Phaseolus radiatus, Mung bean, Lu Dou
Gram, Green GramMugda, Mungalya (Ayurveda)
Moong (Unani)
Lu Dou (TCM)
Mung Bean
Botanical name:
Phaseolus radiatus (syn. P. aureus, Vigna radiata)
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, Sweet.
B. Clears Heat and Toxin
1. Clears Heat and Toxin:
-toxic Sores and Swellings
-Erysipelas, Carbuncles, Mumps and other skin eruptions
-Antidote to Aconite, Croton and Fava beans; also poisoning from Pesticides, chemicals, Lead etc.
-swelling of the Liver or Spleen (Ayurveda)
-Heat-type Cough
-domestic remedy in India for headaches caused by heat, Tinnitus, Deafness, Hypertension
-adjunct for Cancers of the Stomach, Liver and Lung, among others
2. Clears Summer-heat:
-Summer-heat is a TCM term for heat disease during the Summer; Fever, Headache, Irritability and Thirst
-mild cases of Heat stroke
-is can be taken as a tea during the Summer to prevent Summer-heat
3. Benefits the Kidneys:
-Edema, Dysuria, and to help in Diabetes.
4. Externally:
-paste is applied to Breast distention, Mastitis, and for stopping Milk
-sleeping on a pillow of Mung beans benefits Eyes and clears Wind from the Head including Headaches and Tinnitus (TCM)
Decoction: 15–30 grams
Also widely eaten as food.
Sometimes the green skin of Mung beans is used. It is cooler, and stronger to clear Heat and Toxin.
Main Combinations:
1. Kitchari to clear Heat and Poison: cook Mung beans with Basmati Rice, Mustard seed, Cumin seed, Turmeric, Coriander seed and Fennel seed, along with a little Salt and Ghee. This is a food remedy that is useful for cases of Heat and Toxin, and can be used during treatment for various diseases including Cancer, and while taking Chemotherapy.
2. Hypertension from Liver Heat:
i. decoct Mung bean with Kelp
ii. decoct Mung bean with Self Heal
3. Antidote: decoct Mung bean with Licorice. This is used for Aconite poisoning, as well as Croton and other poisons. It is also a popular Summertime tea to clear Heat and prevent adverse effects of hot weather.
4. Summer-heat, decoct Mung bean with Coptis Huang Lian and Licorice
5. Toxic Boils and Sores, Mung Bean (1 oz.), Frankincense (half oz.). Mix and powder, take with a decoction of Licorice (Chinese Materia Medica, Stuauoft)
6. As an ointment for toxic Sores and Swellings, Mung bean with Rhubarb, Peppermint juice and Honey.
Generally Safe.
1. Use cautiously in people with loose stool or Diarrhea.
2. Older TCM texts stated it will only clear Heat-Toxin, and is not useful for Cold-Toxin.