Phaseolus, Kidney bean
French Bean
New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 |
Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 |
Botanical name:
Phaseolus vulgaris
Parts used:
Seed (bean); Bean pods
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, moist. Sweet
Suppurative, Astringent
Nephritic, Spermatogenic, Alterative
1. Strengthens the Kidneys:
–Culpeper said it is ‘As great a strengthener of the Kidneys as any’;
-‘Strengthen the Kidneys, prevent the Stone … provoke Urine, increase the Seed, and stir up Lust’ (A Compendius Herbal, Archer, 1673).
-‘engender Sperm and incite to Venery’.
-loss of albumin in the urine during pregnancy.
-significant hypoglycemic effect; the pods have also been used for Diabetes.
2. Promotes Urine, Clears Stones:
-promote urine, cleanse the Kidneys of gravel, and to prevent Stones;
-stoppage of urine from debility.
-pods are recommended for various Kidney diseases including Edema, Nephritis, Stones, Gout, and Rheumatism;
–Salmon said an excellent salt could be made of the ‘straw’ to promote Urine in Edema.
-ashes of the pods or straw infused in wine and taken powerfully promotes Urine, opens urinary obstructions and clears Gravel and Stones.
2. Clears Heat, Nourishes the Yin and Blood:
-Liver heat headache and Hypertension, blood in the Urine (TCM).
–Gerard said they breed good Blood; Salmon said it promotes good complexion
3. Benefits the Lungs, Stops Cough:
-chronic Coughs
-‘enlarge the breast that is straightened with shortness of breath’ (Culpeper).
-Coughing Blood in TCM.
4. Mild Laxative:
-‘Move the Belly’. (A Compendius Herbal, Archer, 1673)
5. Externally:
-topically for acne, burns, itches;
-tumors and warts.
-Bean meal can be applied to wet eczemas, itching, and eruptions.
-Meal with Oxymel for bruises, tumors, and wounds;
-in a Cataplasm, it ripens Tumors, is Anodyne, and helps resolves Scrofula.
-as a scrub and mask to purify the skin in acne etc.
A pint of the Decoction taken twice daily was used for Edema and Stones; Decocted until the beans disintegrate, they are eaten for consumption. Salmon said 4 oz. of the ashes can be added per liter of Wine, this taken in small cupfuls to promote Urine and clear Stones.
Common Beans (Faba) can be used in their place
Main Combinations:
1. Promote Urine:
i when obstructed by Cold, Kidney bean with Cinnamon
ii. when obstructed by Damp-Heat, Kidney bean with Barley
iii. Kidney bean with Corn Silk
2. To strengthen the Kidneys, decoct Kidney bean with Asparagus root and Parsley root or seed
3. Diabetes:
i. Bean pods, Linseed, Bilberry leaf
ii. Bean pod, Senna, Yarrow, Sandalwood, Fennel seed, Calendula, Dandelion root, Restharrow
They are very windy, so should be prepared (washed) and corrected.
Main Preparations used:
Salt of the Ashes