Placenta, Zi He Che 紫河车

Afterbirth, Secundine
Zi He Che 紫河车, Tai Pan 胎盘 (TCM)
Picture Picture
Prepared Placenta: 1. Left: still containing Blood; 2. Top Right: prepared with Blood removed; 3. Bottom Right: Cooked (Adam, 2009–2016)

Picture Picture
Front and back view of prepared Human Placenta with blood removed.
(Adam, 2024)

Zoological name:
Homo sapiens; Placenta Hominis

Parts used:

Dried and prepared Human Placenta
On the market is ‘white’ (light yellow) and ‘dark’ (reddish-brown) varieties. The latter still contains some blood.
Pig (or other domestic animal) placenta can be used similarly.
In Unani medicine, Camel placenta has been used (see Electuary of Steel)

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, Sweet, Salty.


1. Warms and Strengthens the Kidney: (West, TCM)
-Impotence, Infertility
-Seminal Emission
-lower back pain and weakness

2. Nourishes and Restores Qi, Blood and Essence:
-Emaciation, chronic severe Weakness, Convalescence after a severe illness
-Tidal Fever and Night-sweats
-Consumption with breathlessness
-Menorrhagia and Leukorrhea from deficiency
-insufficient Lactation from severe depletion of Qi and Blood
-Epilepsy, Vertigo, Dizziness (West); Epilepsy (Wu Qiu, TCM)
-Cell Therapists placed great importance on Placenta, using it for failure to thrive or poor development in Children, physical weakness and postpartum weakness, under-developed Breasts, and ‘all kinds of Dysmenorrhea’, amongst other things.

3. Promotes Birth:
-Facilitates Birth, expels afterbirth and a Dead Child (West)
-“This powder expels the dead child, and a false conception”. (Medicinalis Hibernica, K’eogh, 1739)

4. Strengthens Lungs:
-chronic Cough and Wheezing associated with Lung (and Kidney) deficiency
-Consumption with Night Sweats, Emaciation


Traditionally in TCM, the placenta of a boy child was preferred for treating men, while that of a girl was preferred for women.
Prepared Powder: 2–3 grams (up to 6 grams–2 drams, was used in the West)
Traditional texts state that higher or full doses stimulate Yang, whereas small doses over a longer period tonify Yin.


1. Cell Therapists stated ‘They [Placenta] act as a restrictor or brake on the growth of tumors, benign or malignant, and seem to have an analgesic effect generally, which is particularly noticeable in cases of Arthritis long before the actual healing process beings’.
2. Some people have advocated keeping a tincture of the Placenta for the person born with the Placenta. It is suggested to be a powerful tonic in cases of life crisis, emotional turmoil etc.

The Placenta from a healthy (disease-free) women is chosen. The membranes and umbilical cord are removed
1. Steamed Placenta:
  It is washed repeatedly until free from blood, then either steamed or boiled in water briefly before being dried.
  Some preferred steaming it, then cutting or beating to a paste, then drying in the sun. (TCM)
2. Wine-prepared Placenta:
  Sometimes after the blood is removed it is boiled in water in which Sichuan Pepper (Hua Jiao) has been decocted. It is then rinsed well, soaked in Rice wine, steamed, then dried. This improves smell and increase effectiveness.
3. Wine-Fried Placenta:
  Prepared Placenta is soaked in rice wine and allowed to absorb the wine before dry frying until crisp.
4. Alcohol-prepared Placenta:
  In the West, such animal products were washed, sliced, then dipped in brandy, hung to dry in a warm place (in front of a fire) or put in a low oven, repeating the dipping and drying until thoroughly dry. Some just washed it well in wine, then dried it speedily. Treated this way, it will dry quicker and better then any other way, the foul smell is ameliorated and the efficacy is maintained.
5. Boiled Placenta:
  The Placenta may be soaked for 3–7 days in water, changing the water several times daily. Blood vessels are cut or pricked to remove the blood and it is washed until the water is clear. It is then boiled until it floats and it is cooked inside. It is then baked in a low oven until dry.
6. Frankincense-prepared Placenta:
  Wash well with water in which rice has been cooked, then remove the membranes. Then wash with Frankincense wine, then put into a basket and heat until dry. (Wu Qiu, TCM)
7. Alum-prepared Placenta:
  Another method pricks the vessels, washes it well in water, then, once clean, it is soaked overnight in Alum water. It is then steamed, rubbed with powdered Frankincense and a bit of alcohol, then baked dry.
8. Licorice-prepared Placenta:
  Placenta is put into a pot which is well sealed, and is buried for 3-7 years. Sometimes Licorice or other medicines are added. After being buried the required time, it liquefies and becomes as clear as water. It is then ready for use. This medicine is Cold and Pungent.
  It is traditionally used for fevers and infectious diseases, feverish chills, and delirium. It is used for head-scabs in children, and to calm a fearful patient. (TCM)
9. Placenta Elixir:
  Fresh Placenta can be macerated in Alcohol or Honey. Sealed and left for 1-2 months, it will dissolve completely due to proteolytic enzymes. The dissolving will be helped with gentle warmth, as that of a dung pile.


Western sources stated the Placenta of a Pig may be substituted.

Main Combinations:

1. Chronic Kidney deficiency, Prepared Placenta with Rehmannia Shu Di Huang, Dioscorea Shan Yao, Schisandra Wu Wei Zi, Lycium Gou Qi Zi (‘Goji’) (as in Bu Shen Gu Chi Wan)
2. Yin deficiency of the Lung and Kidney, with chronic Cough, Consumption, ‘Steaming-Bone Disorder’, Night Sweats, aching and weakness of the Lower Back, Prepared Placenta with Rehmannia Shu Di Huang, Asparagus Tian Men Dong, Ophiopogon Mai Men Dong, Eucommia Du Zhong, Phellodendron Huang Bai, Tortoise Shell (Gui Jia) (as in He Che Da Zao Wan)
3. Chronic severe Deficiency of the Qi and Blood:
i. Prepared Placenta with Ginseng
ii. Prepared Placenta with Ginseng, Velvet Deer Horn, Cordyceps for extreme debility
iii. Prepared Placenta with Poria Fu Shen (with root). (Zhu Shi Ji Yan Fang, TCM)
iv. Prepared Placenta with Chinese 5 Spices are beaten and formed into a cake for a woman with severe debility. (TCM)
v. Prepared Placenta with Rehmannia Shu Di Huang, Astragalus Huang Qi, Ginseng, Dang Gui, Dioscorea Shan Yao
vi. Consumptive disease with general debility, Prepared Placenta with Ginseng, Poria Fu Ling, Dioscorea Shan Yao, form pills (Yang Lei Qin Fang, TCM)
vii. Prepared Placenta with Turtle Shell (Gui Ban) (soaked in boy’s urine), Phellodendron Huang Bai (soaked in salt and wine, then stir-fried), Eucommia Du Zhong (stir-fried in butter), Achyranthes Niu Xi (soaked in wine, then sun-dried), Rehmannia Sheng Di Huang (cooked in wine with Amomum Sha Ren and Poria Fu Ling, remove the other herbs then beaten to a paste), Asparagus Tian Men Dong, Ophiopogon Mai Men Dong, Ginseng, Schisandra Wui Wei Zi. Powder all herbs, then mix with the paste of Rehmannia and form pills the size of Rice grains. Take 80–90 pills with hot water or wine. The source text gives the story of a woman who was totally exhausted by age 60, but who was restored and lived over 90 by these pills. (Zhu Zheng Bian Yi, TCM)
4. Nourish Yin, Yang, Qi and Essence:
i. Prepared Placenta with Ginseng, Velvet Deer Horn, Lycium Gou Qi Zi
iii. Prepared Placenta with Astragalus Huang Qi, Cornus Shan Zhu Yu, Lycium Gou Qi Zi, Achyranthes Niu Xi, Eucommia Du Zhong, Poria Fu Ling, Cinnamon, Schisandra Wu Wei Zi. This is a Taoist formula for Longevity.
5. Menorrhagia and Leukorrhea, Prepared Placenta with Cyperus rotundus, vinegar-prepared (Xiang Fu), Deer Horn (Lu Rong), Asses Hide Glue (E Jiao), Dang Gui, Paeonia Bai Shao (as in An Kun Zan Yu Wan)
6. Chronic Cough and Wheezing from severe debility:
i. Prepared Placenta with Schisandra Wu Wei Zi, Ophiopogon Mai Men Dong
ii. Prepared Placenta with Cordyceps, Ginseng
7. Habitual Miscarriage, Prepared Placenta with Ginseng, Astragalus Huang Qi
8. Postpartum toni:
i. Prepared Placenta, Motherwort (Yi Mu Cao), Dang Gui, Astragalus Huang Qi
ii. take Prepared Placenta with boys urine (old Chinese Folk Remedy)
9. Promote Birth, Expel and Dead Child:
i. Prepared Placenta with Saffron, Cinnamon
ii. Prepared Placenta with Borax (West)
10. Failure to thrive in Children, Placenta and Deer Horn
11. Epilepsy:
i. “The Secundine, or after birth, and navel String calcined, and half an ounce given every day in Southernwood water (while the moon decreases) prevails against the Kings-Evil [Scrofula], and Falling Sickness [Epilepsy]”. (Medicinalis Hibernica, K’eogh, 1739)
ii. Prepared Placenta with powdered Human skull (West)
iii. Prepared Placenta with Peony root, Mistletoe, Valerian, Pearl, Coral, Amber (West)
iv. Prepared Placenta (1) with Notopterygium Qiang Huo (15 grams), Gastrodia Tian Ma (15 grams), Saposhnikovia Fang Feng (15 grams), White Dead Silkworm (Bai Jiang Can) (30 grams), Typhonium Bai Fu Zi (30 grams), Arisaema Tian Men Dong (60 grams), Sichuan Aconite (Chuan Wu) (1 piece), Scorpions (Quan Xie) (21 pieces). Powder, form pills the size of parasol seeds with flour and coat with Cinnabar. Dose: 50 pills with wine. (Qian Kun Mi Yun, TCM)

Major Formulas:

Electuary of Steel (Unani)
Da Zao Wan
An Kun Zan Yu Wan
Bu Shen Gu Chi Wan
Sheng Xue Wan


1. Generally not used long term in full doses
2. Main caution is ensuring a clean, disease-free source. Even traditional Chinese texts mention of transmission of Syphilis from consuming infected Placenta. Nowadays, a lot of Placenta sold has been certified to be disease free. Women in Chinese Hospitals are often asked if they want their Placenta, and when not taken can supply the market as the woman has already been screened for blood infections. Proper preparation to ensure the product is sterile is also important.

Main Preparations used:

Prepared Placenta, Distilled Water of Placenta