Oxymel Scilliticum Simplex
Oxymel of Squill Simple
Boil gently until the thickness of a Syrup.
To make it without Vinegar of Squill, boil 1 lb. dried Squill in 3 lbs. water down to 1 1⁄2 pints; strain and press, and add an equal amount of Vinegar, then with 3 lbs. of Honey, boil gently to the consistency of a syrup.
Cuts tough Phlegm, prepares Humors, stops Cough
1. Prepares Phlegm and Melancholy for purging
2. Cough, Asthma, Catarrh, Pleurisy with cold, thick and tough Phlegm
3. Epilepsy, Apoplexy, Vertigo, Headache, Migraine
4. Arthritis, Gout and Tumors of the Joints
5. Preserve Health
6. Improves Complexion
1–2 oz.
None noted
1. The Asthmatic Mixture: Oxymel of Squill, Barley Cinnamon Water, 3 oz. ea. Mix. Take a spoonful 3 or 4 times daily. It is also a strong Diuretic.
2. For use in Cancer or Ulcer of the Uterus, combine Oxymel of Squill 0.5 oz., Byzantine Syrup and Syrup of Vinegar of each 0.75 oz., Lovage and Agrimony water 1 oz. ea., Chicory water 2 oz. taken in the morning until the urine is clear; used after due purging. (Wirtzung)
3. To promote vomiting in Apoplectics with excess phlegm mix with warm water and oil of Roses.
4. Loss of Taste: Oxymel of Squill is taken with Hyssop, Marjoram, Sage and Stoechas.
This was classically used for many diseases caused by obstruction of thick Humors, either Phlegm, Damp, Bile or Melancholy. It is used as Vinegar of Squill, but is milder, more cleansing and strengthening, and especially better for tough hard-to-clear Phlegm.
It was regarded as a health tonic, capable of keeping health to extreme old age and allowing no excess Humors to remain in the body.
“It incides Crass Humours, takes away obstructions caused by crass humours impacted on the Lungs, and cures the Epilepsy, Vertigo, Cephalgia [Headache], and Hemicrania [Migraine]”. (Renodeus)
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Oxymel of Squill Simple
Source / Author:
Herb NameVinegar of SquillClarified Honey |
Boil gently until the thickness of a Syrup.
To make it without Vinegar of Squill, boil 1 lb. dried Squill in 3 lbs. water down to 1 1⁄2 pints; strain and press, and add an equal amount of Vinegar, then with 3 lbs. of Honey, boil gently to the consistency of a syrup.
Cuts tough Phlegm, prepares Humors, stops Cough
1. Prepares Phlegm and Melancholy for purging
2. Cough, Asthma, Catarrh, Pleurisy with cold, thick and tough Phlegm
3. Epilepsy, Apoplexy, Vertigo, Headache, Migraine
4. Arthritis, Gout and Tumors of the Joints
5. Preserve Health
6. Improves Complexion
1–2 oz.
None noted
1. The Asthmatic Mixture: Oxymel of Squill, Barley Cinnamon Water, 3 oz. ea. Mix. Take a spoonful 3 or 4 times daily. It is also a strong Diuretic.
2. For use in Cancer or Ulcer of the Uterus, combine Oxymel of Squill 0.5 oz., Byzantine Syrup and Syrup of Vinegar of each 0.75 oz., Lovage and Agrimony water 1 oz. ea., Chicory water 2 oz. taken in the morning until the urine is clear; used after due purging. (Wirtzung)
3. To promote vomiting in Apoplectics with excess phlegm mix with warm water and oil of Roses.
4. Loss of Taste: Oxymel of Squill is taken with Hyssop, Marjoram, Sage and Stoechas.
This was classically used for many diseases caused by obstruction of thick Humors, either Phlegm, Damp, Bile or Melancholy. It is used as Vinegar of Squill, but is milder, more cleansing and strengthening, and especially better for tough hard-to-clear Phlegm.
It was regarded as a health tonic, capable of keeping health to extreme old age and allowing no excess Humors to remain in the body.
“It incides Crass Humours, takes away obstructions caused by crass humours impacted on the Lungs, and cures the Epilepsy, Vertigo, Cephalgia [Headache], and Hemicrania [Migraine]”. (Renodeus)

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