Porcus, Pig
Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563Peraldus (Manuscript 13th C., British Library, Harley 3244)
Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491
Zoological name:
Scrofus domesticus
Temperature & Taste:
‘It is a phlegmatic moist creature’
BILE (Cool. Bitter):
1. Clears Heat:
-Typhoid and other extreme fevers, relives thirst;
-Purgative and diuretic. (Gall Bladder is used similarly in TCM)
2. Clears Heat, Stops Cough:
-A dried extract of Pig Bile is used in Vietnamese and other Asian medical systems for Bronchial Asthma from heat.
3. Clears Heat, Resolves Swellings:
-‘The Gall discusses Strumas‘ (Scrofula/Goiter) (Schroder)
4. Externally:
-used to stop hair growth
-promotes the healing of Bones, and applied to Gout (Salmon)
-externally for Evil Sores, Conjunctivitis and to clarify the Vision (TCM)
-Earache and Ulcers of the Ears (West)
-dissolved in vinegar and applied to Erysipelas (Magic of Kirani).
-Bile mixed with brandy and applied to Chilblains and Kibes (West)
BLADDER (Sweet, salty):
1. Used for enuresis, pruritis of the scrotum, sores of the penis, painful Hernia (TCM)
-powder of a Boars Bladder was similarly used for strangury and Bladder pain in Europe. (Salmon, Mizald)
2. “Boars Bladder with urine dried in strings” was used for Epilepsy. (Hartman)
3. “The bladder made into powder, and mixt with the powder of Henbane seeds, cures the diabetes, and involuntary miction, being taken to the quantity of one dram in claret”. (Medicinalis Hibernica, K’eogh, 1739)
Dose: 1 dram
1. Used for urinary Stones. (West)
BLOOD (Salty, bland):
1. Calms Yang, Stops Wind:
-Convulsions and dementia (Heart Blood, TCM)
-Apoplexy, Severe intermittent Headache, Vertigo (Su Gong, TCM)
-Tail blood is used for Apoplexy from rising of the Yang. (TCM)
-also for the bad effects of excess Intercourse
2. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-‘An Antidote to all Poisons’; various Fevers (West, TCM, Tibetan)
-for poisoning from Aconite, drink pig’s blood. (Zhou Hou Fang, TCM)
-‘suppresses side effects of alchemical stone drugs’. (Wu Rui, TCM)
-it is Distilled and used for Consumption, Pleurisy, and Poisons. (Salmon)
3. Stops Bleeding
-sudeen persistent Hemorrhage
BONES (Dry):
1. Pigs bones are used in Tibetan Medicine for Phlegm diseases and convulsions.
2. Resists Poison:
-Ashed jaw bone taken for poisoning from putrid meats, bad fruits and vegetables; also for Smallpox; applied to venereal sores (TCM).
-‘The bones hung about the neck, cure Quartans: let them that have tried it, believe it’ (Schroder).
3. The Jaw of the Boar was used for fractures (Salmon)
4. Bone soup relieves thirst (spine; similar to Ox-Tail soup) (TCM)
5. The bones, calcined, were taken in Red wine for Diabetes, dysentery, and difficulty urinating (Salmon); The ashed skull bones were given for diarrhea (TCM).
BRAINS (Sweet, cool, poisonous).
Weakening for men; taken with wine it will lessen their virility (TCM)
1. Taken with Ginger and Vinegar for sore Throat.
2. Headaches and Migraines.
DUNG (Cool. Dried or Ashed):
1. The dried dung was used for Convulsion (Salmon); and for Night-Crying in infants. (TCM)
2. The ashed dung was taken in wine for Sciatica. (Boars dung) (Salmon)
3. ‘Antidote to all Poisons’; also for Jaundice. (TCM, West)
4. Ashes were given for Diarrhea and Dysentery. (Bacon)
5. Dried Boars dung was used for spitting of blood, and other types of bleeding (Schroder, Salmon); the Ash was taken in TCM for Menorrhagia
6. Carbonised Pig Stool is used in Tibetan Medicine for Bile and Liver diseases (see formula below)
7. Externally:
-Used topically for Erysipelas, Burns and Scalds;
-applied to Squinsey. (West)
-ashes are styptic
Dose of the ashes: half dram.
1. Used in Weapon salves; also for pains of the sides, and to mollify all hardness. (Dioscorides, Schroder)
2. with Vinegar for dislocations (Dioscorides).
3. Pig Lard was boiled and bound around Fractures to ‘conglutinate broken bones’ (Schroder).
4. Taken in Vinegar, it stops bleeding. (Dioscorides, Schroder)
5. Good against convulsions.
GALL BLADDER (Cold, Bitter):
1. Clears Heat and Toxin:
-internal heat, with thirst and dryness due to febrile disease or Fever.
-heat type Whooping Cough, Asthma and Pharyngitis. (TCM)
2. Clears Heat and Damp:
-Gastroenteritis, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarrhea and Dysentery
-Jaundice, Hepatitis and Hypertension. (TCM)
3. Externally:
-Ashed and applied 3-5 times to cure Cataract. (TCM)
-used for carbuncle and furuncles. (TCM)
Ashes Stop Bleeding.
HEART (Neutral. sweet, salty):
1. Moves the Blood, Strengthens the Heart:
-used in TCM for Cardiac pain, anemia, and postpartum disorders;
-Cell therapists used Heart cells for Heart degeneration, thrombosis, Heart weakness due to aging or poisoning (from such things as Nicotine or Alcohol), irregularities of the Heart valves, Arteriosclerosis, and Angina pectoris.
2. Calms fear and anger; used for children who sweat from fear, and for debilitating sweats (TCM, West)
3. Cell Therapists also used Heart cells for poor development in Children.
HOOF (Slightly Cool, Dry. Sweet, Salty):
1. Resists Poison:
-broth is a universal antidote to Poisons.
-internally for boils, breast abscess, and swelling of the hands and feet.
-for Impotence due to treatment with Sal Ammoniac. (TCM)
2. Calcined Hoof in for blood in the Urine and Urinary Incontinence. (Riverius, Salmon)
3. Jelly of Pigs feet restores in deep consumption (West)
4. Externally:
-broth is a good lotion for wounds and bed sores.
-externally for Carbuncles and Ulcers, to remove necrotic tissue.
KIDNEY (Neutral/Slightly Cool, Moist. Salty):
1. Strengthens the Kidneys:
-Diuretic, and a Kidney and Bladder tonic, regulating Bladder function
-warms and strengthens the lower back and knees
-cures deafness in the aged.
-Spermatorrhea, Leukorrhea, Alcoholism, weakness after childbirth, Impotence, chronic Diarrhea, Tuberculosis, Night Sweats etc (TCM).
-Dried and powdered Kidney was used for Kidney disease and Nephritis in Western medicine up into the ‘s (Merc)
-Cell Therapists gave kidney cells for Nephritis, Gout, as well poor vision and hearing.
LIVER (Warm. Bitter. Gathered from young pigs):
1. Strengthens the Liver, Benefits the Blood, Clears the Vision:
-Infantile convulsions caused by fear.
-ascites due to Liver weakness; weakness of the viscera, and anemia
-poor vision, night blindness and pinkeye associated with blood and Liver weakness. (TCM)
-Diabetes Mellitus (Cell Therapists, with other organ extracts such as Pancreas)
-Jaundice, Cirrhosis (if not too advanced), Atrophy of the Liver, Pernicious anemia, inability to put on weight (Cell Therapists)
-speed recovery after major or prolonged illness, exhaustion and debility;
-Allergies, Asthma and Hayfever
-Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Varicose veins, leg Ulcers, Hemorrhoids, and persistent Chilblains. (Cell Therapists)
2. Promotes Urine:
-Edema of feet, sudden edema of face, edema with difficult urination. (TCM, West)
3. Resists Poison:
-dried and powdered, it is a remedy for the bites of venomous Beasts and Serpents.
-Lethargy and drowsiness (Dioscorides, Salmon);
-Cell Therapists also used Liver cells for various Toxic states (including drug and alcohol poisoning), as well as exhaustion and debility
-Liver juice has also been used in Cancer therapy.
LUNGS (Salty, cool):
1. Strengthens the Lungs:
-A Lung tonic; used for cough from Lung weakness
-hematemesis from Lung weakness (TCM).
-Cell therapists used Lung cells for such conditions as Cough and Asthma from Lung deficiency.
MARROW (Taken from the spine. Sweet, cool.):
1. A Tonic to the Marrow, and therefore is also good for the Brain.
2. Beneficial for weak people. (TCM)
PANCREAS (Sweet: If eaten too frequently it lessens the virility of men):
1. Used for emphysema and all Lung diseases and coughs.
2. Strengthens Spleen:
-Alcoholic extract of Pig Pancreas is prepared to warm and strengthen the Spleen in persistent diarrhea etc. (Given with Artemesia and Cinnamon)
-emaciation with chronic indigestion (TCM)
-Pancreatin, Pancreas Extract, or the whole Pancreas, dried, has been used for imperfect digestion of fats and starches, as well as some cases of Diabetes.
3. Galactogogue.
4. An Emollient to the 5 viscera. (TCM)
PENIS and TESTES (in Powder; Prepared the same as Horse testicles, which see)
1. Cleanses the bladder, promotes urine (TCM, West); also pain or weakness of the Penis, or pain in the lower part of the body (TCM).
2. The Testes of a Boar were also used to promote Venery (TCM, West, Magic of Kirani); also used to promote Conception, and to cure Sterility (Salmon, Schroder).
3. Also for Epilepsy; Boars testes were used in TCM and West for Epilepsy.
4. “The powder of the Testicles, drank to the quantity of a dram, in any proper vehicle, is useful against the Epilepsy, and Hysteric Fits”. (Medicinalis Hibernica, K’eogh, 1739)
Dose: 1–3 grams of the powder
PORK (Warm, Sweet, Salty):
Increases all 3 Dosas.
1. Tonifies the Kidneys, Clears Heat, Nourishes the Yin:
-chronic debility and wasting diseases; used for various dry conditions such as dry Cough, Constipation, chronic Diabetes.
-Traditionally said in TCM, Tibetan and Western medicines to be Nourishing and good for Consumption.
-The Volatile Salt of Hogs Flesh was sometimes used in place of the Volatile Salt of Vipers Flesh for Poisons, but especially in Consumption (West);
–Wirtzung said young Hog’s flesh was especially recommended for Hot and Dry Kidneys.
-By nourishing the Yin, it was traditionally said to be ‘an antidote to all inflammatory Poisons’ (TCM)
-chronic insanity.
-Tonic in Ayurveda, fortifying the Body and removing Fatigue.
2. Clears Liver Heat:
-Headache, Dizziness, red Eyes, Cough etc. (TCM)
3. Benefits the Spleen and Digestion.
4. Promotes Healing:
-Causes deficient and chronic Sores and Wounds to Heal. (Tibetan)
DOSE: Volatile Salt of Hogs Flesh: 650–1300mg
-‘Good against all deadly things: And it is a Treacle’. (Magic of Kirani)
SPLEEN (or of a Sheep; Dried, Astringent.
‘And of all four-footed beasts there is none which more agrees with the Spleen of Man, than that of a Hog’
1. Spleen and stomach weakness, Spleen enlargement.
2. Also for ‘anemia, malaria, typhoid fever, pulmonary tuberculosis’. (Merc)
STOMACH (Sweet, warm):
1. A stomach tonic. For poor digestion, and many kinds of weakness.
2. Strengthens the fetus if taken during pregnancy.
3. Toothache due to caries (TCM).
4. Recently for pernicious anemia.
5. Cell therapists used Stomach cells for insufficient gastric acid, gastric ulcers, as well in anemia (to accentuate the use of Liver and Spleen cells).
TEETH (Sweet):
1. Used for Pleurisy and suppurative Tonsilitis (anointed externally or taken internally with Linseed Oil. (Schroder)
2. Used for Childhood convulsions, snakebite, smallpox scars. (TCM)
1. Used for Pleurisy, Asthma, Cough and Tonsilitis. (Salmon, Riverius, Mizald)
1. Taken with Oxymel for Epilepsy and Palsy.
2. ‘A specific to dissolve and break Stones in the bladder’. (Salmon, Schroder)
3. Dropped into the ears for earache and deafness.
1. Powdered and given for Epilepsy. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)
Main Combinations:
1. Consumption, distill Pig Blood with Balm, Sage, Purslane (Salmon)
2. Consumption, Pleurisy, Liver obstruction and corruption of the Blood, distill Pig Blood with Juniper, Agrimony, Rue, Clove, Scabious, Scordium and Pennyroyal. Dose: 5–10 drops (Salmon)
3. Consumption, mix Coltsfoot, Hog Lard and Egg, bake it and eat it.
4. Pleurisy:
i. Boar Tusk powder taken with Barley Water or Pectoral Broth was said to have cured.
ii. Boar Tusk powdered with Crystal Mineral (purified Saltpeter)
5. Constipation, mix Pig Bile and Vinegar and use as an enema. (TCM, Shang Han Lun)
6. Headache, Dizziness, Numbness, Tinnitus from internal Wind, Pig Brain, Salvia Dan Shen, Ligusticum Chuan Xiong, Gastrodia Tian Ma, Water Buffalo Horn concentrate (as in Zhen Nao Ning Jiao Nong of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia))
7. Epilepsy, take Boar Bladder, dried and powdered, with Peony
8. Enuresis, Mantis Egg Case, Poria Fu Ling, Psoralea Bu Gu Zhi, Alpinia oxyphylla Yi Zhi Ren (10 grams each), put into a pig bladder, dry and powder. Take 2 grams twice daily. (TCM)
9. Incontinence, Pig Bladder 1 dram taken with Henbane seed.
10. Fractures, mix Pig Bile, Salt, Oil, Vinegar and Turpentine, apply (Salmon)
11. To stop hair growing, mix Pig Bile, Lard and one-third the amount of vinegar and as much Almond oil. Apply. (Schroder)
Major Formulas:
Black Camphor 10 (Gar nag 10) (Tibetan)
1. Not suitable in obesity, loose bowels, diarrhea, hypertension, phlegm and heat conditions (marked by yellow mucus), or marked cases of stagnant energy (marked by pain, tiredness, stress). It is very fat and phlegmatic.
2. It promotes dullness of the mind and senses and causes blockage of the channels (when taken in excess)
3. ‘Pork slows blood circulation and weakens tendons, bones and muscles’. (Ming Yi Bie Lu, TCM)
1. Despite being a Kidney tonic, taken too often (especially in Winter) it weakens them, and was said to lessen the number of Children. (TCM)
Main Preparations used:
Liquor Pancreaticus:
‘The fresh Pancreas is finely minced and exhausted with water, strained and treated with dilute alcohol for preservation. This is often more active than the powder (of Pancreatin)’. (Ellingwood)