Paralysis is a loss of function of a part or the whole body, sometimes with a loss of sensation. It may be a single part such as the hand or tongue, or of half of the body 9such as the left, right or lower body), or of the whole body.
Unresolved Trauma: Blood Stagnation, or damage to a Nerve–Nourish Yin
Other causes include excess Joy or Fear, excess Labor or Rest, or an excess of any of the Humors.
Brunschwig then gives this interesting note: ‘Sometimes is the cause, that the two Strings, coming down from the Brain through the backbone to the feet: through the one goes the Natural Heat [Yang], and through the other the Cold [Yin], that the same Strings are stopped, either the one or both. Wherefore, in whatsoever member is stopped this String, that the Natural Spirit [Qi] can not come into the same, its wastes lame’. This clearly indicates Yin and Yang channels and the flow of Qi to each part.
As it is generally classed as a Wind disease, it is treated with medicines that settle Wind in combination with medicines appropriated to the individual.
In addition to Medicine, internal and external, Cupping, Massage, Bloodletting, Acupuncture, Moxa, Baths etc. can be very useful. Bloodletting can be effective but is only indicated when there is excess Blood. However, if there is veins in the location, small amounts of blood can be taken. Pricking points to extract a drop or 2 can be used more liberally as long as the body is not cold or edematous. When Bloodletting is used, it is often performed on the opposite side to the Paralysis.
Western Tradition
1. Lavender decotcted in water, and half a pint of the decoction taken twice daily, helps Paralysis. (Alexis) 2. Pig feet made into a Soup with Turnips strengthens Sinews in lameness associated with Paralysis.
Externally: 1. Boil Brandy with Sage in it and let the vapor go to the part. This can be used for various types of Paralysis including Shaking Paralysis. (Brunschwig, 1561)
Internal Wind with Yin Deficiency Paralysis with low energy, dry mouth and skin, crimson and dry or cracked tongue, night sweats, very weak pulse Da Ding Feng Zhu
Cold, Wind and Damp Obstruction Numbness, stiffness and Paralysis, coldness, heaviness in the lower back and legs, maybe moving pains, Pale tongue with a white, moist coat and a tight or wiry or soft pulse. Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang Xiao Huo Luo Dan Shi Xiang Fan Sheng Wan
Yin and Yang deficiency Paralysis, marked weakness, flaring heat due to Yin deficiency with hot symptoms in the upper body and cold and weakness in the lower body with back pain and weakness of legs; dry mouth, red tongue with greasy coat and a deep, weak, slippery pulse. Di Huang Yin Zi
Blood Stasis with Qi Deficiency Paralysis of lower body, weakness, atrophy, frequent urine or incontinence, purplish color of lips, tongue and nails Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang
SAGE & LAVENDER WINE OR SPIRIT Sage Lavender 3 handfuls each Steep in 3 pints of Wine for 2 weeks. It can be distilled into a spirit or taken as it is.
WINE FOR PARALYSIS FROM DAMP Lavender Sage Cowlsip Rue Juniper 1 handful ea. Brandy 1 pint White Wine 1 quart Put into a large pot, cover and heat in a water bath. This is used for Paralysis from Damp (Wind-Damp). It is applied to the paralysed part and allowed to dry. A small cupful is taken twice daily. (Brunschwig, 1561)
SYRUP FOR PARALYSIS: Calamus. half oz. Cowlsip 3 handfuls St. Johns wort Sage Betony Balm Rue Bay leaf 1 handful each Siler Montane Balsam Wood Balsam fruit Basil seed 2 drams each Licorice Currants Lavender flowers Amaranthus. 1 oz. each With Water (12 oz.) and clarified Honey (6 oz.), form a Syrup. (Wirtzung)
SYRUP FOR PARALYSIS Calamus 2 oz. Stoechas Hyssop 1 oz. Calamint Oregano Aniseed Fennel seed Cinnamon 3 drams Fennel root Parsley root Asparagus root ½ oz. Sage Balm Betony Avens 1 handful each Sugar 1 pound Prepare a Syrup. Dose: 1½ ounces, taken with Infusion of Nutmeg. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)
DECOCTION AGAINST PARALYSIS OF SERAPION Celery root Fennel root 10 drams Schoenanth 6 drams Fennel seed Anise Parsley seed Seseleos Costus Centaury Pyrethrum Ginger Bishop’s Weed Cardamon 4 drams Rue seed Nasturtium seed 3 drams Stoechas Belleric Myrobalan Emblic Myrobalan 8 drams Decoct in 7 lbs water to 1 lb. Give for 21 days with oil of Pepper or of Costus Dose: 1–2 oz. (De Morbis Internis Curandis, Mesue, 1551)
PILLS OF EUPHORBIUM Agaric Colocynth pulp Euphorbium Sagapen Bdellium 3 drams each Aloes. 2 drams Rub into a pill mass with Cabbage juice. This is for Wind-Phlegm Paralysis. Dose: 1 scruple–half dram. (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913)
ANOTHER PURGATIVE: Gum Ammoniac. Bdellium Sagapen Aloes Opopanax Castoreum Rue seed 4 drams each Euphorbium 3 drams Colocynth pulp 7 drams Rub into a pill mass with Cabbage juice. Dose: 1 dram. (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913)
OINTMENT OF BORAX “An ointment made from it [Borax], is useful in the treatment of Paralysis, especially in its advanced stage”. (Avicenna)
AN UNGENT FOR PARALYSIS: Pepper Pyrethrum Euphorbium Castoreum equal parts Beat them and mix with oil and use as an Ointment. (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by Wallis Budge, 1913)
PERSIAN OINTMENT Resin 45 drams Camphor oil 20 drams Wax 16 drams Opopanax 4 drams Galbanum 4 drams Form into an ointment. Apply on strips of linen cloth and apply to the part.