Pleurisy in inflammation of the Pleura, causing pain when Breathing due to loss of lubrication. It can be associated with Pneumonia and various other diseases of the Lungs or Abdomen.
The Classical symptom pattern is difficulty Breathing, Cough, pain of the sides and Fever.
Opening the Basilic Vein on the opposite side often brings good relief after taking a mild purge such as Cassia Fistula.
Special Formula
1. Remove the core of an Apple, put 3–4 grains of Frankincense inside then cover with the piece removed. Bake until the apple is cooked, beat to mash then eat the apple. This formula appears in numerous texts and was often accounted very successful. 2. Take Costus 1 dram in Dill infusion and a spoonful of Olive oil. (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913) 3. Purge them with some Cassia Fistula, then let Blood in the Basilic Vein of the arm on the opposite side. (Alexis) 4. Take 3 large round Horse Dung pieces, boil in a quart of wine until 1 pint has boiled away. Sweeten and take a cupful three times a day. 5. A method of Cure: Senna 6 drams Blessed Thistle half handful Ginger Sugar ½ oz. ea. Infuse overnight in whey. Take 4 oz. warm morning and evening. After 3 days, bleed the Liver vein, their drink during this time is a decoction of Hyssop, Violet, Licorice and Raisins. (The English Unparalleled Physician, Border, 1651) DECOCTION FOR PLEURISY Barley 3 oz. Blessed Thistle 1 handful Rose Violet 1 oz. ea. Licorice 3 drams Figs 3 Raisins 1 ½ oz. Boil in 16 pounds water until 2 has wasted. DECOCTION FOR PLEURISY Hyssop Maidenhair Figs Dates Sebestens Raisins Barley Licorice equal parts Decoct and add Manna, or Cassia pulp, or Honey. SYRUP OF MADDER FOR PLEURISY Madder Plantain Calamint Hyssop Squill Orris Pine nuts Birthworts (both) Licorice Poppy seed 20 drams each Decoct in water, strain, add Honey and boil gently to the thickness of Honey. Add 10 drams of Starch and a little Mastic, and mix well. Used for Cough, pain in the Chest, coughing up Pus, Throat pain and benefits the Voice. It also opens obstructions of the Liver. Dose: 1 spoonful. (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913) |
ELECTUARY FOR PLEURISY. Lohoch of Pine nuts. 2 oz. Diapenidion 1 ½ drams Elecampane roots Orris roots 2 drams ea. Licorice juice 2 ½ drams Form an Electuary with Syrup of Horehound. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615) ELECTUARY FOR PLEURISY: Cinnamon Costus Galbanum Castoreum Poppy juice Black Pepper Long Pepper Storax equal parts Powder and form an Electuary with Honey. Used for Coughing Pus or Blood, Pleurisy, pain in the Lungs; also for pain in the Stomach, Bladder or Uterus, Diarrhea, Intermittent Fever (taken an hour before the attack), also against Poison and Venomous Bites. Dose: as much as a bean. (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913) ELECTUARY FOR PLEURISY OF MENESTIUS Gentian White Pepper 2 drams each Saffron Opium Aniseed 3 drams each Powder and with sufficient Honey, form an Electuary. (Poppy seed could replace Opium in this case). Take as much as a bean with Licorice infusion. (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913) TO CLEANSE THE CHEST IN PLEURISY: Gum Ammoniac 1 ½ drams Saffron ½ dram Make 15 pills with Oxymel of Squill, the dose being one pill each morning. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615) FOMENTATION FOR PLEURISY: Nettle Mallow Camomile Flax seeds 2 handfuls ea. Myrrh 2 drams Gum Ammoniac 1 ½ drams Boil in 2 parts water, 1 part vinegar and apply warm to the painful part. OINTMENT FOR PLEURISY: Linseed oil 2 oz. Gum Ammoniac Myrrh 1 ½ drams Dissolve the gums in vinegar, strain, heat with the oil and with wax make an ointment. |