Pinus Lignum, Song Jie 松节

Chinese Red Pine, Knotty Pine Wood
Song Jie (TCM)
Picture Pinus. massoniana
Lambert, A.B., description of the genus Pinus
and some other remarkable plants

Botanical name:

Pinus spp.
  1. P. tabuliformis (syn. P. leucosperma)
  2. P. massoniana (syn. P. sinensis)
  3. P.

Parts used:

Wood Shavings / Branch nodes

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry. Bitter


D. Clear Wind and Damp


1. Clears Wind-Damp, Stops Pain:
-Painful obstruction of the Joints
-Numbness, Paralysis, Hemiplegia
-especially useful for Wind-Cold-Damp
-Toothache (as a gargle)

2. Moves the Blood, Stops Pain:
-Pain from Trauma


Decocted in Water or Wine
Decoction: 9–15 grams
Tincture (1:5 in 40% alcohol): 2–4 mls.
Used as a Wash topically for Painful Joints, or the herb can be soaked in wine for topical application.

Main Combinations:

1. Wind-Damp Joint Pain:
i. Pine Wood, Mulberry Twigs (Sang Zhi), Cinnamon Twig (Gui Zhi)
ii. Pine Wood, Mulberry Twigs (Sang Zhi), Piper kadsura Hai Feng Teng, Angelica pubescens Du Huo
iii. Pine Wood, Saposhnikovia Fang Feng, Cinnamon Twig (Gui Zhi), Dipsacus Xu Duan, Achyranthes Niu Xi, Tinospora Kuan Jin Teng, Anemarrhena Zhi Mu
2. Hemiplegia, Pine Wood with Ginseng, Gastrodia Tian Ma, Mistletoe (Sang Ji Sheng), Saposhnikovia Fang Feng, Earthworm Di Long, Scorpion Quan Xie, Clove (Ding Xiang), Rhubarb (Da Huang), Frankincense (Ru Xiang), Myrrh (Mo Yao)

Major Formulas:

Ren Shen Zai Zao Wan


Not used in Blood deficiency.

Main Preparations used: