Preparers and Purgers of Phlegm
Unani Medicines to Purge PhlegmMateria Medica in Arabic & Persian, Shirazy, 1793
Water and Fluid are aspects of Phlegm Humor but have their own Purgatives called Hydragoga:
See also:
Introduction to Humoral Medicine
Purging the Humours
Preparers and Purgers of Bile
Preparers and Purges of Melancholy
Purging Mixed Humors
Preparers of Phlegm |
Purgatives of Phlegm |
Fruit Juniper berries Herbs Hyssop Pennyroyal St. Johns wort Sage Horehound Wormwood Nettle Marjoram Maidenhair Roots Elecampane Angelica Celery Fennel Orris China Galangal Valerian Seeds Celery Fennel Caraway Coriander Nettle Gum Myrrh Storax Gum Ammoniac Aromatics Pepper Clove Spikenard Mace Peel Orange peel Wood Sassafras Other Sugar Amber Ambergris Compounds Syrup of 2 Roots Syrup of Wormwood Byzantine Syrup Simplex Oxymel Theriac Diarrhodon Abbatis Diamoschu Dulce Diagalanga Diaireos Alipta Moschata Troches of Myrrh Troches of Agrimony Electuary of Gems (M) Syrup of 5 Roots Syrup of Hyssop Honey of Roses Compound Oxymel Mithridate Aromaticum Rosatum Diambra Dianthos Confectio Alkermes Gallia Moschata Aurea Alexandrina Troches of Wormwood |
Barberry Balm Calamint Rue Rosemary Betony Agrimony Thyme Oregano Licorice Zedoary Parsley Peony Calamus Sarsaparilla Ginger Stoechas Parsley Anise Cumin Mustard Peony Frankincense Mastic Ginger Cardamon Aloeswood Cubeb Citron peel Guaiacum Honey Musk Castoreum |
Mild Chebulic Myrobalan Belleric Myrobalan Hyssop Nettle Safflower seed Pepper Bay berry Centaury Polypody Mastic Sagapen Niter Strong Turbith Daphne Cyclamen Birthwort Squill Euphorbium Castor seed prepared Compounds Oxymel Hiera Picra with Agaric Diacarthamum Diaphoenicum Aromatic Pills of Aloes Pil. Sine Quibus Foetid Pills (Mesue) Pills of Colchicum Pills of Agaric (Avicenn.) Benedicta Laxativa Hiera Logadii Diaturpethum Electuary of Citron Pil Cochia Arthritic Pills Golden Pill Pil Assajaret Pills to Clarify |
Emblic Myrobalan Coltsfoot Thyme Mint Pellitory Ginger Elder berry Wormwood Dodder Bdellium Sal Ammoniac Honey Agaric Colocynth Colchicum Black Hellebore Jalap Arum Elaterium |
Sample Preparatives of Phlegm Humor
1. Celery seed & root Fennel seed Parsley root 2. Black Pepper Ginger Cardamon |
3. Angelica Galangal Elecampane 4. Juniper berry Agrimony Wormwood |
Primary Purgatives of Phlegm
1. Compound of Turbith (Avicenna) Turbith Ginger Mastic ½ oz. Sugar 1 ½ oz. Powder. Dose: half–1 dram 2. Infusion to Purge Phlegm (Mesue) Agaric Chebula 1 dram Ginger Annis Sal Gem ½ scruple Infuse for 10 hours in Wormwood water; press and sweeten with sugar to taste. 3. Infusion to Purge Phlegm Greater (Mesue) Agaric Chebula 1 dram Turbith 1 scruple Safflower ½ scruple Ginger Annis Mastic Clove Cinnamon 6 grains |
4. Pills of Mastic (Mesue) Aloe 10 drams Mastic 4 drams Agaric 3 drams Form pills with Marshmallow juice or Hydromel. Dose: half–1 dram 5. Pills of Agaric (Avicenna) Agaric Mastic 3 drams Turbith 5 drams Hiera Picra of Galen 4 drams Colocynth Sarcocolla 2 drams ea. Roots of Blue Flower-de-Luce White Horehound Saffron 1 dram With wine form Pills. Dose: half–1 dram 6. Pills to cleanse the Chest (Avicenna) Agaric Turbith Myrrh 3 drams Colocynth Sarcocol 2 drams Roots of Blue Flower-de-Luce Horehound 1 dram Hiera Picra of Galen 4 drams Form Pills with wine. Dose: half–1 dram. |
Extra Formulas
Pill to Purge Phlegm Aloe Agaric Mastic Epithymum Myrrh Gum Ammoniac Saffron Form pills with Syrup of Mugwort. (Natura exenterata, Philiatros, 1655) |