Pimpinella, Saxifrage
Burnet Saxifrage, Tragoselinum, Saxifraga major, Pimpinella alba
Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 |
Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 |
Atlas der officinellen pflanzen (2), Felix, 1899
1. Nodulated surface of the root. 2. Crown with many stem
bases. 3. Stem scar. 4. Dark cambium zone. 5. Wood
Squibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919
Botanical name:
Pimpinella saxifrage, P. major (syn. P. magna)
A number of different types of Saxifrage have been traditionally recognised.
Parts used:
Root, Leaf, seed
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter
1. Clears Wind-Cold, Resists Poison:
-prevents and cures Epidemic diseases; root chewed preserves from infection; Confected Root is stronger
-Cough, Cold, Bronchitis (Commission E)
-Asthma, Peri-pneumonia
-Antidote to Mercury
2. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine, Breaks Stones:
-Strangury, Dysuria
-Back pain, Arthritis
-clears Gravel, break Stone; it was especially regarded for Stones from where it gets its name
3. Moves Blood, Promotes Menstruation:
-obstructed or painful Menstruation
-‘windy pains of the mother [uterus]’
4. Warms the Stomach, Moves Qi, Clears Wind and Damp:
-Stomach weakness, Colic etc. (Root, or Confected Seed)
5. Moves Blood, Promotes Healing:
-Vulnerary; used for Bruising and Trauma
6. Externally:
-applied to Varicose Veins
-as a gargle for Toothache
-topically to ripen or maturate Buboes and Tumors
-applied to cleanse both fresh and old Wounds; also to Wounds of the Head.
-Cosmetic for Freckles and Spots of the Face (wash or distilled water)
-Plague Buboes and Cancerous Tumors
Root in Powder: 1–3 grams
Root in Decoction: 3–9 grams
Seed: 1–4 grams infused in white wine.
Culpeper said Saxifrage has the same properties as Parsley, but is stronger to promote Urine and clear Stones.
Main Combinations:
1. Stones:
i. Saxifrage with Pepper in wine
ii. Saxifrage, Parsley seed (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
iii. Saxifrage with Gromwell seed
iv. Saxifrage with Yarrow
2. To promote Urine, Saxifrage with Celery root, Juniper
3. Arthritis, Saxifrage with Red Earth Myrrh Betony Ground Pine Pimpinella Germander Chamaedrys
4. Promote Menstruation, Saxifrage with Myrrh, Spikenard, Wormwood, Pennyroyal, Mugwort (as in Tincture for Suppressed Menstruation)
5. Suffocation of the Uterus:
i. Saxifrage, Cyperus rotundus
ii. Saxifrage, Castoreum in wine (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
6. Asthma, Saxifrage with Horehound, Blessed Thistle, Knotgrass
7. Trauma, Bruising (Vulnerary Decoction):
i. Saxifrage with Arum root, Sanicle, Wintergreen, Ground Ivy, Speedwell, Lesser Centaury (Pharmacopoeia Wirtembergica, 1798)
ii. Saxifrage with Ladies Mantle, Agrimony, Bugle, Comfrey, St. Johns wort, Plantain, Nettle, Pontic Rhubarb, Tormentil (Dispensatorium medico pharmaceuticum Palatinatus, 1764)
iii. Saxifrage with Elecampane, Comfrey, Tormentil, Licorice, Sanicle, Plantain, St. Johns wort, Agrimony, Bugle, Fennel seed (Pharmacopoeia Generalis, 1783)
Major Formulas:
Vulnerary Decoction
Decoction for Catarrh (Alcalá)
Tincture for Suppressed Menstruation
Pills for Arthritis (Wirtzung)
Confection of Ashes
None noted
Main Preparations used:
Candied Root, Confected Root and Seed, Conserve of the Seed, Distilled Water of the whole Herb, Distilled Oil of the whole Plant, Salt of the Ashes