Promote ChastityAnaphrodisiacs are medicine that retrain or hinder sexual desire. These medicines are used for various purposes:
- By Monks and those who are celibate
- Those with excessive Sexual appetite
- Previously used for teenagers who masturbate
Some appently have an effect on the sex hormones. Some are cold medicines that calm excess Kidney Heat which predisposes to excess sexual thoughts and drives Lust.
Some were said to “abate Seed”.
Western Tradition Simples
Formulas Syrup of Agnus Castus Troches of Agnus Castus Tincture of Rue |
Chinese Classification Simples Formulas Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan |
Special Formula
1. Agnus Castus seed with Lettuce seed
2. Agnus Castus seed, Cannabis seed, Rue seed, Lettuce seed, Purslane seed
3. Water Lily root, Cuttle fish bone
Pills Inducing Chastity
Powder of Water Lily roots ½ oz.
Salt of Saturn (Lead) 2 drams
Cuttlefish bone 6 drams
Camphor 9 drams
Syrup of Water Lily roots qs.