Premna, AgnimanthaHeadache treeAgnimantha (Ayurveda) Arani (Sanskrit) Munnai (Siddha) Arni (Unani) |
R. Wight, Icones Plantarum Indiae Orientalis, vol. 4 (1846)
Premna serratifolia
(Photo by Vengolis) (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Premna spp.
- P. serratifolia (syn. P. obtusifolia, P. corymbosa, P. integrifolia, Cornutia corymbosa, Gumira litorea) in South India.
- P. latifolia is used as Agnimantha. in Northern and Western India.
Clerodendrum phlomidis is an accepted substitute for the Agnimantha, and is also called Agnimantha.
Parts used:
Leaf, Root (or Root-bark); whole plant
Whole plant was prescribed by Charaka and Shushruta, the root is generally used today.
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Bitter, Pungent, Sweet
1. Warms the Kidneys, Clears Damp, Promotes Urine: (Ayurveda)
-Urinary tract diseases
-Obesity (decoction, Charaka)
-Diabetes (proven hypoglycemic effect)
2. Settles Wind, Clears Damp, Stops Spasms: (Unani)
-Arthritis, Rheumatism
-Tingling, Numbness (Heartwood is used in Myanmar)
3. Clears Cold Phlegm, Stops Cough: (Unani)
-Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma
4. Clears Wind-Damp, Resists Poison
-Fever; Eruptive Fever
-Convalesence from Fever
-Urticaria, itching and allergic skin conditions
5. Warms and Strengthens the Stomach: (Ayurveda, Unani)
-Flatulence, Colic (leaf decoction is used)
-it can benefit the Spleen to nourish blood in anemia
6. Promotes Milk:
-increases Milk
7. Externally:
-paste made with milk is applied to freckles
-glandular swellings, Erysipelas
Powder of the leaf or root: 3–5 grams
Leaf (infusion) or Root (decoction) (1 in 4): 30–90 mls
Decoction of the Root: 4 oz. is boiled in a pint of water for 15 minutes, and given in doses of 2–4 oz. (Chopra)
Tincture of the Root (1 in 3, 50% alcohol): 3–5 mls.
Fresh leaf juice: 10–25 mls.
1. Clerodendrum serratum is the source of Agnimantha in Northern India, Premna is used in Southern India.
Main Combinations:
Premna is an officially accepted substitute for Clerodendrum serratum; it usually replaces the latter in Dashmula (Ten Roots).
1. Edema, Premna with Coriander seed
2. Urinary diseases, Premna with Tribulus
3. Gravel and Stones, Premna, Ginger, Tribulus, Chebula, Bergenia ligulata, Moringa, Crateva and Cassia fistula (as in Shunthyadi)
4. Diabetes:
i. Premna with Shilajit, Bdellium
ii. Premna with Tinospora and Emblic Myrobalan
5. Obesity, Premna with Shilajit
6. Chronic Fever, Rheumatism, Hemorrhage, Urinary Tract Infections and Dysuria, roots of Premna, Agele, Oroxylum, Stereospermum. This group is called Mahat Panchmuula)
7. Glandular swellings, Erysipelas, make a paste of Premna with Bamboo leaves and apply.
8. External oil for Nervous and Rheumatic diseases, Premna with Aegle, Oroxylum, Erythrina indica, Stereospermum, Withania, Boerhaavia, Tribulus, Solanum xanthocarpum, Solanum indicum, Sida cordifolia, boiled in Sesame oil for external application.
Major Formulas:
Citraka Maritaki
Dashmula Ghirta
Not used in Pregnancy.
An alcoholic extract of Premna herbacea was safe in doses of up 8 grams/kg when administered orally to mice.