Promote Menstruation

For Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea and Irregular Menstruation

Western Tradition

Menstrua provocant – Promote Menstruation
For Amenorrhea

Decoction Against Retention of Menstruation
Decoction for the Womb (Schroder)
Decoction to Promote Menstruation
Decoction to Promote Menstruation (Turner)

Decoction to Promote Menstruation (Wirtzung)

Emmenagogue Decoction (Riverius)
Syrup Against Cachexia (D’Aquin)
Syrup of Mugwort Compound
Syrup of Betony (Augustana)
Syrup of Betony juice
Syrup of Sage juice

Tincture of Caraway
Tincture of Cinnamon
Tincture of Juniper berry
Tincture of Musk
Tincture of Pepper
Tincture of Iron Compound
Tincture of Myrrh and Aloes

Emmenagogue Powder
Powder of Gum Lacca (Dialacca) (Mesue)
Powder of Calamint (Diacalamenthum) (Nicholas)

Antidotum Haemagogum (Nicholas)
The Queen of Colen’s Electuary
Hiera Ruffini
Hiera Pachi, or Hiera Archigenis
Hiera Pachi
Uterine Powder (Species Hysterica)
Powder to Promote Menstruation (Riverius)
Powder to Promote Menstruation (Rondeletius)

Troches of Myrrh
Troches for the Womb

Triphera Greater (Triphera Magnus) (Nicholas)
Pills of Amber
Pills of Sagapen

Antelope Horn 14 (Rgya ru bcu bzhi) (Tibetan) 
Auscpicious Conqueror (Bkra shis rnam rgyal) (Tibetan)
Boladi Vati (Ayurveda)

Cause of obstructed Menstruation:

Decoction to Promote Menstruation
Syrup of Betony Juice
Syrup of Betony (Augustana)
Syrup of Mugwort (Augustana)
Syrup of Five Roots
Tincture of Bees
Tincture of Caraway
Tincture of Pepper
Tincture of Cinnamon
Tincture of Juniper berry
Wine for the Womb
Powder of Seeds
Greater Calamint Powder (Diacalamint Comp.)
Comp. Cinnamon Powder (Diacinnamonum)(Mesue)
Powder of Three Peppers (Diatrionpiperion) (Galen)
Troches for the Womb
Electuary Provoking Menstruation (Antidot. Haema.)
Triphera Greater (Triphera Magnus) (Nicholas)
Sitz Bath to Promote Menstruation
Auscpicious Conqueror (Bkra shis rnam rgyal) (Tibetan)
Podophyllum 25 (‘Ol se nyer lnga) (Tibetan)

Blood Stagnation
Decoction for the Womb (Schroder)
Syrup Against Cachexia (D’Aquin)
Syrup of Myrrh
Tincture of Musk
Tincture of Myrrh
Tincture of Rue
Tincture of Myrrh and Aloes
Wine of Marjoram
Troches of Myrrh
Dialacca Major (Mesue)
Dialacca Minor (Mesue)
Musked Troches (Gallia Muscata) (Mesue)
Tincture to Clear a Dead Fetus (Mylius)
Pills of Amber
Emmenagogue Powder
Boladi Vati (Ayurveda)
Auscpicious Conqueror (Bkra shis rnam rgyal) (Tibetan)
Podophyllum 25 (‘Ol se nyer lnga) (Tibetan)

Cold and Weak Kidneys
Decoction to Promote Menstruation 
Syrup of Five Roots
Tincture of Caraway
Tincture of Cinnamon
Powder of Seeds
Electuary of Orchid (Diasatyrion) (Nicholas)
Triphera Greater (Triphera Magnus) (Nicholas)
Auscpicious Conqueror (Bkra shis rnam rgyal) (Tibetan)
Podophyllum 25 (‘Ol se nyer lnga) (Tibetan)

Blood Deficiency
Tincture of Angelica seeds
Tincture of Iron Compound
Electuary of the Flakes of Iron (Rhasis)

According to the Humors:

Obstructed by Damp and Phlegm
Tincture of Cinnamon
Tincture of Caraway
Tincture of Juniper berry
Tincture of Rue
Tincture of Lemon Thyme
Tincture of Valerian
The Queen of Colen’s Electuary
Greater Calamint Powder (Diacalamint Comp.)
Comp. Cinnamon Powder (Diacinnamonum) (Mesue)
Powder of Seeds
Troches of Myrrh
Pills of Amber
Boladi Vati (Ayurveda)
Podophyllum 25 (‘Ol se nyer lnga) (Tibetan)

Obstructed by Wind / Qi Stagnation
Tincture of Balm
Tincture of Caraway
Tincture of Juniper berry
Tincture of Rue
Tincture of Valerian
Greater Calamint Powder (Diacalamint Compound)
Hysteric Powder (Quercetan)
Powder of Seeds
Troches for the Womb
Triphera Greater (Triphera Magnus) (Nicholas)
Electuary of the Flakes of Iron (Rhasis)
Podophyllum 25 (‘Ol se nyer lnga) (Tibetan)

Obstructed by Heat / Bile
Aromatic Pills of Aloes (Aloephangine) (Mesue)
Dialacca Major (Mesue)

Obstruction by Melancholy
Electuary of the Flakes of Iron (Rhasis)
Hiera Pachi, or Hiera Archigenis
Triphera Greater (Triphera Magnus) (Nicholas)
TCM Classification

Liver Qi Stagnation
1. irregular periods;
2. painful periods
3. early or late and scanty with blood clots
with abdominal pain, breast tenderness, PMS, irritability, hyper-emotional, bitter taste, dry throat.
Xiao Yao San
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San
Hei Xiao Yao San
Ding Jing Tang
Qing Gan Da Yu Tan

Syrup of Mugwort
Spleen Qi Deficiency
1. early or scanty period; or
2. heavy period that is pale and watery period; or
3. continual spotting
with pale and dilute menstrual blood, shortness of breath, loose stools, epigastric distension, tiredness, palpitation, short of breath.
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Gui Pi Tang
Hei Xiao Yao San
Ju Yuan Jian

Blood Heat
heavy period with bright or dark red dense blood, restlessness, a feeling of heat, thirst, dark urine, headaches, insomnia, fast pulse, red tongue
Bao Yin Jian

Blood Deficiency
1. Amenorrhea; or
2. late and scanty period,
+pale menstrual blood, dull pale complexion, blurred vision, dizziness, palpitations, insomnia.
Si Wu Tang
Da Bu Yuan Jian
Ba Zhen Tang

Elect. of Iron (Rhasis)
Tinc. of Iron Compound

Blood Stasis
1. Amenorrhea; or
2. Dysmenorrhea (Painful Period)
3. Heavy period, or
4. Prolonged Bleeding, or
5. Spotting between periods; or
with dark colored blood, irritable, pain worse with pressure, pain relieved after menstruation

Tao Hong Si Wu Tang
Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Shi Xiao San

Troches of Myrrh
Troches of Saffron
Heart and Spleen Deficiency
1. Amenorrhea
+palpitations, depression, anxiety, insomnia, pale complexion, tiredness, loose stools, poor appetite.
Gui Pi Tang

Kidney Yin Deficiency
1. irregular period, or
2. scanty periods, or
3. prolonged bleeding, or
4. spotting between periods
5. Amenorrhea
+dizziness, blurred vision, night sweats, dry mouth, feeling of heat in the evening.
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
Zuo Gui Wan
Dang Gui Di Huang Yin

Yang Deficiency
1. Amenorrhea; or
2. late period, or
3. irregular periods; or
4. Spotting between periods
with scanty pale blood, lower back and abdominal pain before period, pain relieved by warmth, feels the cold, nocturia, dizziness.
Ba Zhen Tang
Shen Qi Wan

Special Formula

1. Motherwort
2. Calamint
    Rosemary                       equal parts
Decoct in water or wine.
2. Cyperus rotunuds
    Peony root
3. Savin
    Saffron                            equal parts
Form a powder to be taken with wine.
4. Savin juice clarified      2 oz.
    Cinnamon                      2 drams
    Saffron                            4 grains
    Distilled Radish Water 2 oz.
Mix well together. Taken twice it “provokes marvellously the flowers of a woman” (Secrets of Alexis)
1.  Ligusticum Chuang Xiong. 6 grams
    Cyperus rotundus                6 grams
    Dang Gui                                4 grams
    Safflower                                3 grams