent and was used as a substitute for Acacia.
Conserve of Sloes
Soak the fruit in water until soft, then press through a sieve to extract the pulp. Mix with 3 times its weight of sugar and form a conserve. Culpeper said only an equal weight of sugar should be used, which will be both more sour and more effectual.
Distilled Water of the Flowers
Used for ‘Gnawings in the Stomach, the Sides and Bowels, or any griping Pains in any of them’. (Culpeper)