Parietaria, Pellitory of the Wall

Helxine, Perdicium, Sideritis, Heraclea
Picture Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485

Picture Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491

Picture Parietaria erecta
Flora von Deutschland, Kohler, 1886

Botanical name:

Parietaria spp.
Several varieties have been used:
  1. P. officinalis (Official)
  2. P. diffusa
  3. P. erecta

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Cool, moist
mollifies, ripens, cleanses




1. Clears Damp Heat, Promotes Urine:
-hot, burning urine, Strangury, Gravel and Stones
-syrup made of the juice with Honey is very useful for those prone to Edema. (Culpeper)
-beneficial in Edema associated with obstruction of the Liver, or weakness of the Heart.

2. Clears Hot Phlegm, Moistens the Lung, Stops Cough:
-chronic and dry Coughs, Shortness of Breath, Wheezing, and Bronchial Asthma. (Electuary of the juice with Honey, or the Juice)
-useful in Tonsillitis.

3. Moves the Blood, Promotes Menstruation:
-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorhea
-Pain of the Uterus, Endometritis

4. Externally:
-applied to Swellings, Tumors, Running Ulcers (Skin Cancers).
-applied to Erysipelas, Shingles, Herpes, Burns, fresh Wounds (juice or distilled water)
-used in gargles for Sore Throat
-juice held in the mouth eases Toothache
-used in Enemas to clear Heat, ease pain of the back or bowels
-Distilled Water is used as Face Wash to clear Freckles, Spots of the Skin, Burns, Sunburn, Purple Spots, Birth Marks etc.
-useful application to Inflammations
-juice is dropped in the ear for Earache and Tinnitus
-juice made into an ointment with Rose oil is applied to stop Hair Falling from the Head
-ointment is applied to painful Piles
-Juice is mixed with Goats Tallow and applied to Gout
-‘The Juice is very effectual to cleanse Fistulas, and to heal them up safely’. (Culpeper)


Infusion: 1–2 teaspoonfuls per cup
Decoction: 3–9 grams
Juice: 1–3 oz.; or may be made into a syrup with Sugar which is taken in doses of 2 tablespoonfuls.



One of the 5 Emollient Herbs, along with Marshmallow, Mallow, Beet, Mercury and Violet leaf.

Main Combinations:

1. Kidney disease, Edema, Strangury:
i. Pellitory of the Wall with Horsetail, Rosemary, Sage
ii. Strangury, Pellitory of the Wall, English Rhubarb, Marshmallow, Comfrey root
2. Nephritis, Pellitory of the Wall with Uva Ursi, Dandelion, Wild Carrot, Marshmallow root, Pellitory of the Wall (Model Botanic Guide to Health)
3. Bladder Stones, Pellitory of the Wall with Bearberry (Albrecht)
4. Obstructed Urine and Stones:
i. Pellitory of the Wall with White Saxifrage
ii. Pellitory of the Wall with Parsley root.
iii. Pellitory of the Wall with Syrup of the Five Opening Roots.
iv. Pellitory of the Wall with Rosehip, Juniper, Carrot seed, Fennel seed, Marshmallow, Raisins (Fuller)
v. Pellitory of the Wall with Marshmallow root, Licorice, Golden Rod, Juniper berry, Parsley seed, Burdock seed (Fuller)
vi. Pellitory of the Wall with Madder, Fennel root, Parsley, Bay berry, Juniper berry, Carrot seed, Fennel seed (Fuller)
5. Endometritis, Pellitory of the Wall with Comfrey root, Buchu leaf, White Poplar bark, Gum Arabic
6. Pellitory of the Wall is combined with the Emollient herbs Marshmallow, Beet, Mercury and Violet leaf. This combination is useful in any case that needs cooling, soothing and softening.
7. Trauma and Bruising of the Sinews, Tendons and Muscles, Pellitory of the Wall with Mallows, applied topically

Major Formulas:

Syrup of Marshmallow (Fernel)


None noted

Main Preparations used:

Distilled Water

1. Distilled Water of Pellitory of the Wall:
i. Fresh Pellitory of the Wall (5 parts), Water (12 ½ parts). Distil 10 parts and pour this on fresh Pellitory of the Wall (5 parts) and add Water (10 parts). Distil 10 parts. This may be repeated a third time. (Pharmacopoeia Gallica, 1818)