
Powders have a number of benefits:

  1. Relatively smaller doses are used when compared to other dosage forms
  2. The ‘whole’ medicine is taken, rather than an extract in water or alcohol
  3. Better for expensive or highly aromatic ingredients.
  4. Powders are good ways of administering medicines which can’t be cooked or extracted (Pearl, Bezoar, etc.)

Making Powders

  1. The most important part of powdering is drying. Medicines must be thoroughly cleansed then dried before they can be powdered. Even when they seem totally dry, putting the medicines into a low oven (50–75˚C) for half–1 hour facilitates pulverisation. Medicines such as seeds which have an oil content often need to be gently roasted or dry-fried until brown to enable powdering. Medicines such as Saffron and some flowers were dried gently between sheets of paper to avoid loss of aromatic compounds.
  2. While it is deemed better to powder medicines separately, in practice, medicines can be powdered together. However, in this case, expensive, toxic or ‘special’ medicines are added separately at the end to avoid loss and regulate dose.
  3. Hard stones and minerals are often heated then quenched several times to facilitate powdering.
  4. Stones and Gems are often levigated which means triturating in a mortar with a liquid. Adding liquid to the substance being powdered stops the fine dust from flying away during the powdering process. Often a distilled water was used for this process which can enhance the efficacy of the medicines being powdered. Stones that are used for the Heart and Spirit (‘Cordials’) were most often levigated with Rose water. This gives a sweet-smelling scent, helps direct the medicine to the Heart, and enhances efficacy.
  5. In the case of powdering animal medicines such as organs, placenta, testicles, pizzle etc., the best way is washing the organ very well, removing any membranes, and then to cut into slices (if large) and dip into brandy or alcohol. The alcohol will evaporate quickly carrying off water as it dries. Repeating this step a number of times will dry flesh quicker and better than any other way. The alcohol somewhat lessens the smell and helps to preserve the medicinal qualities. Myrrh tincture can be used in place of alcohol to preserve.
  6. Sometimes preparation is used to facilitate powdering or to enhance the effect of the medicine. This may include dry-frying or roasting; stir-frying with a liquid such as vinegar; scorching or carbonising; forming a confection with Sugar; powdering by adding a drop or 2 of oil (such as with Camphor or Ambergris); and, in the case of some animal medicines, drying in salt. In some cases, medicines are dried after being impregnated with juice to form a paste which is then dried and powdered.

Administering Powders

Powders are often taken in small doses of half-1 teaspoonful, or around 500mg–1 gram. They can be mixed with liquid, put into capsules or mixed with honey to take. Often, a specific ‘vehicle’ is used as a carrier for the powder. This can help direct the action of the formula or strengthen its effects.

Taking a powder with warm water is better for cold diseases, cool water may be used for Heat conditions and Fevers, and Wine is used to move the Blood and lead the medicine into the Blood level. Honey is a good vehicle to clear Phlegm and strengthen the Lungs and Spleen, and Oxymel (Honey mixed with Vinegar) is better to break tough Phlegm. Sometimes medicines were to be taken with a Egg yolk, for example in threatened miscarriage and as a tonic during labor.

In some cases, course powders are prepared which are made to be infused in Hot water, or decocted briefly. These are really a sort of infusion or decoction respectively.

Abbots Confection of Roses (Diarrhodon Abbatis)
Aloeswood Powder for Palpitations
Apoplectic Powder of Crato
Aromatic Clove Compound (Aromaticum Caryophyllat.)
Aromatic Hysteric Powder
Aromatic Powder (Mesue)
Aromatic Rose Compound (Aromaticum Rosatum)
Aromatic Rose Compound Lesser (Mesue)
Aromatic Rose Compound for the Stomach (Mesue)
Astringent Powder (Pharmacopoeia Pauperum) 
Astringent Powder (Disp. Pharm. Universale) 
Astringent Powder for Hernia 
Bezoardic Powder of Viper     NEW 7/24
Bezoardic Powder of Deer horn     NEW 7/24
Birth Powder
Black Powder (Pulvis Ethiopicus)
Bruise Powder (Mesue)
Cancer Powder  
Carminative Powder
Cephalic Powder
Cooling Pearl Powder (Diamargariton Frigidum)
Cooling Powder of Gems (Species de Gemmis Frigidii)
Cordial Powder
Elegant Powder for Strangury (Renodeus)
Emmenagogue Powder   
Emollient Powder 
Emperor’s Powder
Emperor’s Powder Against the Plague 
Four Cold Seeds
Holy Bitters (Hiera Picra)
Hiera of Abbas (Unani)
Lesser Cumin Composition (Diospoliticum) (Galen)
Marvelous Powder Against Scrofula (A. de Villa Nova)
New Rose Powder (Rosata Novella) (Nicolas)
Pectoral Powder     NEW 8/23
Peptic Powder
Powder Against Abortion (France)
Powder Against After-pains (Lemery)
Powder Against Apoplexy
Powder Against Apoplexy (1) (Zwelfer)
Powder Against Apoplexy (2) (Zwelfer)
Powder Against Bruising
Powder Against Forgetfulness
Powder Against Heartburn
Powder Against Incontinence
Powder Against Joint Pain
Powder Against Miscarriage
Powder Against Miscarriage (Unani)
Powder Against Obesity
Powder Against Postpartum Pain
Powder Against Rabies
Powder Against Strangury 
Powder Against Toxicity and Venom (Wecker)
Powder for After-pains (Queen of France’s Midwife)
Powder for Apoplexy (Wirtenberg)
Powder for Ascites (Isaac)
Powder for Arthritis of Turner
Powder for Bad Breath from Rotting Teeth
Powder for Bladder Abscess of Alexander Benedictus
Powder for Bleeding During Pregnancy
Powder for Bleeding from the Stomach (Nicolas)
Powder for Bleeding from the Stomach (Serapion)
Powder for Bleeding of Galen
Powder for Bruises (Lemery)
Powder for Bruising (Bononiense)
Powder for Bruising (Wirtzung)
Powder for Bruising Greater (Wirtzung) 
Powder for Bruising Lesser (Renodeus)
Powder for Bruising Greater (Renodeus)
Powder for Burning Urine (Renodeus)
Powder for Cancer
Powder for Cancer (Wiseman)
Powder for Catarrh 
Powder for Catarrh (Grulingus)
Powder for Childhood Convulsions
Powder for Childhood Epilepsy (Riverius)
Powder for Chronic Diarrhea (Nicholas)
Powder for Coagulated Blood (Renodeus)
Powder for Cold Cough
Powder for Cold Diseases of the Head (Renodeus)
Powder for Congealed Blood in the Chest
Powder for Cough (Mesue)
Powder for Defect of Milk
Powder for Diabetes (Unani)
Powder for Diabetes Greater (Unani)
Powder for Diabetes (Riverius)
Powder for Diabetes (Wirtzung)
Powder for Digestion (Riverius)
Powder for Dizziness and Vertigo (Gabelhover)
Powder for Dry Cough
Powder for Dysentery (Nicolas)
Powder for Dysentery (Riverius)
Powder for Dysentery of Galen
Powder for Dysuria
Powder for Edema (Nicolas)
Powder for Edema (Wirtzung)
Powder for Elephantiasis (Isaac)
Powder for Epilepsy
Powder for Epilepsy (Bicker)
Powder for Epilepsy (Lewis)
Powder for Epilepsy (De Medicis Pulveribus)
Powder for Epilepsy (Quincy)
Powder for Epilepsy (Unani)
Powder for Epilepsy of Grulingus
Powder for Epilepsy of Philon
Powder for Evil Complexion of the Heart (Isaac)
Powder for Excess Menstruation (Serapion)
Powder for Excess Sweating
Powder for Excessive Menstrual Bleeding (Wirtzung)
Powder for Excessive Menstruation (Wirtzung)
Powder for the Eyes 
Powder for Foul and Intolerable Appetite in Women
Powder for Gonorrhea
Powder for Gonorrhea from Heat (Nicholas)
Powder for Gout of the Duke of Portland
Powder for Gravel of Dr. Maghenbach
Powder for Hardness of the Kidneys (Alex. Benedictus)
Powder for Hardness of the Kidneys (Nicholas)
Powder for Head Wounds (Andernacus)
Powder for Head Wounds (Bononiense)
Powder Helpful for Epilepsy (Alexander)
Powder for Hemoptysis (Galen)
Powder for Hernia (Pharmacopeia Extemporanea)
Powder for Hernia (Banister)
Powder for Hernia (Pharmacopoeia Dogmatica)
Powder for Hernia of Vigo
Powder for Hoarseness of the Throat (Serapion)
Powder for Hollow Wounds (Wecker)
Powder for Hysteria
Powder for Hysteria with Agnus Castus
Powder for Incontinence
Powder for Incontinence (Alexander Benedictus)
Powder for Incontinence (Rhasis)
Powder for Incontinence (Unani)
Powder for Infertility 
Powder for Kidney Obstruction (Wirtzung)
Powder for Kidney Stones from Heat (Unani)
Powder for Leukorrhea
Powder for the Liver  
Powder for the Liver (Bononiense)
Powder for the Liver (Unani)
Powder for the Liver (Tilmid)
Powder for Loss of Appetite
Powder for Loss of Appetite (Isaac)
Powder for Loss of Appetite Greater
Powder for Loss of Memory and Stupidity (Philon)​
Powder for the Lungs
Powder for the Lungs (Wirtzung)
Powder for Madness (Roneletius)
Powder for Madness (2) (Rondeletius)
Powder for Melancholy (Philon)
Powder for Melancholy (Quercetan)
Powder for the Memory (Sennertus)
Powder for the Memory (Hartman)
Powder for Menstrual Flux (Isaac)
Powder for Menstrual Flux (Nicholas)
Powder for Menstrual Flux (Wirtzung)
Powder for Mental Weakness
Powder for Migraine (Alexander)
Powder for Mixed Humors (Mesue)
Powder for Mortal Poison
Powder for Obesity of Dr. Goedelsteyn
Powder for Palpitation from Heat
Powder for Paralysis and Vertigo (Nicholas)
Powder for Phlegmatic Abscess of the Throat (Isaac)

Powder for Pica
Powder for Scrofula (Arnold de Villa Nova)
Powder for Scrofula (Antidotarium Bononiense)
Powder for Scrofula (Palestra Pharmaceutica)
Powder for Scrofula (Pharmacopoea Argentorarensis)
Powder for Scrofula (Renodeus)
Powder for Scrofula (Wirtzung)
Powder for Spermatorrhea (Bononiense)
Powder for Spermatorrhea (Nicholas)
Powder for the Stomach (Gabelhover)
Powder for the Stomach (Bates) 
Powder for the Stomach (Mylius)     NEW 7/23
Powder for the Stomach (Universale)    NEW 7/23
Powder for Stomach Pain
Powder for Stomach Pain from Bile
Powder for Stones     NEW 7/23
‘Powder for those Hurt by a Fall’
‘Powder for Those who Fall from their Horse’
Powder for Toothache (Galen)
Powder for Trauma
Powder for Urinary Retention
Powder for Uterine Cancer
Powder for Uterine Pain (Wirtzung)     NEW 7/23
Powder for Uterine Pain of Turbith
Powder for Vertigo
Powder for Vertigo which comes from the Stomach
Powder for Vomiting Blood 
Powder for Vomiting from Bile
Powder for Vomiting from Heat
Powder for Vomiting from Phlegm
Powder for Vomiting from Phlegm and Bile (1)
Powder for Vomiting from Phlegm and Bile (2)
Powder for Vomiting of Blood
Powder for Weakness of Sight (Nicholas)
Powder Proven for Lung Defects and Coughs (Galen)
Powder of Aloeswood (Mesue)
Powder of Amber (Unani)
Powder of Ambergis (Diambra) (Mesue)
Powder of Anise Compound (Dianisum) (Mesue)
Powder of Burnt Sponge (Gabelhover)
Powder of Burnt Sponge (Wirtzung)
Powder of Calamint Compound (Diacalamint) (Nicholas)
Powder of Chebula and Rhubarb (Philon)

Powder of Cinnabar for Vertigo
Powder of Cinnamon Compound (Diacinnamonum)
Powder of Coral and Amber (Gabelhover)
Powder of Coral and Mother of Pearl (Gabelhover)

Powder of Crabs
Powder of Crabs (Unani)     NEW 9/24
Powder of Crabs Claw (Countess of Kents Powder)
Powder of Cumin Greater (Diacyminum) (Nicholas)
Powder of Digher (Unani)
Powder of Frankincense and Pepper
Powder of Galangal Compound (Diagalanga) (Mesue)
Powder of Gems for Palpitations (Wirtzung)
Powder of Great Use Against Forgetfulness (Grulingus)
Powder of Gum Lacca Greater (Dialacca) (Mesue)

Powder of Gum Lacca Lesser (Dialacca Minor) (Mesue)
Powder of Gum Lacca Lesser (Dialacca Minor) (Rhasis)
Powder of Happiness (Letificans)

Powder of Haly (Haly)
Powder of Juniper for Vertigo (Wirtzung)
Powder of Lavender (Gerard)
Powder of Lavender Seed to Promote Labor
Powder of Licorice (Unani)
Powder of Lord George of Elt
Powder of Madder and Cuttlebone

Powder of Madder (Salmon)
Powder of Madder (Lemery)
Powder of Marquis
Powder of Marshmallow
Powder of Maximillian for Gravel
Powder of Mistletoe and Peony (Gabelhover)
Powder of Mistletoes (Gabelhover)
Powder of Montagnana for Kidney Ulcers (Nicholas)

Powder of Muhafiz Janeen (Unani)
Powder of Musk Bitter (Diamoschu Amarum) (Mesue)
Powder of Musk Sweet (Diamoschu Dulce) (Mesue)
Powder of Mussel Shells Compound
Powder of Nutmeg for Vertigo
Powder of Optimal Nutrition (Nicholas)

Powder of Plantain Compound
Powder of Polypody (Montagnana)
Powder of Rhubarb (Fuchs)
Powder of Rose and Hematite

Powder of Rosemary Compound (Dianthos) (Nicholas)
Powder of Senna (Montagnana)
Powder of Senna with Flowers (Mesue)
Powder of the Countess of Castel
Powder of Three Peppers (Ditrion Pipereion) (Mesue)
Powder of Three Sandalwood (Ditrionsantalum)
Powder of Tormentil Compound
Powder of Trithemius

Powder to Agglutinate the Lips of Wounds (Nicolas)
Powder to Ascertain if Pregnant (Gabelhover)
Powder to Benefit the Eyes (Riverius)

Powder to Break Blood Above and Below (Nicolas)
Powder to Clarify the Eyes (Nicolas)
Powder to Cleanse the Afterbirth
Powder to Cleanse the Sight (Wirtzung)

Powder to Clear Damp from the Stomach (Nicholas)
Powder to Cool the Heart (Augustana)

Powder to Cool the Liver
Powder to Facilitate Birth (Renodeus)
Powder to Fatten (Mesue)
Powder to Increase Milk Supply

Powder to Make Thin (Safoof Mohazzil)
Powder to Move Blood (Wirtzung)
Powder to Promote Birth (Alexander)
Powder to Promote Menstruation (Riverius)
Powder to Promote Menstruation (Rondeletius)
Powder to Promote Pregnancy (Renodeus)

Powder to Promote Sleep (Philon)​
Powder to Purge Bile (Mesue)
Powder to Purge in Ascites (Nicolas)
Powder to Purge Melancholy
Powder to Purge Phlegm (Unani)
Powder to Quell Excess Lust (Nicolas)
Powder to Restore
Powder to Stimulate Venery (Wecker)
Powder to Stop Bleeding (Wirtzung)
Powder to Stop Bleeding of the Stomach (Nicolas)
Powder to Stop Bleeding of the Stomach (Serapion)
Powder to Strengthen the Head

Powder to Strengthen the Heart

Powder to Strengthen the Memory
Powder to Strengthen the Memory (2)
Powder to Strengthen the Memory (3)
Powder to Strengthen the Stomach (Nicholas)
Powder to Strengthen the Stomach and Digestion
Powder to Strengthen the Stomach of Andernacus

Powder to Strengthen the Teeth (Galen)
Powder to Strengthen the Womb (Culpeper)
Powder to Suppress Hemorrhage (Unani)
Powder to Warm and Bind the Belly
Powder to Warm the Belly (Rondeletius)

Powder to Warm the Head (Bononiense)
Powder to Warm the Head (Rondeletius)
Powder to Warm the Heart
Powder to Warm the Lungs (Mesue)
Powder Purging Melancholy (Fuchs)

Precious Defender Powder (Safoof e Jawahar Mohra)   N 11/23
Red Hungarian Powder
Restorative of Nicholas (Pleres Arconticon) (Nicholas)

Special Powder for Epilepsy (Wirtzung)
Special Powder for Memory (Wirtzung)
Species Incisa (Augustine Pharmacopoeia)
Species Nere
Stone–Breaking Powder (Lithontripticon) (Nicholas)
Styptic Powder (Fuller)
Sugar Penids (Diapenidon) (Nicholas)
Sugar Penids with Spices (Diapenidon Comp.) (Nichol.)

Sugar for Vertigo (Gabelhover)

Temperate Cordial Powder of Gems
Tragacanth Cooling Powder (Diatragacanth Frigidum)
Tragacanth Warming Powder (Diatragacanth Calidii)

Trauma Powder
Uterine Powder (Species Hysterica)
Warming Pearl Powder (Diamarg. Calidum) (Avicenna)
Warming Pearl Powder (Diamarg. Calidum) (Mesue)
Warming Powder of Gems (Mesue)

The White Powder

Eastern Formula

Agnimurkh Churna (Ayurveda)
Aloeswood 8 (Tibetan)
Aloeswood 15 (Tibetan)
Aloeswood 31 (Tibetan)
Aloeswood 35 (Tibetan)

Aloeswood Clear the Heart 8 Powder (Mongolian)
Asafetida Powder (Hingvastaka Churna) (Ayurveda)
Avipattikara Churna (Ayurveda)    NEW 9/23
Ba Zheng San (Eight Herb Powder)    NEW 8/23
Bai Zhu Shao Yao San (TCM)
Balacaturbhadrika (Ayurveda)     NEW 8/23
Barberry 8 Powder (Tibetan)
Bilwadi Churna
Bruhath Triphala Churna (Ayurveda) 
Calcite 6 Powder (Tibetan)
Camphor Powder (Karpuradi Churna) (Ayurveda)
Camphor 25 (Tibetan Medicine)
Cang Er Zi San (Xanthium Powder)   NEW 7/23
Cardamon 10 (Sug smel bcu pa) (Tibetan)
Celery seed Powder (Ajmodadi Churna)
Chai Hu Shu Gan San (TCM)
Clove 11 Powder (Li si bcu gcig) 
Clove 35 (Li shi so lnga).   NEW 10/23
Costus 6 Powder (Ru rta drug pa) (Tibetan)
Dang Gui Shao Yao San (TCM)
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San (Jia Wei Xiao Yao San) (TCM)
Dhatuvallabha Churna (Ayurveda)
Eladi Churna (Cardamon Powder) (Ayurveda)
Emblic Myrobalan Powder (Amalakyadi Churna)
Er Miao San (Two Marvel Powder)     NEW 8/23
Fang Feng Tong Sheng San (TCM)
Frankincense 10 (Spos dkar 10) (Tibetan)
Gou Teng San (Uncaria Powder)    NEW 4/24
Greater Salt Combination (Tshwa sbyor chen mo)     NEW 1/24
Hei Xiao Yao San (Black Free and Easy Powder)    NEW 3/24
Hero 7, Dba bo bdun pa (Tibetan)
Hu Po San (Amber Powder)    NEW 4/24
Jiu Fen San (TCM)
Jiu Xian San (Nine Immortal Powder)    NEW 8/23
Mu Li San (Oyster Shell Powder)    NEW 8/23
Musali Churna (Curculigo Powder)    NEW 8/23
Nagaradi Kvatha Churna (Ayurveda)
Neem Powder (Nimbadi Churna)    NEW 9/23
Navayasa Churna    NEW 9/23
Nutmeg Powder (Jatiphaladi Churna) (Ayurveda)
Panchasama Churna (Ayurveda)
Ping Wei San (TCM)
Ping Xiao Capsules (TCM Patent)
Powder for Seminal Debility
Powder for Prostatitis    NEW 7/23

Powder of Camphor (Ayurveda)
Powder of China root (Chobchini Churna) (Ayurveda)
Powder of Clove (Lavangadi Churna) (Ayurveda)
Powder of 8 Ingredients (Astha Churna) (Ayurveda)
Powder of Emblic Myrobalan (Amalaki Churna) (Ayurveda)
Powder of Sesame and Chebula (Ayurveda)    NEW 7/23
Powder of Silver Fir (Talisadya) (Ayurveda)
Powder of Tribulus (Goksuradi Churna) (Ayurveda)
Powder to Strengthen in Pregnancy    NEW 7/23
Pushyanuga Churna    NEW 9/23
Qi Li San (TCM)
Qing Wei San (Clear the Stomach Powder)     NEW 7/23
Raisin 7 (Tibetan Medicine)
Ren Shen Bai Du San (Ginseng Clear Pathogens Powder)  N  7/
Ren Shen Ge Jie San (Ginseng and Gecko Powder)    NEW 7/23
Restoring Powder 6 (Gso byed drug pa)
Sama Sarkara Churna    NEW 8/23
Sandalwood 8 (Tsan dan brgyad pa) (Tibetan)
Sandalwood 18 (Tibetan Medicine)

Sang Piao Xiao San (TCM)
Sarasvata Churna (Ayurveda)    NEW 8/23
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San (Ginseng, Poria, Atractylodes Pdr.)   N 7/
Sheng Mai San (TCM)
Shi Xiao San (Sudden Smile Powder) (TCM)     NEW 8/23
Shuang Liao Hou Feng San (TCM)
Si Ni San (TCM)
Sitopaladi Powder (Ayurveda)

Six White Formula (Dkar po drug sbyor)    NEW 9/23
Six Excellent Medicines (Tibetan)
Tabasheer 7 (Cu gang bde byed) (Tibetan)    NEW 9/23
Tabasheer 9 (Cu gang dpu pa) (Tibetan)
Tong Xie Yao Fang (TCM)    NEW 7/23
Trikatu (Three Pungents) (Ayurveda)
Triphala (Three Myrobalans) (Ayurveda)

Wu Hu San (TCM)
Wu Ling San (Five Ingredient Powder with Poria)    NEW 7/23
Wu Pi San (Five Peel Powder)    NEW 7/23
Xiao Feng San (Eliminate Wind Powder) (TCM)
Xiao Yao San (‘Happy Wanderer’) (TCM)
Yin Qiao San (TCM)
Yu Ping Feng San (TCM)

Yu Zhen San (True Jade Powder) (TCM)    NEW 8/23
Zai Zao San (TCM)
Zhen Xiang Jiao Nag (TCM)
Zhi Jing San (Stop Spasm Powder)    NEW 8/23
Zhi Sou San (Stop Cough Powder)    NEW 9/23

See also:
Ayurveda & Siddha Formulas
Chinese Medicine (TCM) Formulas
Tibetan & Mongolian Formulas
Unani Formulas