Se ‘bru kun ‘dus སེ་འབྲུ་ཀུན་འདུས་ Pomegranate All Inclusive Pill |
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Source / Author:
Men Tsee Kang
Herb NameSe bru (Pomegranate fruit)Shing tsha (Cinnamon) Sug smel (Cardamon) Pi pi ling (Long Pepper) Sga (Ginger) Dza ti (Nutmeg) Pho ri (Black Pepper) Ka ko la (Greater Cardamon) Gur gum (Safflower) Li shi (Clove) Shing kun (Asafetida) Kha ru tsha (Black Salt) Utpal (Blue Poppy) Brag zhun (Shilajit) Gser gyi me tog Rgya tshva (Sal Ammoniac) Rgyam tshva (Rock Salt) Sdig srin (freshwater crab shell) Bras sna gsum (Three seeds) * Ar nag (Aloeswood) Tsan dan dkar (White Sandal) Tsan dan dmar (Red Sandal) Tig ta (Swertia) Cong zhi (Calcite) . Bul tog (Sodium carbonate) Gla rtsi (Musk) Gu gul nag (Myrrh) Gi wang (Bezoar) Cu gang (Tabasheer) Sro lo A byag gnyis ** ‘U su (Coriander seed) Ge sar gsum *** Dmar po gsum **** Ma nu (Inula) Kanda ka ri Sles tres (Tinospora) ‘bras gsum ***** chhu-ser-man-gsum ****** Jo-sha-gsum ******* Tsha la (Borax) Bya thal (Vulture feces) Go snyod (Caraway) Ru rta (Costus) Shu dag (Calamus) Thar nu (Spurge prepared) ******** Dur byid (Spurge) ********* Re lchag (Stellera) Chu rtsi (Rhubarb) Bong nag (Black Aconite) Bong dkar (White Aconite) |
* Bras sna gsum: Three seeds are A bras (Mangifera indica), Sra bras (Eugenia jambolana), Jam bras (Caesalpinia bonducella)
** A byag gnyis: A mix of Pyrethrum tatsiense (A byag gzer ‘joms) and Meconopsis horridula (A byag tsher sngon)
*** Ge sar gsum: Mix of the Calyx, Petals and Pistl of Salmalia malabarica
**** Dmar po gsum: Mix of Rubia cordifolia (Btsod), Lacca (Rgya skyegs) and Onosma hookeri (‘Bri mog)
***** ‘Bras gsum: Triphala (Three fruits)
****** Chu ser man gsum: Frankincnese (Spos dkar), Psoralea (So ma ra dza) and Cassia tora (Thal kar rdo rje)
******* Jo sha gsum: Choerospondias (Snying zho sha), Canavalia (Mkhal ma jo sha) and Entada scandens (Gla gor jo sha)
******** Thar nu is the equivalent to Dudhi (Euphorbia spp.) of Ayurveda. (Drungtso)
********* Some source list Castor or Turpeth. Turpeth can be substituted
Powder and form Pills.
Regulate Humors (Phlegm, Bile, Wind), Settles Wind-Damp, Clears Heat, Opens Obstructions, Strengthens the Spleen and Kidneys
“Eliminate 404 diseases due to Bad kan [Phlegm], Mkhris [Bile], rlung [Wind] and Blood”
1. Acute and Chronic Indigestion (belching, hiccups, vomiting, diarrhea)
2. Sudden severe abdominal pain from Food Poisoning
3. Weakness of the Stomach Heat (Spleen Yang)
4. Nervous Diseases
5. Lymph diseases
6. Edema
7. Urinary retention cuased by Heat
8. Gout
9. Arthritis
10. Anemia
11. Goiter
12. Completely cures latent and chronic Heat diseases
13. Heat in the Flesh, Bones, Channels and Skin
14. Heat in the “Dense” (Yin) organs, cold in the “Hollow” (Yang) organs
15. Heat in the upper body, Cold in the lower body
16. Diseases caused by Evil Spiritis
17. “in addition, this medicine can be recommended for diseases caused by Ignorance” (Men Tsee Kang)
“An amazing remedy for the diseases listed above” (Men Tsee Kang)
2 grams, mixed with Molasses or White Sugar, and taken with Chang (Barley alcohol) in Winter and Snow water in Summer.
Not used during Pregnancy
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures