Primary Sources for Formulas
The following is a list of the primary sources for the medicinal formula listed on medicinetraditionsWestern Tradition
-Antidotarium, Plantini, Christopher, Antwerp, 1561
-Antidotarii Bononiae, Joannem Rossium, 1574
-Antidotarium Bononien, 1641
-Antidotarium Gandavense sive Medicamentorum Componendorum, 1652
-Antidotarum Romanum, 1585
-Antidotarium Romanum, Laurentium Bertellum, Venica, 1590
–A Treatise on The Canon of Medicine of Avicenna, O. Cameron Gruner, M.D., London, 1930.
Bates, George
–Pharmacopeia Bateana: or Bate’s Dispensatory, translated from the second Edition of the Latin Copy, by William Salmon, London, 1694
Bauderon, Brice
–Pharmacopoea, Paris, 1639
Bayfield, Robert
–Tractus De Tumoribus, or A Treatise of Preternatural Tumors by Robert Bayfield, London, 1662
Bertellum, Laurentium
–Antidotarium Romanum, Venice, 1590
Birckman, Arnold
–Dispensarium Usuale pro Pharmacopoeis, Cologne, 1565
Bolnest, Edward
–Aurora Chemica; or a Rational Way of Preparing Animals, Vegetables and Minerals for a Physical Use, London, 1672.
Bonet, Theophrastus
–‘A Guide to the Practical Physician, showing from the most approved Authors, both Ancient and Modern, the truest and safest way of curing all Diseases Internal and External, Whether by Medicine, Surgery, or Diet’ … Theophrastus Bonet, MD, London, 1684.
Border, D.
–The English Unparalelled Physitian and Chyrurgian, London, 1651.
Brevel, Walter
– Praxis Medicinae, or The Physicians Practise, wherein are contained all inward diseases from the Head to the Feet, 1639
Castello, Joanne
–Pharmacopoea Universa Medicamenta, 1622
Caverlier, Guillelmum
–Codex Medicamentarius, seu Pharmacopoea Parisiensis, Paris, 1748
Charras, Moses (FP)
–The Royal Pharmacopeia; Galenical and Chemical, According to the Most Eminent and Learned Physicians of France by Moses Charras, the Kings Chief Operator in his Royal Garden of Plants, 1678.
Coatsworth, Dr.
–Pharmacopoeia Pauperum, or the Hospital Dispensatory containing the medicines used in the Hospitals of London, Dr. Coatsworth et. al., London, 1718
Cooke, James
–Mellificium Chirurgiae, or the Marrow or Chirurgery … The Marrow of Physic, showing the Causes, Signs and Cures of most Diseases incident to human bodies … the 4th edition, enlarged … and purged from many faults … By James Cooke of Warwick, Practitioner of Physic and Chirurgery, London, 1685
Coles, Elisha
–An English Dictionary Explaining difficult terms in … Physick, 1676
Cordus, Valerii
–Novus Valerii Cordi Dispensatorium, Venice, 1570
–Val Cordi Dispensatorium, Jacob Gassarum, Neapoli, 1622
–Val Cordi Dispensatorium sive Pharmacorum, Franciscum Raphelengium, 1590
Culpeper, Nicholas
–Culpeper’s Complete Herbal, Bloomsbury Books, 1992.
–Culpeper’s Complete Herbal and English Physician Enlarged, Meyerbooks, 1990.
–Composita or A Synopsis of the Chiefest Compositions in use now with Galenists, Collected by Nicholas Culpeper, 1655.
–A Physical Directory, or a Translation of the Dispensatory made by the College of Physitians of London, 2nd Edition, Nicholas Culpeper, London, 1650.
–Pharmacopeia Londinensis; or the London Dispensatory, Further adorned by the Studies and Collections of the Fellows, 6th Enlarged Edition, Nicholas Culpeper, 1659.
-Culpeper’s Directory for Midwives, or Guide for Women, 1662.
-Culpepers School of Physic, 1679
De Rebecque, Constantion
–Atrium Medicinae Helvetiorum, 1691
–Dispensarium Lippiacum, 1792
–Dispensarium usuale pro Pharmacopoeis, Arnold Bicker, Cologne, 1565
–Dispensatorium Fuldense, 1791
–Dispensatorium medico pharmaceuticum Palatinatus, 1764
–Dispensatorium Pharmaceuticum, 1777
–Dispensatorium Pharmaceuticum Austriaco, 1729
Fontanus, Nicholas
–The Womens Doctor (translated) London, 1652.
Fuller, Thomas
–Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea, Thomas Fuller, London, 1710
Gerard, John
–Gerard’s Herbal, The Essence thereof Distilled by Marcus Woodward from the Edition of TH. Johnson, 1636, reprinted by Studio Editions, 1990.
Hartman, George
–A Choice Collection of Rare Secrets and Experiments in Philosophy as also Rare and Unheard of Medicines, Menstrums, and Alkahests … Collected and Experimented by the Honourable and Truly Learned Sir Kenelm Digby, Chancellour to Her Majesty the Queen Mother, by George Hartman, 1682
–The Family Physitian, or a Collection of Choice, Approved and Experienced Remedies for the Cure of almost all diseases incident to Human Bodies, by George Hartman, London, 1696
Hay, Alexander
–Tyrocinium Pharmaceuticum, 1697
Johnson, T.H.,
–The Works of that Famous Chirurgeon Ambrose Parey, Translated out of Latin, and compared with the French, London, 1678.
Jouberti, Laur.
–Pharmacopoea, 1579
le Febure, Nicasius
–A Compleat Body of Chemistry, Laid open in 2 Books, and Dedicated to the use of all Apothecaries by Nicasius le Febure, Royal Professor in Chemistry to his Majesty of England, Fellow of the Royal Society, translated from the French, London, 1670.
Lemery & Tournefort
–A Complete History of Drugs, translated into English, London, 1712.
Lowe, Peter
–The Whole Course of Chiurgerie, Facsimile of the First Edition of 1597, produced by the Classics of Medicine Library, 1981
Manlio, Giovanni Giacomo
–Luminare majus super mesue antidotarium et practicam, 1494
Mesue, Johannis
-Medici Ferrariensis, 1544, 1556
-Antidotarium, 1546, 1550, 1561
-De Re Medica, Paris, 1553
-Luminarea Majus, 1494
-Opera de Medica 1589
Nicholas Myrepsus, Nicholas Alexandrinus
-De Medicis Pulveribus, 1545
-Medicamentorum Opus, 1550, 1625
-Theatrum Medico Practicum, 1658
Nicolas Salernitus, Nicholas Praepositus
-Incipit Antidotarium Nicolai, 1471
-Compendium aromaticum, 1488
-Dispensarium Magistri Nicolai, 1537
-Lumen Apothecariorum, 1492
-Luminare Majus Lumen Apothecariorum, Venice, 1564
-Prepositas his Practise, translated out of Latin into English by L.M., London, 1588
Palmer, Thomas
–The Admirable Secrets of Physick and Chyrurgery, 1696; Edited by Thomas Rogers Forbes and Printed by Yale University Press, 1984.
Parey, Ambrose
–The Works of that Famous Chirurgeon Ambrose Parey, Translated out of Latin, and compared with the French, by T.H. Johnson … London, 1678.
Pechey, John
–‘The Compleat Midwives Practice Enlarged … Containing a perfect Directory, or Rules for Midwives and Nurses … From the Experience of our English Authors … and others of Foreign Nations. With Instructions of the Queen of Frances Midwife to her Daughter … The Fifth Edition Corrected and Much enlarged’. John Pechey, Fellow of the College of Physicians, London, 1698 (illustrated)
–A General Treatise of the Diseases of Maids, Bigbellied Women, Child-bed-women, and Widows. Together with the best methods curing the same. London, 1696.
–A General Treatise of the Diseases of Children collected from the best practical Authors, London, 1697
Penicher, Ludovico
–Collectanea Pharmaceutica, 1695
–Armen Pharmacopoea, Hufeland, 1825
–Codex Medicamentarius, seu Pharmacopoea Parisiensis, Petrum-Guillelmum Cavelier, 1758
–Concordia Pharacopolarum Barcionenensium, 1587
–Farmacopea Ferrarensis, 1825
–Laur Jouberti Pharmacopoea, Pauli Zanmaisteri, 1579
–Officina Medicamentorum, 1601
-Pharmacopoeia Amstelodamensis, 1792
–Pharmacopoeia Argentorati, Johannis Reinholdi Dulsseckeri, 1725
–Pharmacopoeia Augustana, Andre Apergeri, 1623
–Pharmacopoeia Augustana, fascimile of the first edition [1564], State Historical Society of Wisconsim, 1927
–Pharmacopoea, Bauderon, Brice, London, 1639
–Pharmacopoea Bruxellensis, 1541
–Pharmacopoea Cathalana, sive Antidotarium Barcinonense, Johannis Alos, 1686
–Pharmacopoeia Gallica, 1818
–Pharmacopoeia Generalis, Spielmann, 1783
–Pharmacopoeia Herbipolitania, 1796
–Pharmacopoeia Hispana, 1798
–Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, 1618
–Pharmacopoeia Lusitana, 1711
–Pharmacopoeia Oldenburgica, 1801
–Pharmacopoeia Sardoa, 1773
–Pharmacopoeia Wirtembergica, 1798
–Pharmacopoea Wirtenbergia, Lausannae Helvetiorum, 1785
–Pharmacopoeia Wurceburgensis, 1815
–Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1824
Renodeus, John
–Dispensatorium Medicum, Frankfurt, 1609
–Renodeus, his ‘Dispensatory containing the Whole Body of Physic … in 5 Books … with a most Perfect and Absolute Pharmacopeia’ by Renodeus, Physician to the King of France, translated by Richard Tomlinson, 1657.
Riverius, Lazarus
–Secrets of the Famous Lazarus Riverius, Councellor and Physician to the French King, And Professor of Physick in the University of Montpelier, translated from the Latin, London, 1685.
Rossium, Johannem
–Antidotarii Bononiensis, Bologna, 1574
Rulandus, Martinus
–A Lexicon of Alchemy, or Dictionary of Alchemy, by, Frankfurt, 1612; reprinted by Samuel Weiser, 1984.
Salmon, William
–Doron Medicum: or, a Supplement to the New London Dispensatory in 3 Books, by William Salmon, 1668, 1683
–Iatrica: The Practice of Curing, being a Medicinal History of many Famous Observations in the cure of Diseases, performed by the Author hereof, William Salmon, 1684.
–Medicina Practica: or Practical Physick … to which is added The Philosophical Works of Hermes Trismegistus, Kalid, Gerber, Artesius, Nicholas Flammel, Roger Bacon and George Ripley, in 3 Books, by William Salmon, 1692.
–Phylaxis Medicina, a Supplement to the London Dispensatory, William Salmon, 1688, 1700
–Pharmacopaiea Londinensis, 1696
–The New London Dispensatory in 6 Books, 1678
–Salmon also translated and commented on a number of books including Pharmacopeia Bateana
Schroder, Dr. John
–‘The Compleat Chymical Dispensatory, in five books … written in Latin, by Dr. John Schroder, that most famous and faithful Chymist, and Englished, By William Rowland, Dr. of Physick … London: Printed by John Darby … 1669’.
Sylvius, Jacob
–Methodus Medicamenta Componendi, 1549
Wecker, Johann Jacob
–Antidotarium Generale et Speciale, 1574
-Antidotarium Speciale, Basil, 1577, 1588 (?)
-Practica Medicinae Generalis, 1597
Willis, Dr.
– The London Practice of Physic; or the whole Practical Part of Physick contained in the works of Dr. Willis, 1689
Wirtzung, Christopher
–Praxis Medicinae Universallis; or A General Practice of Physick, compiled and written by Christopher Wirtzung in German; Translated into English and Corrected by Jacob Mosan, Printed in London, 1598.
Zwelfer, Johanne
–Pharmacopeiam Augustana, 1667
–Pharmacopoeia Regia seu Dispensatorium Novum, 1668, 1693
-Unani Pharmacopoeia of India–Formulations, Vol. 1 (2009) & 2 (2010)
-National Formulary of Unani Medicine, 2011, Dept. of Health, Government of India
-Handbook on Unani medicines with formulae, processes, uses and analysis, by NIIR Board of Consultants & Engineers, Delhi, 2006
-Murakkabat (Unani Formulation), Dr. Hifzul Kabir, India, 2003
-The Dispensatory of Ibn at-Tilmid, Olive Kahl, 2007
-Avicenna, Canon of Medicine, Gruner, 1930
-Pharmacopoea Persica, 1681
-product information collected in Western India between 1996–2006 by Adam
-Essentials of Ayurveda, Priya Vrat Sharma, Delhi, 1993
-The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Govt. of India, 2003, 2007
-Kaviraj, Sengupta–The Ayurvedic System of Medicine, Vol. 1 & 2, 1984
-Ranade, A Textbook of Kayachikitsa, 3 Vols., 2007
-The Ayurveda Encyclopedia, Swami Sada Shiva Tirtha, AHA press, 1998
-product information collected in India between 1996–2019 by Adam
Tibetan Medicine
-Tibetan Medicine; a series of Journals published by Library of Tibetan Works between 1980-1985.
-Lectures on Tibetan Medicine by Lady Dr. Lobsang Dolma Khangkar, compiled and edited by K. Dhondup, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, India, 1991.
-Formulary of Tibetan Medicine, Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Ph.D., Classics India Publications, Delhi, India, 1988.
-Tibetan Medicine; translated by Rechung Rinpoche Jampal Kunzang, University of California Press, 1976.
-Essentials of Tibetan Traditional Medicine, Thinley Gyatso, Chris Hakim, 2010
-Handbook of Traditional Tibetan Drugs, T. J. Tsarong, Tibetan Medical Publications, Darjeeling, India, 1986.
-Tibetan Medicine, with special reference to Yoga Sataka, by Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, India, 1976.
-Health Through Balance, Dr. Yeshi Donden, Snow Lion Publications, 1986.
-Tibetan-English Dictionary of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology, Drungtso & Drungtso, 2nd Edition, 2005
-Bhutan National Formulary, 2013
-Recipes for Men Tsee Kang Featured Recipes, Tibetan Medicine, Andrey Alexandrovich Kosoburo, Popular Science Publication (Russian), 2005
-A large Buryat prescription reference book of Tibetan medicine, translated by D.B. Dashieva
-Menzikan recipes. Selected Recipes of Tibetan Medicine. Yuri Lovlev (Russian), 2005
-product information collected in India, Tibet and China between 2000–2016 by Adam
– (Russian Website containing Tibetan formulas)
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
-Compendium of Materia Medica (Ben Cao Gang Mu), Li Shenzhen (First edition 1593), Translated and Annotated by Luo Xiwen, 2003
-Shang Han Lun, Translated and Edited by Hong-Yen Hsu, Ph.D and William Peacher, M.D., Oriental Healing Arts Institute, 1981.
-Handbook of Chinese Herbs and Formulas, Vols. I and II, by Him-che Yeung, C.A., O.M.D., Ph.D.
-Chinese Herbal Medicine Formula and Strategies, D. Bensky and A. Barolet, Eastland Press, 1990
-A Practical English-Chinese Library of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 12 Books
-product information collected in China and Hong Kong between 1996–2024 by Adam