Postpartum has always been recognised as a delicate time which benefits from good regimen. Various traditions are found around the world, often with good foundation.In the immediate Postpartum period the new mother must be monitored for bleeding, full expulsion of the placenta, and then over the next days to check for any signs of infection.
Protecting mother and baby from cold, wind and drafts is common to many societies but is probably most strong in the Chinese custom.
After these precautions, a nourishing diet which is easy to digest and which promotes milk are commonly used.
Lamb and Dang Gui Soup
Chicken Soup
Western Tradition General for After Birth 1. Date stones, Cumin, Grains of Paradise, Saffron taken with wine. (Natura exenterata, Philiatros, 1655) 2. Coldness before or after Birth, Calamus, Clove, Nutmeg, Galangal, Cinnamon (equal parts). Powder and heat in wine, then take, (Natura exenterata, Philiatros, 1655) 3. Fresh Mother of Thyme (1 spoonful) is beaten with salt and taken in broth as soon as possible following birth relieves afterpains. 4. Winter Cherries, Ginger, Black and White Pepper are cooked, then add Ghee and Sugar. (Ayurveda) 5. Sesame, Ginger, Cumin, Parsnip (Ayurveda) 6. Licorice, Lotus Seed, Sugar (Ayurveda) Expel the Afterbirth 1. Boil Garlic in water and get her to sit over the steam. 2. Cassia wood, Madder 3. Powder Calendula flowers, light them with a candle and let the fumes rise to “her place of Nature”. (Secrets of Alexis) Antidotum Haemagogum (Nicholas) Birth Powder Troches for the Womb Auscpicious Conqueror (Bkra shis rnam rgyal) (Tibetan) Flying Squirrel 3 (Bya sha gsum sbyor) (Tibetan) Pacific 6 (Zhi byed drug pa) (Tibetan) Paraquilegia 6 (Mde’u ‘byin drug pa) (Tibetan) Postpartum Weakness 1. Egg Yolks taken promotes strength after birth. Syrup of Five Opening Roots Royal Confection of Kermes (Mesue) Antidotum Haemagogum (Nicholas) Stanyajanana Rasayanum Auscpicious Conqueror (Bkra shis rnam rgyal) (Tibetan) Postpartum Pain 1. Half a dram of Bayberries taken in wine. (Culpeper) 2. Motherwort and Chinese Lovage (Chuan Xiong) 3. Motherwort, Chickweed 4. A plaster of Onions boiled soft mixed with oil, Cumin, and Egg yolk. 5. Marshmallow decocted in wine, mixed with oil and applied 6. Cinnamon, Saffron, Vervain 7. Wormwood; Motherwort, Elder leaf (1 handful each), Bean flour ()quarter pound), two Egg yolks, boil in water until thick and apply to the navel. (Natura exenterata, Philiatros, 1655) Powder Against Postpartum Pain Powder for After-pains (Lemery) Powder for After-pains (Midwife to Queen of France) Antidotum Haemagogum (Nicholas) Troches for the Womb Auscpicious Conqueror (Bkra shis rnam rgyal) (Tibetan) Postpartum Fever 1. Licorice, Lotus seed, Sugar. Powder and take. (Ayurveda) 2. White Sesame, Ginger, Cumin, Parsnip seeds (Ayurveda) Abbots Confect of Rose Auscpicious Conqueror (Bkra shis rnam rgyal) (Tibetan) Postpartum Bleeding Syrup of Coral Cooling Powder of Gems Troches of Spodium (Mesue) Astringent Pills Royal Confection of Kermes (Mesue) |
TCM Classification Blood Deficiency Si Wu Tang Bu Gan Tang Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang Qi Deficiency Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Qi and Blood Deficiency Ba Zhen Tang Gui Pi Tang Blood Stasis Tao Hong Si Wu tang Sheng Hua Tang —————————– Retention of Lochia Sheng Hua Tang Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang Shi Xiao San Note: there are some practitioners that believe Sheng Hua Tang should be taken as a matter of course after delivery. Postpartum Weakness Si Wu Tang Bu Gan Tang Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Ba Zhen Tang Gui Pi Tang Postpartum Depression Gan Mai Da Zao Tang Gui Pi Tang Ba Zhen Tang Postpartum Pain Jiao Ai Tang Sheng Hua Tang Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang Shi Xiao San Postpartum Bleeding Gu Chong Tang Jiao Ai Tang Postpartum Fever Xiao Chai Hu Tang |
1. Prescription of Kampo Formulations for Pre-natal and Post-partum Women in Japan: Data From an Administrative Health Database
2. Randomized Double Masked Trial of Zhi Byed 11, a Tibetan Traditional Medicine, Versus Misoprostol to Prevent Postpartum Hemorrhage in Lhasa, Tibet