Picture Powders & Troches
for External Use

External Medicines may sometimes be used in the form of Powders and Troches. These typically have a superficial effect, Plasters, Oils and Ointments being more penetrating into the tissues due to their Oil and Fat contents.

Powders and Troches may be applied to Stop Bleeding, Dry moist Sores, Wounds and Ulcers, or tighten and firm the Tissues.

Some Troches are prepared in which a little is powdered and mixed in fluid to be applied to the eye after straining.

Powder for Cancer (Galen)
Powder for Cancerous Ulcers (Gabelhover)
Powder for Moist and Hollow Ulcers
Powder for Polyps
Powder for Severe Sore Throat
Powder for Ulcerated Cancer    NEW 8/23
Powder for Warts
Powder to Remove Genital Warts
‘Powder to Tighten the Vulva like a Virgin’ (Galen)
Tooth Powder to Whiten the Teeth (Wirtzung)

Toothache Powder 7 (So snum bdun pa)    NEW 1/24
Universal Clear the Senses Powder (Dbang po kun sel) (Tibetan)    NEW 1/24