The Organs
The Organs have been recognised as the principle members of the Human Body.In the Humoral systems, the Organs digest, process, and store the Humors. To Galen, the Heart, Liver, Brain and Testicles were the principle Organs of the Body. From the Humoral viewpoint, the Heart, Kidneys, Liver and Spleen are the principle Organs in that each is associated with one of the Four Elements, and each in turn is associated with one of the Four Humors.
The following Table shows the association with Humor, Season, Element, Planet, Organ and the Seat of the Humor.
TCM has a particularly advanced Organ understanding, based upon the 5 ‘Yin’ Organs, the Heart, Lungs, Liver, Spleen and Kidney. The following is a composite of the TCM Five Organs with the Humoral system of the West.
A More detailed study of the Organs is yet to be added.