Pharmacological effects of Traditional Medicine Classifications

In order for the Modern Herbalist to be able to match the modern Pharmacological basis of Herbal Medicine with the Traditional use, it is worthy to have a look at the pharmacological effects which are often found in the various Traditional Herb groupings.

The following is a brief representation of the Pharmacological effects associated with each of the Herb groups. These effects are only representative and of course not all Pharmacological effects are found in every herb of that group. The following groupings are based on the grouping as used in TCM, but are easily applicable to the Traditional Western Materia Medica.

Herbs that Clear the Exterior and Promote Sweat

These herbs tend to be aromatic, pungent herbs that work on the mucus membranes and increase the activity of the skin.

-Diaphoretic, Sudorific
-Antipyretic (Feverfew, Peppermint)
-Anti-Viral (Balm, Elder flower, Linden flower, Peppermint)
-Peripheral Vasodilator

Herbs that Clear Heat

These tend to be Bitter, Cold herbs that have marked anti-bacterial and detoxicant effects. Their bitterness may be due to alkaloids or other bitter compounds.

-Anti-bacterial (Coptis, Blessed Thistle, Camomile, Plantain)
-some are also Anti-Viral
-Anti-Inflammatory (Camomile)
-Antagonise TSH, inhibit Thyroid (Balm, Self Heal)

Herbs that Clear Heat and Damp

These are similar to the preceeding, but especially work on organs that carry fluids, such as the Bladder, Gall Bladder, Stomach and Intestines. 

-Anti-bacterial (Gentian, Barberry, Fumitory, Centaury)
-Cholagogue, Choleretic (Gentian, Wormwood, Celandine)
-Anti-inflammatory (Barberry, Gentian, Centaury, Fumitory)
-expel Uric acid
-Anti-lithic (Cold seeds)

Herbs that Clear Heat and Poison

These are cool medicines that help detoxify the body. They help remove bacterial endotoxins, cellular debris associated with acute infection or inflammation, as well as toxins such as chemicals and venoms. Some are useful for diseases such as Cancer.

-Anti-bacterial (Burdock, China root, Cleavers, Dandelion, Plantain, Rhubarb, Sarsaparilla)
-Anti-Viral (Blessed Thistle, Burdock, Dandelion, Rhubarb, Self Heal)
-Antioxidant (Burdock, Chickweed, Black Nighshade, Balm, Borage, Self Heal)
-Anti-inflammatory (Burdock, Black Nighshade, Dandelion)
-Immunostimulant (Bittersweet, Cleavers, Dandelion, Plantain)
-Immunoregulatory (Burdock, Plantain, Self Heal)
-Anti-tumor (Blessed Thistle, Burdock, Violet, Sorrel, Red Clover, Plantain, Rhubarb)
-Anti-cancer (Violet, Red Clover, Black Nightshade, Burdock, Sheep Sorrel, Rhubarb, Fumitory, Dodder, Self Heal)
-Hepatoprotective (Nightshade, Celandine, Fumitory, Gentian)

Herbs that Clear Damp and Promote Urine

These are Diuretic, helping increase the passage of fluid through the body. Some do this due to diuretic activity, some due to mineral salts, and some due to increase heart activity and circulation.

-expel Uric acid

Herbs that Clear Wind and Damp: Anti-Arthritics, Anti-Rheumatics

These are medicines that act on the joints. Due to the variety of beneficial effects that medicines can have on diseased joints, their activity is varied. But in general they have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, while some have beneficial effects on the joints themselves.

-Joint tonic

Warm Herbs that Clear Cold

These herbs are primarily warming spices. They stimulate activity of the Heart and Digestion to warm the body, or otherwise stimulate metabolism. They are therefore good for a variety of conditions related to cold, damp, phlegm, or poor functioning of the Heart or Digestion. Small amounts are often added to larger formulas to enhance bioavailability.

-promote Digestion
-enhance Bioavailability
-promote Circulation
-increase Metabolism
-Inhibit Platelet Aggregation (ie. Capsicum, Garlic, Onion)


These medicines tend to be very gentle and most work due to their fixed oil content, acting as lubricants.

-Fixed oils with lubricating and laxative effect


These medicines work mostly due to their anthraquinone activity.

-Anthrquinones that stimulate bowel function
-Deobstruent (open obstructions)


These are most irritant medicines that promote passage of water via the bowels.

-Usually contain irritant compounds to promote passage of water through the bowels

Medicines that Calm the Heart, Mind and Spirit

These are medicines that benefit the Heart and calm the Mind and Nerves. They are soothing and gentle, and tend to work either by nourishing or soothing the Heart and Nerves, sometimes from a fixed oil content.

-may contain good levels of Fixed Oils (such as Basil seed and Zizyphus seed Suan Zao Ren)

Medicines that Sedate the Mind, Heart and Spirit

These are ‘heavy’ medicines of a mineral nature. The more gentle are calcium-based compounds such as Pearl, Coral and the Shells. There are also Heavy metals, notably Gold and Iron, but also Mercury-containing Cinnabar. Then there are the gemstones, many of which are based on Aluminium silicates. There are also special, unique medicines such as Amber which don’t fall into any of the above categories.

-often contain Calcium
-some contain heavy metals (Aluminium, Cinnabar, Iron, Gold)

Aromatics that Revive the Senses

These contain aromatic compounds, often in the form of volatile oils; some have other aromatic bases such as Musk.

-Cerebral Stimulant
-Nervous Stimulant

Herbs that Settle Wind

These are medicines that have a settling, sedative or regulatory effect on the Nervous system. They calm and regulate nervous fucntion to stop spasms, convulsions, dizziness, tinnitus etc.

-Anti-arrhythmic (Mistletoe, Costus, Calamus, Valerian)

Herbs that Move Qi

These are aromatic herbs with good levels of essential oils. They thereby act on the mucus membranes to settle spasms of the smooth muscle. They tend to have a soothing and relaxing effect on the muscles and nervous system, and some are very effective for spasms and convulsions. Some relax the mind and nerves and are therefore effective for anxiety.

-Anti-anxiety (St Johns wort, Balm, Valerian)
-Anti-depressant (St. Johns wort, Balm)
-Anti-arrhythmic (Costus, Calamus, Valerian)
-Anti-ulcer (Caraway, Costus, Peppermint)
-Increase Peristalsis
-Estrogenic (Aniseed, Coriander, Cumin, Fennel, Cyperus)
-Anti-tumor (Costus, Balm, Asafetida, Valerian, Orange peel)
-Anti-cancer (Costus, Orange peel)
Usually contains good levels of Essential oils, and are therefore aromatic

Herbs that Move Blood

These herbs promote blood circulation and help remove bruising or blood stasis, marked by fixed pain. They are important after Trauma, in Gynecology, Heart disease, and to resolve Tumors.

-Inhibit Platelet Aggregation (Arnica, Cumin, Garlic, Linseed, Motherwort, Nutmeg, Turmeric)
-Anti-inflammatory (St. Johns wort, Turmeric, Myrrh, Madder, Calendula)
-Anti-lipid (Hawthorn, Garlic, Bdellium, Myrrh, Turmeric)
-Inhibit Tyrosine kinase
-Inhibit Thrombin, Anti-thrombotic (ie. Safflower, Peony)
-Vasodilator, Vasorelaxant (Motherwort, Rue, Hawthorn)
-Increase Heart contraction
-Increase Blood Oxygen (Saffron)
-Estrogenic (Lovage, Turmeric, Vervain)
-Increase Uterine contractions (Myrrh, Mugwort, Lovage, Peony, Saffron, Safflower, Turmeric)
-Anti-fertility, anti-implantation
-Antioxidant (Turmeric, Zedoary, Oregano, St. Johns wort)
-Anti-tumor (Madder, Zedoary)
-Anti-cancer (Frankincense, Myrrh, Safflower, Bitter Almond, Peach kernel, St. Johns wort, Turmeric, Zedoary)
-Some contain Cardio-active glycosides


Herbs that Stop Bleeding

These medicines stop bleeding, either due to their Cold, astringent nature or their direct hemostatic effect.

-Shorten Coagulation time
-Decrease Capillary permeability
-Anti-vitamin K activity (ie. Meliot, Lavender)
-Astringent due to tannins or other compounds such as Aluminium-containing minerals (Earths) and salts (Alum).

Tonify Qi

These increase the Body energy (“Vital Spirit”) either by strengthening the Spleen and digestion, or the Heart and Lungs. They increase vitality, and many are classed as adaptogenic and immostimulatory.

-enhance digestion and assimilation
-Immuno-stimulatory (Licorice, Elecampane, Tragacanth, Mastic, Withania)
-Nutrient tonic
-often contain good levels of polysaccharides

Tonify Blood

These either Nourish blood directly, or enhance the Liver’s ability to produce good blood.

-Nutrient tonic: may contain good levels of Iron, B12 or other important Blood nutrients
-Estrogenic (Peony, Dang Gui)

Tonify Yang

Most of these have a beneficial effect on sex hormones, particularly testosterone and androgens.

-Increase Testosterone (Cinnamon, Tribulus seed)
-Prevent conversion of Testosterone to DHT (Licorice)
-Increase Sperm count
-Anti-diabetic (Cinnamon, Fenugreek, Juniper berry, Tribulus seed)
-Nutrient tonic: may contain good levels of Sulphur, Zinc, Selenium or trace minerals (such as Shilajit)

Tonify Yin

These nourish the moisture of the body, but also often have a positive effect on the female hormones. They counter excess heat and dryness of the body.

-Emollient, demulcent
-Estrogenic (Asparagus root, Masrhamallow)
-Gastroprotective (Marshmallow)
-Anti-tussive (Marshmallow, Comfrey)
-Increase Sperm count
-Immuno-stimulant (Asparagus root, Comfrey)
-Anti-diabetic (Mistletoe, Marshmallow, Peony, Sesame seed)
-Anti-Cancer (Asparagus root, Comfrey root, Mistletoe)
-Nutrient Tonic: may contain good levels of fixed oils, polysaccharides, muco-polysaccharides, or trace minerals including Zinc

Promote Digestion

These enhance and increase digestion.

-Digestive Enzymes
-Proteolytic Enzymes
-Digestive (stimulate or enhance Digestion)

Medicines that Clear Phlegm

These help resolve phlegm, either by their warm, dry nature, their thinning effect, or by helping expel Phlegm from the body.

-Expectorant (Radish seed)
-some enhance digestion to prevent formation of excess Phlegm via poor digestion
-some are anti-tumor for Scrofula and various Phlegm-Tumors

Medicines that Stop Cough and Wheezing

These regulate Lung function to stop Cough and Wheezing.

-Inhibit PAF
-some are expectorant


They are dry medicines which are binding. They often contain either Tannins (Gall, Nutmeg, Myrobalans) or Aluminium compounds (Alum, Earths etc.)


Medicines for Worms

Medicines used for Worms and Parasites often contain some degree of toxicity

-Kill worms and parasites (anthelmintic)
-some paralyze or disable the worms
-some are toxic, killing worms, parasite, bacteria, virus and/or fungii, being also anti-cancer

External Medicines

“External Medicines” is a specific class of medicines in the Chinese Materia Medica. They tend to be toxic herbs, and many are also used internally for specific conditions.

-many are antibacterial, as wounds, ulcers, burns require suppressing infection to heal
-some kill other pathogens such as fungii or external parasites
-some are resolvent to help reduce lumps and tumors etc.