Principal Herbals
printed between 1470–1670Hortus Sanitatis, 1491
With the development of the printing press, numerous Herbals began to be printed. Because of the importance of identification, early herbals were some of the first printed texts to have wide use of illustrations, including the use of hand colored woodcuts in early editions.
The following list of texts between 1470–1670 covers the major Herbals of the West. Some are pure Herbals, while some are texts which have sections on herbs. A few are texts on Distillation or Medical treatment that also cover herbs.
Many are downloadable, in some cases in full color. Many of the texts are linked to Google Books. Where available, higher quality, full color sources are given too.
The list has been based on the list of Herbals in the appendix of ‘Herbals, Their Origin and Evolution’, Agnes Arbes, 1912.
Bartholomaeus Anglicus [Glanville, Bartholomew de]. Liber de Proprietatibus Rerum. [Cologne, 1470?
— (Another Edition), Liber de Proprietatibus Rerum 1471 (Downloadable–high quality, Dusseldorf University)
— (Another Edition), Liber de Proprietatibus Rerum. 1485. (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Liber de Proprietatibus Rerum. [Westminster, 1495?] Translation by Trevisa, printed by Wynkyn de Worde
— (Another Edition). Liber de Proprietatibus Rerum, 1505 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Liber de Proprietatibus Rerum, 1519 (Downloadable)
Konrad von Megenberg [Cunrat]. Hye nach volget das puch der natur.… Augspurg, 1475
Albertus Magnus [erroneously attributed to]. Liber aggregationis seu liber secretorum Alberti magni de virtutibus herbarum... (Johannem de Annunciata de Augusta, 1478)
— (Another Edition) Liber secretorum de virtutibus herbarum, 1502 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). De Virtutibus Herbarum. De Virtutibus Lapidum. De Virtutibus Animalium, Geneva. [1487] (Downloadable, e-rara)
— (Another Edition). De Virtutibus Herbarum. De Virtutibus Lapidum. De Virtutibus Animalium, Mathias van der Goes [Antwerp, 1491?] (Downloadable, NLM)
— (Another Edition). De Virtutibus Herbarum. De Virtutibus Lapidum. De Virtutibus Animalium, Thomas Laisne, Rouen. [1500?]
— (Another Edition). The boke of secretes of Albertus Magnus, of the vertues of Herbes, Stones and certaine Beastes. London, Wyllyam Copland. [1560?]
Apuleius Platonicus. Incipit Herbarium Apulei Platonici ad Marcum Agrippam. [Lignamine. Rome, 1484?]
— (Another Edition), de Viribus herbarum, 1543 (Downloadable)
The Latin Herbarius [referred to by various authors as ‘Herbarius’, Aggregator de Simplicibus, Herbarius Moguntinus, Herbarius Patavinus, etc. [Peter Schoffer. Mainz.] 1484.
— (Another Edition), Herbarius Moguntinus, 1484, Black and White Woodblock illustrations (High quality,
Downloadable, Wikimedia)
— (Another Edition), Herbarius Latinus, 1485, Color Woodblock illustrations (High quality, Downloadable, National Library of Medicine). BEST COPY
— (Another Edition), Herbarius Latinus, 1486, Woodblock illustrations (High quality, Downloadable, Color, Google)
— (Another Edition), Herbarius Latinus, 1486, Woodblock illustrations (High quality, Downloadable, National Library of Medicine)
— (Another Edition). Dye prologhe de oversetters uyt den latyn in dyetsche. [Veldener, Kuilenborg.] 1484. [Flemish translation]
— (Another Edition). Incipit Tractatus de virtutibus herbarum… Impressum Venetiisper Simonem Papiensem dictum Bivilaquam… 1499. [Sometimes called ‘Herbarius Arnoldi de nova villa Avicenna.’]
— (Another Edition), Incipit Tractus de virtutibus herbarum… 1509 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), Incipit Tractus de virtutibus herbarum… 1520 Woodcut illustration, (Downloadable)
The German Herbarius [referred to by various authors as the Herbarius zu Teutsch, the German Ortus Sanitatis, the smaller Onus, Johann von Cube’s Herbal, etc.] [Peter Schoffer] Mencz, 1485. (Wellcome, Color, High quality, Downloadable). BEST COPY
— (Another Edition). [Sorg.] Augspurg, 1485.
— (Another Edition). [French translation], 1501?.
— (Another Edition), Herbarius, 1527 (Downloadable)
Ortus Sanitatis [Hortus Sanitatis] Jacobus Meydenbach. Moguntia, 1491.
— (Another Edition), Ortus Sanitatis, 1511. Illustrated (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), Ortus Sanitatis, 1517. Illustrated (Downloadable)
— other editions, 1501, 1539
Macer, Aemilius [Odo]. ‘Macers Herbal’; Macer floridus De viribus herbarum. [Paris?. 1500 circa.]
— (Another Edition), Geneva, 1498 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), 1506 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), Geneva, 1506 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), 1511 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), Geneva, 1513 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), Geneva, 1517 (Downloadable)
Front page of Distillierbuch der rechten Kunst, Brunschwig, 1551
Braunschweig [Brunschwig], Hieronymus [Jerome of Brunswick]. Liber de arte distillandi. de Simplicibus. Johannes Grueninger. Strassburg, 1500.
Many versions and editions were printed:
— (Another Edition), Liber de arte distillandi…, 1512 Edition (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), Das Destillierbuch … 1521. Color Illustrations (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). The vertuose boke of Distyllacyon of the waters of all maner of Herbes … Laurens Andrewe. London, 1527 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Das Buch zu Distilieren,… 1532. Color Illustrations (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Distillierbuch der rechten Kunst, Brunschwig, 1551 (Downloadable)
— Medicinarius: Das buch der Gesuntheit Liber de arte distillandi Simplicia et Composita, 1505. Color illustrations (Downloadable)
Ruellius, Johannes [Ruel, Jean]. Commentary on the Herbal of Dioscorides. 1516 (Downloadable)
Czerny, Johann [Johannes Niger de Praga]. Knieha lekarska kteraz slowe herbarz (= Arzneibuch, welches heisst Herbarium) Hieronymus Holtzel. Nurnberg, 1517 (Downloadable)
Arnold de Villa Nova, Tractus De Virtutibus Herbarum, 1520 (Downloadable)
Herball. Rycharde Banckes. London, 1525.
— (Another Edition). Macers Herbal. Robert Wyer. London, 1530 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Charynge Crosse. London. 1535?
— (Another Edition). Wyllyam Copland. London. 1550
— (Another Edition). A litle Herball of the properties of Herbes … Anthony Askham, Jhon Kynge. London, 1550.
Before 1526
Grand Herbier. Le Grand Herbieren Francoys. Pierre Sergent. Paris, n.d.
— (Another Edition), 1591 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Le Grand Herbieren Francoys, Le Noir, 1545. Illustrated (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). The Grete Herball, Peter Treveris. London, 1526.
— (Another Edition). The Grete Herball, Imprynted at London, Peter Treveris, 1529.
Theophrastus. Theodore Gaza interprete… Christiani Wechel, 1529. (Downloadable)
Brunfelsius, Otho [Brunfels, Otto von]. Herbarum vivae eicones … Joannem Schottum. 1530. Color illustrations (Downloadable)
— (Another Copy, better quality) 1530 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition) 1532 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Contrafayt Kreuterbuch… Strasszburg, Hans Schotten. 1534
Rhodlon, D. Eucharius. Krautterbuch… 1533 (Downloadable)
Many editions of this work were printed
— (Another Edition), 1546. (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), 1569 (Downloadable)
Amatus Lusitanus [Castello Branco, J.R de]. Index Dioscoridis … Antverpias (Antwerp) Vidua Martini Caesaris. 1536. (Downloadable)
Ruellius, Johannes [Ruel, Jean]. De Natura stirpium libri tres. Parisiis. 1536 (Downloadable)
Turner, William. Libellus de re herbaria novus, Londini apud Joannem Byddellum. 1538.
Tragus, Hieronymus [Bock, Hieronymus]. New Kreutterbuch, Strassburg, durch Wendel Rihel. 1539. (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Kreuter Buch. Wendel Rihel. Strasburg, 1546 (Downloadable)
— (Another edition), New Kreuterbuch, Hieronymos Boch (1546) (University of Dusseldorf)
— (Another Edition). De stirpium … Interprete Davide Kybero… Argentorati Excudebat Wendelinus Rihelius… 1552 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), Kreutterbuch, 1565, Color illustrations (Downloadable)
Agricola, Johann, Medicineae herbariae, Basil, 1539 (Downloadable)
Dorsten, Theodore, Botanicon Continens herbarum,… 1540 (Downloadable)
Gesner, Conrad, Historia Plantum, 1541 (Downloadable)
Fuchsius, Leonhardus [Fuchs, Leonhard]. De historia stirpium… Basileaa … 1542
— (Another Edition). New Kreüterbuch, 1543, Basel (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Den Nieuwen Herbarius. Michael Isingrin. Basell, 1543 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition}. Leonharti Fuchsii medici… Isingrin. Basileas, 1545 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), De historia stirpium… Paris, 1546 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), Leonharti Fuchsii medici, 1559 (Downloadable)
Gesnerus, Conradus [Gesner, Konrad]. Catalogus plantarum Latine ..., Christoph. Froschouerum, 1542 (Downloadable)
Matthiolus, Petrus Andreas [Mattioli, Pierandrea]. Commentary on Dioscorides, Venetia, Nicolo de Bascarina da Pavone di Brescia, 1544?
— (Another Edition), 1549 (Downloadable)
— Commentarii, in libros sex Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbei, de medica materia…. Venetiis… apud Vincentium Valgrisium. 1554 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Commentarii in sex libros Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbei de Medica materia… Venetiis, Ex Officina Valgrisiana. 1565 (Downloadable)
Ryff, Walther Hermann, Das new groß Distillier Buch, 1545 (Downloadable)
Dantz, Johann, Krauterbuch..., [commentary on Dioscorides], 1546 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), Krauterbuch, 1610 (Downloadable)
Ryff, Walther Hermann, Lustgarten der Gesundtheit, 1546 (Downloadable)
Arnoldua de Villa Nova, Den Groten Herbam, [Simon Cock] 1547 (Downloadable)
Turner, William. The names of herbes in Greke, Latin, Englishe Duche and Frenche wyth the commune names that Herbaries and Apotecaries use. John Day and Wyllyam Setes. London, 1548.
— (Another Edition). The Names of Herbes, A.D. 1548. Edited by James Britten. London, 1881.
Schnellenberg, Tarquinius, Artzneybuch… , 1549 (Downloadable)
Turner, William. A new Herball. Steven Mierdman. London, 1551. (Downloadable)
— The seconde parte of William Turners herball. Arnold Birckman. Collen, 1562.
— The first and seconde partes of the Herbal of William Turner… with the Third parte, lately gathered …. Arnold Birckman. Collen. 1568.
Lonitzer, Adam, Naturalis historiae opus nouum, Frankfurti, 1551 (Downloadable)
Amatus, Lusitanus [Castello Branco, J. R. de]. Commentary on Dioscorides … Venetiis, 1553.
Bellonlus, Petrus [Belon, Pierre]. De arboribus coniferis, resiniferis, aliis quoque nonnullis sempiterna fronde virentibus,… Parisiis Apud Gulielmum Cavellat… 1553 (Downloadable)
— Les Observations de plusieurs singularitez et choses memorables, trouve’es en Grece, Asie, Jude’e, Egypte, Arabic, et autres pays estranges … Imprinta Paris par Benoist Prevost… 1553 (Downloadable)
Dodonseus, Rembertus [Dodoens, Rembert]. Cruydeboeck … 1554.
— (Another Edition). Histoire des plantes… Jean Loe. Anvers. 1557 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). A Nievve Herball, or Historic of Plantes … by Henry Lyte Esquyer. At London by me Gerard Dewes … 1578. (Downloadable)
Ryff, Walther Hermann, Das new groß Distillierbuch. 1556 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Neues Vollkommen Distillierbuch, Ryff, Walther Hermann & Brunschwig, Hieronymus, 1597 (Downloadable)
Maranta, Bartholomseus. Venetiis, Ex officina Erasmiana Vincentii. Valgrisii, 1559.
Cordus, Valerius. Annotationes in Discoridis de medica materia [Commentary on Dioscorides]. Josias Rihelius. 1561 (Downloadable)
Ryff, Walther Hermann, Kurtz Handbuchlin, vnd Experiment vieler Artzneyen…, 1561 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), 1594 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), 1599, Color Illustrations (Downloadable)
Mizaldus, Autonius [Mizauld, Antoine]. Alexikepus, seu auxiliaris hortus … Lutctias, Apud Federicum Morellum…. 1565 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Artztgarten … Georgen Benisch von Bartfeld… zu Basel bey Peter Perna. 1575 (Downloadable)
Dodonseus, Rembertus [Dodoens, Rembert]. Frumentorum, leguminum, palustrium et aquatilium herbarum…historia. Antverpias, Christophori Plantini. 1566 (Downloadable)
Dodonseus, Rembertus [Dodoens, Rembert]. florum, et coronariarum odoratarumque nonnullarum herbarum historia, Antverpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantini. 1568 (Downloadable)
Monardes, Nicolas. Dos libros, el veno que trat a de tod as las cosas que traen de nuestras Indias Occidentales...Impresses en Sevilla en casa de Hernando Diaz…. 1569 (Downloadable)
— Segunda parte del libro, de las cosas que se traen de nuestras Indias Occidentales…. En sevilla En casa Alonso Escrivano, 1571. (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition}. Joyfull newes out of the newe founde worlde, wherein is declared the rare and singuler vertues of diverse… Hearbes… Englished by John Frampton. London, W. Norton, 1577.
Bombast von Hohenheim (Paracelsus). Ettliche Tractatus des hocherfarnen unnd berumbtesten Philippi Theophrasti Paracelsi…. I. Von Natiirlichen dingen. II. Beschreibung etilcher kreutter. III. Von Metallen. IV. Von Mineralen. V. Von Edlen Gesteinen. Strassburg. Christian Mullers Erben. 1570.
— (Another Edition) 1572 (Downloadable)
Lobelius, Mathias [de L’Obel or de Lobel, Mathias] and Pena, Petrus [Pena, Pierre]. Stirpium adversaria nova. Londini. 1570.
— (Another Edition). Nova stirpium adversaria,… Antverpiae Apud Christophorum Plantinum. 1576. (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Plantarum seu stirpium historia,…Cui annexum est Adversariorum volumen. Antverpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantini. 1576 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Kruydtboeck. Antwerpen. By Christoffel Plantyn. 1581 (Downloadable)
Matthiolus, Petrus Andreas [Mattioli, Pierandrea]. Compendium De Plantis omnibus,… Francisco Calceolario… Venetiis, In Officina Valgrisiana. 1571 (Downloadable)
Winckler, Nicolaus. Chronica herbarum, florum, seminum,… Augusts Vindelicorum in officina Typographica Michaelis Mangeri. 1571 (Downloadable)
Dodonseus, Rembertus [Dodoens, Rembert]. Purgantium aliarumque eo facientum … Antverpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1574 (Downloadable)
Carrichter, Bartholomseus. Kreutterbuch… Gedrucktzu Strassburg… bey Christian Muller. 1575.
— (Another Edition), 1577 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), 1591 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), 1589 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), 1609 (Downloadable)
Clusus, Carolus [l’Ecluse or l’Escluse, Charles de]. Caroli Clusii atrebat. Rariorum aliquot stirpium per Hispanias observatarum Historia,… Antverpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantini,… 1576. (Downloadable)
Thurneisserus. Leonhardus [Thurneisser zum Thurn, Leonhardt]. Historia sive descriptio plantarum…. Berlini Excudebat Michael Hentzske. 1578 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Historia unnd Beschreibung Influentischer, Elementischer und Natiirlicher Wirckungen, Aller fremden unnd Heimischen Erdgewechssen…. Berlin, Michael Hentzsken. 1578 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Historia sive descriptio plantarum… Coloniae Agrippinae, apud Joannem Gymnicum,… 1587 (Downloadable)
Lonitzer, Adam, Kratuerbuch, 1578 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), Kreuterbuch, kunstliche Conterfeytunge, Uffenbach & Lonitzer, 1678 (e-rara)
Historia unnd Beschreibung Influentischer, Thurneisserus, 1578 |
Krauterbuch, Adam Lonitzer, 1578 |
Dodoneeus, Rembertus [Dodoens, Rembert]. Historia vitis vinique. Coloniae Apud Maternum Cholinum. 1580 (Downloadable)
Lobelius, Mathias [de L’Obel or de Lobel, Mathias]. Plantarum seu stirpium icones. Antverpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantini. 1581 (Downloadable)
Rauwolff, Leonhard. Leonharti Rauwolfen,… Aigentliche beschreibung der Raiss, so er vor diser zeit gegen Auffgang inn die Morgenlander,… Leonhart Reinmichel. 1582 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition) 1583.
Caesalpinus, Andreas [Cesalpino, Andrea]. De plantis libri xvi.… Florentiae, Apud Georgium Marescottum. 1583. (Downloadable)
Clusius, Carolus [1’Ecluse or l’Escluse, Charles de]. Car. Clusii atrebatis Rariorum aliquot Stirpium, per Pannoniam, Austrian, et vicinas… Historia… Antverpiae Ex officina Christophori Plantini. 1583. (Downloadable)
Dodoneaus, Rembertus [Dodoens, Rembert]. Stirpium historiae Antverpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantini. 1583. (Downloadable)
Linocier, Geofroy. L’histoire des plantes, Paris, Chez Charles Mace…. 1584. (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), 1620 (Downloadable)
Durante, Castor. Herbario Nuovo.… Roma, lacomo Turnierii, 1585. (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), 1585 (Downloadable)
Matthiolus, Petrus Andreas [Mattioli, Pierandrea]. De plantis Epi tome utilissima… auctore Francisco Calceolario, Francofurti ad Moenum. 1586. (Downloadable)
Dalechampius, Jacobus [d’Ale’champs or Dallchamps, Jacques]. Historia generalis plantarum, … Lugduni, apud Gulielmum Rovillium. 1586 (Downloadable)
— 1587 Edition (Part II?) (Downloadable)
Camerarius, Joachim. Hortus medicus et philosophicus… Francofurti ad Moenum. 1588. (Downloadable)
— Irenes accurate…delineatae praecipuarum stirpium, quarum descriptiones tarn in Horto…. Impressum Francofurti ad Moenum. 1588.
Porta, Johannes Baptista [Porta, Giambattista]. Phytognomonica …. Neapoli, Apud Horatium Saluianum. 1588. (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition) 1591 (Downloadable)
Theodorus, Jacobus [Theodor, Jacob, or Tabernaemontanus, Jacobus Theodorus]. Neuw Kreuterbuch,… [Nicolaus Bassaeus] Franckfurt am Mayn. 1588 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), 1591 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Eicones plantarum seu stirpium. Nicolaus Bassaeus, Francofurti ad Moenum, 1590. [This edition contains the plant illustrations only] (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). Neuw vollkommentlich Kreuterbuch,… gemehret, Durch Casparum Bauhinum…. Franckfurt am Mayn, Durch Nicolaum Hoffman, In verlegung Johannis Bassaei und Johann Dreutels. 1613. (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition) Tabernaemontanus, Jacob Theodore, New vollkommen Kräuter-Buch (1664) (University of Dusseldorf)
Matthiolus, Petrus Andreas [Mattioli, Pierandrea]. Kreuterbuch,… Frankfurt, gedruckt bei Johann Feyerabend. 1590.
— (Another Edition). Kreutterbuch… gemehret, unnd verfertigt, Durch Joachimum Camerarium… Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn. 1600.
Alpinus, Prosper [Alpino, Prospero]. De plantis Aegypti.… Venetiis… Apud Franciscum de Franciscis Senensem. 1592. (Downloadable)
Columna, Fabius [Colonna, Fabio] Plantarum aliquot historia…Ex Officina Horatii Saluiani. Neapoli, 1592. (Downloadable)
Zaluzian, Adam Zaluziansky von. Methodi herbaria: Pragae, in officina Georgii Dacziceni. 1592. (Downloadable)
Bauhinus, Caspar [Bauhin, Gaspard]. Enumeratio plantarum.… Basileae, per Sebastianum Henricpetri. 1596. (Downloadable)
Gerard, John [Gerarde, John]. The Herball or Generall Historic of Plantes…. Imprinted at London by John Norton. 1597. (Downloadable)
— (Another Copy) 1597, downloadable
— (Another Edition). The Herball or Generall Historic of Plantes…. Very much Enlarged and Amended by Thomas Johnson Citizen and Apothecarye of London. London, Printed by Adam Islip, Joice Norton and Richard Whitakers. 1633.
— 1633 Edition (downloadable, from exclassics)
— Reprinted 1636 (Vol 1)
— Reprinted 1636 (Vol 2)
— 1636 edition, high quality, high resolution, downloadable (e-rara)
— – searchable and downloadable pages
Baublnus, Caspar [Bauhin, Gaspard]. Animadversiones in historian generalem plantarum Lugduni editam…. Francoforti, Excudebat Melchior Hartmann, Impensis Nicolai Bassaai… 1601 (Downloadable)
Clusius, Carolus [l’Ecluse or l’Escluse, Charles de]. Caroli Clusii atrebatis,… rariorum plantarum historia…. Antverpiae Ex officina Plantiniana Apud Joannem Moretum. 1601. (Downloadable)
Columna, Fabius [Colonna, Fabio]. Minus cognitarum stirpium aliquot... Romae. Apud Guilielmum Facciottum. 1606. (Downloadable)
— Pars altera. Romae. Apud Jacobum Mascardum. 1616 (Downloadable)
Spigelius, Adrianus. Isagoges in rem herbariam Libri Duo.… Patavii, Apud Paulum Meiettum. Ex Typographia Laurentii Pasquati. 1606 (Downloadable)
Gunther, Simon, Hortulus Sanitatis, hoc est de tuenda et conservanda bona valetudine (Schiederus], 1608 (Downloadable)
Durante, Castor. Hortulus Sanitatis, Franckfort am Mayn, durch Nicolaum Hoffmann….1609. (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition) (Downloadable)
Renealmus, Paulus [Reneaulme, Paul]. Specimen Historic Plantarum, Parisiis, Apud Hadrianum Beys… 1611 (Downloadable)
Beslerus, Basilius [Besler, Basil]. Hortus Eystettensis… [Eichstadt]. 1613. Illustrated (Downloadable)
Passeus, Crispian [Passe, Crispin de or Crispian de]. Hortus floridus … Extant Amhemii Apud loannem lanssonium… 1614. (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). A Garden of Flowers…. Printed at Utrecht By Salomon de Roy. 1615.
Olorlnus, Johannes [Sommer, Johann, aus Zwickau]. Centura Herbaruin Mirabilium Das ist: Hundert Wunderkrauter…. Magdeburgk, Bey Levin Braunss…. 1616.
— Centuria Arborum Mirabilium Das ist: Hundert Wunderbaume…. Magdeburgk, Bey Levin Braunss…. 1616.
Bauhlnus, Joannes [Bauhin, Jean] and Cherlerus, J.H. [Cherler, J.H.]. Historiae Plantarum Generalis … Ebroduni, Ex Typographia Societatis Caldorianae. 1619.
— (Another Edition). Historia Plantarum Universalis… Quam recensuit et auxit … Chabraeus … publici fecit, Fr. Lud. a Graftenried…. Ebroduni, 1650 (Downloadable)
Bauhlnus, Caspar [Bauhin, Gaspard]. Theatri Botanici … Francofurti ad Moenum, Typis Pauli Jacobi, impensis Joannis Treudelii. 1620.
— (Another Edition). Basilea Helvet, 1623 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition), 1623 (Downloadable) (e-rara)
Popp, Johann [Poppe, Johann]. Krauter Buch,… Leipzig, In Verlegung Zachariae Schiirers, und Matthiae Gotzen… 1625.
Brosse, Guy de la. De la nature, vertu, et utilite des plantes…. A Paris, Chez Rollin Baragnes… 1628. (Downloadable)
Johnson, Thomas. Descriptio Itineris Plantarum Investigationis…in Agrum Cantianum…. (London, 1629)
— (Another Edition). Descriptio Itineris Plantarum… in Agrum Cantianum… Excudebat, Tho. Cotes. [London]
Parkinson, John. Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris. A Garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers which our English ayre will permitt to be noursed up :… London, Printed by Humfrey Lownes and Robert Young at the signe of the Starre on Bread-street hill. 1629 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition) 1635 (Downloadable)
Donati, Antonio. Trattato de semplici,… in Venetia,…Appresso Pietro Maria Bertano. 1631.
Johnson, Thomas. Mercurius Botanicus:… Londini, Excudebat Thorn. Cotes. 1634.
Cornut, Jacques Philippe, Canadensium plantarum,…Paris, 1635 (Downloadable)
Parkinson, John. Theatrum Botanicum: The Theater of Plants. Or, an Herball of a Large Extent... London, Printed by Tho. Cotes. 1640. (Downloadable)
— (Another Copy) (e-rara) high quality, high resolution, downloadable
Culpeper, Nicholas. A Physicall Directory or A translation of the London Dispensatory Made by the Colledge of Physicians in London…with many hundred additions…. London, Printed for Peter Cole… 1649.
— (Another Edition). A Physicall Directory…, 1651 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). The English Physitian enlarged…. London, Printed by Peter Cole… 1653.
— (Another Edition). The English Physitian enlarged…. London 1666 (Downloadable)
— (Another Edition). The English Physitian enlarged…. London, Printed by Peter Cole… 1698. (Downloadable)
Culpeper’s complete herbal to which is now added, upwards of one hundred additional herbs, with a display of their medicinal and occult qualities, 1816 (Downloadable, e-rara)
How, William. Phytologia Britannica. Londoni, Typis Ric. Cotes, Impensis, Octaviani Pulleyn. 1650.
Bombast von Hohenheim [Paracelsus]. Paracelsus his Dispensatory and Chirurgery….Faithfully Englished, by W. D., London: Printed by T. M. for Philip Chetwind…. 1656.
Cole, William [Coles, William]. The Art of Simpling. London, Printed by J.G. for Nath. Brook. 1656.
Cole, William [Coles, William]. Adam in Eden: or, Natures Paradise…. London, Printed by J. Streater, for Nathaniel Brooke…. 1657.
Bauhinus, Caspar [Bauhin, Gaspard]. Caspari Bauhini… Theatri Botanici sive Historiae Plantarum… Basileae. Apud Joannem Konig. 1658 (Downloadable)
Lovell, Robert. PAMBOTANOLOGIA, sive Enchiridion Botanicum, or a Compleat Herball… Oxford, Printed by William Hall, for Ric. Davis… 1659.
— (Another Edition) PAMBOTANOLOGIA, sive Enchiridion Botanicum,… 1665 (Downloadable)
Jonatonus, Johannes [Jonston or Johnstone, John} Dendrographias Sive Historiae Naturalis de Arboribus et Fruticibus… Francofurti ad Moenum. Typis Hicronymi Polichii. Sumptibus Haeredum Matthaei Meriani. 1662. (Downloadable)
Turner, Robert. BOTANOLOGIA. The Brittish Physician: or, The Nature and Vertues of English Plants. London, Printed by R. Wood for Nath. Brook. 1664.
Chabraeus, Dominicus. Stirpium icones et sciagraphia.… Genevae Typis Phil. Gamoneti et lac. de la Pierre. 1666. (Downloadable)
Aldrovandus, Ulysses [Aldrovandi, Ulisse]. Ulyssis Aldrovandi… Dendrologiae Naturalis Scilicet Arborum Historiae…. Bononiae typis Jo. Baptistae Ferronii. 1667.
— (Another Edition) Ulyssis Aldrovandi… Dendrologiae Naturalis … 1668 (Downloadable)
Nylandt, Petras. De Nederlandtse Herbarius of Kruydt-Boeck,… Amsterdam, voor Marcus Doornick,… 1670. (Downloadable)
See also
Useful Medical Texts (with downloabale texts)
Notable Texts