Phyla, Ya She Huang 鸭舌黄

Wild Sage
Ya She Huang, Peng Lai Cao (TCM)
Jalapippali (Ayurveda)
Vashira (Sanskrit)
Poduthalai, Potutalai (Siddha)
Bukum (Unani)
Picture Phyla nodiflora
Sibthrop, J., Smith, J.E., Flora Graeca (drawings) (1845-1847)

Picture Phyla nodiflora
(Photo by Kenraiz) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Phyla nodiflora (syn. Lippia nodiflora, Verbena nodiflora)

Parts used:

Whole herb

Temperature & Taste:

Cool, dry. Bitter, Pungent. Slightly Toxic



1. Clears Wind and Heat, Resists Toxin: (Ayurveda, TCM)
-Fever, Intermittent or Malarial Fevers; Malaria
-Sore Throat, Tonsillitis
-Burning Sensation, Thirst
-Boils, Abscesses, Erysipelas, Herpes, Shingles
-Vertigo, Dizziness; Syncope, Fainting

2. Clears Heat and Damp:
-Diarrhea, Dysentery
-Strangury, Burning Urine, Gonorrhea
-also shown effective in Urinary Stones.

3. Clears Heat, Stops Cough and Wheezing
-Cough, Bronchitis, Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
-Asthma, Dyspnea, Breathlessness

4. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis:
-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Irregular Menstruation
-Endometriosis, Inflammation of the Uterus or Ovaries
-Infertility associated with Blood Stasis or chronic Inflammation
-An infusion is given to women after childbirth in India.
-Tumors, Cancer (Anti-tumor, Anti-cancer and Cytotoxic effects have been shown)

5. Kills Worms:
-adjunct for Worm infestation

6. Externally:
-Herpes, Boils, Abscess apply topically
-paste to promote suppuration of Boils
-Erysipelas, Indolent Ulcers (fresh plant poultice)
-Swollen Glands (fresh plant poultice)
-Alopecia (Siddha)


Powder: 2–3 grams
Decoction (TCM): 6–15 grams
Decoction (Siddha Pharmacopoeia): 20–40 grams of the coarse powder decocted in 200mls: 30–50mls
Juice: 2–4 teaspoonfuls (Nepal)

Main Combinations:

1. Tonsillitis, Bronchitis, acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection:
i. Phyla with Isatis Folium Da Qing Ye, Forsythia Lian Qiao, Platycodon Jie Geng
ii. Phyla with Lobelia chinensis Ban Bian Lian, Euphorbia thymifolia Zhu Zi Cao
2. Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea from Blood Stasis:
i. Phyla with Motherwort (Yi Mu Cao), Dang Gui, Cyperus rotundus (Xiang Fu)
ii. Phyla with Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang (a formula)
3. Endometriosis, Phyla with Zedoary (E Zhu), Sparganum San Leng, Peach kernel (Tao Ren), Cyperus rotundus Xiang Fu, Paeonia Mu Dan Pi, Gleditsia Zao Jiao Ci
4. Dysmenorrhea and Uterine or Ovarian inflammation, Phyla with Motherwort (Yi Mu Cao), Vervain (Ma Bian Cao), Cyperus rotundus Xiang Fu, Paeonia Mu Dan Pi
5. Infertility associated with Chronic Inflammation, Phyla with Vervain (Ma Bian Cao), Paeonia rubra Chi Shao Yao, Paeonia Mu Dan Pi, Safflower (Hong Hua), Peach kernel (Tao Ren)
6. Gonorrhea with burning Urine, Phyla nodiflora with Cumin, Anethum sowa (Ayurveda)

Major Formulas:


1. Not used during Pregnancy
2. Avoid overdose

No toxic reactions were noted at doses of 8g/kg

Main Preparations used: