Primula veris, Cowslip
Herb Paralysis, Radix Arthritica
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Herbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530

Stafleu, F.A., Cowan, R.S., Mennega, E.A., et al., Taxonomic Literature, 2nd ed., (1973-2008)
Botanical name:
Primula spp.
- P. veris (syn. P officinalis) (Cowslip)
- P. vulgaris (Primrose)
- P. elatior (Oxslip)
Parts used:
Root; Leaf; Flower
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter
1. Calms the Liver, Clears Wind and Heat, Stops Spasms:
-‘all infirmities of the head coming of Heat and Wind as Vertigo, Ephialtes, false Apparitions, Frenzies, Falling Sickness, Palsies, Convulsions, Cramps, pains in the Nerves’ … and ‘Strengthens the Brain and Nerves’ (Culpeper)
-Dizziness, Trembling, Headaches, Migraines
-Anxiety or Restlessness with insomnia
-Water Distilled from Cowslips was used to strengthen the Memory.
-Root, Leaf & Flower are used for this function
2. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis:
-Apoplexy (Lonicerus, 1564)
-Paralysis of the Tongue and Concussion
-Heart tonic (Lonicerus, 1564)
3. Clears Wind and Damp, Benefits the Sinews and Joints:
-Paralysis, Cramps, Muscular or Articular Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Lower Back pain
–‘all diseases of the Sinews’ (Salmon)
–‘members that are loose and out of joint’. (Gerard)
4. Stops Cough, Clears Phlegm and Heat:
-irritable, dry coughs, chronic Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Pneumonia
-Scrofula and Throat Tumors.
-as an expectorant it is 5 times stronger than Senega (Joachimowitz, 1920)
5. Emetic:
-In larger doses, it is Emetic: the Root in powder ‘purges Choler, Phlegm and Water by vomit’.
6. Promotes Urine, Clears Gravel and Stones:
-‘The decoction of the roots is thought to be profitably given against the stone in the Kidney and Bladder’ (Gerard)
–Culpeper said ‘the roots ease pains in the back and bladder, and opens the passages of urine’.
7. Externally:
-externally for Gout and Tumors that follow Stinging of Venomous Beasts
-Tincture of the root in Vinegar is snuffed up the nose ‘cures the Toothache wonderfully’. (Schroder)
–juice was snuffed up the nose for Migraine
1. Calms the Mind and Spirit, Clears Heat:
-Nervous Headache, Anxiety, Restlessness, Insomnia, especially in children.
2. Clears Wind and Heat, Promotes Sweat:
-Fever, Headache, red and itchy Eyes
-blocked Sinuses with runny nose and frontal headache as seen in Sinusitis, Rhinitis, and some Allergies
-used for Measles in children, for which it is commended.
-Spasmodic Coughs including Whopping Cough in children.
3. Strengthens during Pregnancy:
-Traditionally said to be beneficial during Pregnancy.
4. Externally:
-Ointment or Distilled Water is a useful cosmetic
–‘drive wrinkles away’, and ‘adds to beauty, or at least restores it when it is lost’ (Culpeper)
-useful for Spots, Freckles and skin blemishes (distilled water)
1. Root is stronger and better for Nervous (Wind) diseases as well as disease diseases of the bones, sinews and joints.
2. Flowers are better for acute Heat diseases and Coughs, especially in children.
3. Leaf can be used as for the Root, but is weaker. Often, the whole herb with root was used
Root in Powder: 1–3 grams
Herb in Powder: 1–5 grams
Herb in Infusion or Brief Decoction: 3–6 grams
Flower in Powder: 500mg–2 grams
Main Combinations:
1. Insomnia, Cowslip flower, Lavender flower, St. John’s wort, Hops
2. Migraine, Cowslip herb and root, Lavender, Valerian, Betony, St. Johns wort, Hops
3. Childhood Epilepsy, with Rosemary, Lavender, Balm, Cowslip flower (Becker)
4. Asthma, Cowslip herb, Coltsfoot, Linseed (Ulrich)
5. Measles in Children, Cowslip flowers, Calendula, Vervain, Pennyroyal
6. Bronchitis, Cowslip root, Coltsfoot, Ribwort Plantain, Licorice, Annis
7. Tuberculosis, Cowslip root, with Knotgrass, Horsetail
8. Lower Back and Joint pain, Cowslip root, Nettle, Vervain
9. Rheumatism and Arthritis, Ash leaf, Nettle leaf, Broom, Cowslip leaf (Kroeber)
10. Joint pain, apply Camomile, Cowslip and Dwarf Elder (Arnold de Villa Nova)
Root is best avoided during Pregnancy.
Main Preparations used:
Distilled Water of the whole Herb, Conserve of the Flowers, Syrup, Vinegar
1. Conserve of Cowslip:
i. Cowslip flowers (1 part), White Sugar (2 parts). Beat.
2. Distilled Water of Cowslip:
i. Cowslip flowers (or flowering Herb) (1 part), Water (3 parts). Distil one and a half parts.
3. Syrup of Cowslip:
i. fresh Cowslip flowers (3 ½ pounds), Boiling Water (4 lbs.), Infuse 24 hours, and press; dissolve in 18 ounces of strained liquor White Sugar (32 oz.) and dissolve. (Dispensatorium medico pharmaceuticum Palatinatus, 1764)
4. Vinegar of Cowslip:
i. Cowslip root, half dried and bruised (1 ½ oz.), Vinegar (1 pound). Macerate 15 days, shaking daily. express and add alcohol (1 oz.). Decant the clear liquor after several days. (Pharmacopoeia Herbipolitania, 1796)
Extra Info
- Research