Podophyllum peltatum, American MandrakeMayapple |
Kohlers Medizinal Pflanzen, Vol. 1, 1888
A Manual of Organic Materia Medica,
Maisch, 1882
Botanical name:
Podophyllum spp.
Several species are used:
- P. peltatum (Mayapple)
- P. montanum (Mountain Mayaaple)
- The Indian P. hexandrum (Giriparpata) is dealt with under its own heading.
Parts used:
Rhizome, Resin
Temperature & Taste:
Hot, dry. Bitter, Pungent. Toxic.
Resin: Podophyllin
Rich in Quercetin (50,000ppm).
1. Clears Phlegm and Damp, Resolves Masses:
-Scrofula, Glandular Tumors
-Rheumatism, Gout
-Fibroids, Uterine Fibroids
-it has shown anti-cancer effects
2. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-Skin diseases, chronic Eczema, Psoriasis etc.
-toxic conditions of the Blood including Syphilis
-small doses are used as an alterative.
3. Opens Obstructions, Purges Strongly:
-purges Phlegm and Water via the bowels
-Biliousness and Liver congestion
-has been used to promote Menstruation due to its cathartic action
4. Externally:
-applied topically to Psoriasis
-resin is applied to Warts, Genital Warts, Leukoplakia (25% solution of the resin topically)
-applied to Growths and Tumors
-fresh juice was used for Deafness by Native Americans
1. Small doses are alterative, medium doses are deobstruent, full doses act as a hydragogue cathartic
2. When used internally it should not be given warm, or in a warm vehicle..
Powder: 3–15 grains
Tincture (1 in 30): 5–20 drops
Podophyllin resin: one-eighth–1 grain
Fluid Extract: 3–20 mls.
1. Clove, Cinnamon, Ginger
2. Belladonna, Henbane or Cannabis have been used to counter its griping effects
3. Caulophyllum was said to correct the tormina it often causes. (Cook)
4. Age somewhat corrects the harshness of its action. Two-year old roots are much milder than freshly dried roots.
The root was apparently sometimes roasted by Native Americans to lessen its harsh effects. (History of the vegetable drugs of the Pharmacopoeia of the United States, Lloyd, 1911)
1. Podophyllum was viewed by some as a vegetable substitute for Calomel.
Main Combinations:
1. Chronic skin conditions, Podophyllum, Dandelion, Burdock root
2. Chronic Eczema, Fluid Extract of Podophyllum, Potassium acetate (half oz. each), Water (8 oz.). Mix. Give a teaspoonful 4 times daily. (Eli Jones)
3. Syphilis:
i. Podophyllum, Sassfras (Scudder)
ii. Podophyllum, Stillingia, Poke root, Iris versicolor (Eli Jones)
iii. Podophyllum, Lobelia syphilitica, Wild Cherry bark (Prunus virginica)
4. Tumors:
i. Podophyllum, Poke root, Bloodroot
ii. Podophyllum, Figwort root, Cleavers
5. Uterine Fibroids:
i. Podophyllum, Corydalis (Dicentra canadensis), Black alder bark (Alnus serrulata), Figwort, Yellow Dock root (Scudder’s Alterative) (Tincture of Corydalis Compound)
ii. Podophyllum, Mountain ash bark (Fraxinus americanus), Red root (Ceanothus americanus), Life root (Senecio aureus), Helonias root, Goldenseal root, Lobelia, Ginger root
6. To stimulate digestion, Podophyllum with Gentian and Nux Vomica
7. As a cathartic:
i. Tincture of Podophyllum (half dram) with Compound Syrup of Rhubarb (1½ oz.); take a teaspoonful every 2 or 3 hours. (Scudder)
ii. Cholagogue Cathartic, Podophyllum, Aloe, Ipecacuhana
iii. Podophyllum, Senna, Leptandram
iv. Podophyllum, Aloe, Senna, Tamarisk bark, Manna (Fenner’s Complete Formulary, 1888)
8. As an Emeto-Cathartic, take the tincture in Ginger tea (Scudder)
9. Liver obstruction:
i. Podophyllum with Celandine
ii. Podophyllum, Belladonna, Nux Vomica (Tonic Liver Pills)
iii. Podophyllum (4 oz.), Golden Seal, Bloodroot, Lobelia seed (2 oz. each). Make pills with extract of Jugulans. Dose: 12–20 grains (Bunnel’s Pills, Cook)
10. Edema, Rheumatism, etc. Podophyllum, Cream of Tartar, Calomel
Major Formulas:
1. Avoid overdose. Large doses cause Nausea and Vomiting.
2. Not used in Pregnancy or while Breastfeeding, or in the very weak.
3. Not used in Heat or Yin deficiency.
4. Not used in Hemorrhoids, prolapse of the Rectum, Diarrhea, or any inflammations of the Stomach, Bowels, Bladder, Prostate or Uterus.
Main Preparations used:
Dry Root Tincture, Fresh Root Tincture, Extract
1. Dry Root Tincture
i. Steep 3 oz. of the crushed root in 1 pint of diluted alcohol; express and filter.
Dose: 20–40 drops
ii. Steep 8 oz. of the crushed root in 1 pint of alcohol (98%); express and filter.
Dose: 1–20 drops (Scudder)
2. Fresh Root Tincture
Collect the root after fruiting, beat to a pulp. Add twice its weight of Alcohol, mix well then leave in a sealed jar for 8 or more days in a cool, dark place. Strain and filter. (This is presumably only used externally)
3. Extract of Podophyllum
Roots of Podophyllum. 1 lb.
Alcohol 4 lbs.
Water 10 pints
Macerate roots in the alcohol for 4 days; then boil the same roots in the water down to 2 pints. Evaporate separately, then combine and evaporate to the proper consistency.