The Opening Roots
The Five Opening Roots are the Roots of Fennel, Parsley, Celery, Asparagus and Sea Holly (or Butchers Broom). They were used as a stand-alone formula in Syrup of Five Opening Roots. Sometimes only Two Opening Roots were used, Fennel and Parsley, and they were likewise prepared into Syrup of Two Opening Roots.
They Open Obstructions, clear Phlegm, Damp and Water, move Qi, and settle Wind. They warm and strengthen the Kidneys, promote Urine and Menstruation.
Used for Edema, Obesity, Kidney pain, Phlegm diseases, Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, and Cold-type Jaundice.
They were also use for Fever caused by Bile and Phlegm.
Some regarded them as useful Postpartum tonics.
Syrup of Five Opening Roots