Ononis, Restharrow
Cammock, Spiny Restharrow, Wild Licorice, OnomiaOnonis
Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491
Left: Common Restharrow; Right: Yellow-flowered Restharrow
Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586
Ononis spinosa
Atlas der officinellen pflanzen (2), Felix, 1899
Ononis spinosa
(Photo by C T Johansson) (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Ononis spinosa
A number of varieties were recognised including Great Yellow, Lesser Yellow, Yellow Prickly, and Purple Restharrows
Parts used:
Root, Root-bark
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Pungent
cleanses, discusses
1. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine, Breaks Stones:
-clears Gravel and Stones (Dioscorides, Pliny; especially the bark of the root)
-Burning Urine; Urinary tract infections (Commission E)
-Bladder weakness (Bohn)
-Ascites (Hufeland)
-Chronic Gonorrhea
-Gout, Arthritis and Rheumatism
2. Clears Damp, Opens Obstructions:
-opens the Liver and Spleen
-Scrofula (Schulz)
3. Stops Bleeding, Promotes Healing:
-Wounds or Ulcers of the Urinary tract
-Spitting of Blood, Lung Ulcers
4. Externally:
-‘consumes a fleshy Rupture; against blind Hemorrhoids and Piles (the Infusion drunk some while)’. (Schroder)
-old and callous Ulcers, mix root powder with honey and apply
-more often used externally, in Baths for the Uterus and Head, and for Itch of the whole Body
-Saline Tincture as a wash for Acne, Spots, Freckles, and to clarify the skin
-fresh shoots are chewed for Toothache
-decoction in vinegar as a gargle for sores and ulcers of the mouth, gums, throat
To open obstructions and promote Urine, it is best decocted in wine.
Powdered Root or Root-bark: 1–3 grams (up to 5 grams); in wine to open obstructions and promote Urine.
Decoction: 2–6 grams
Main Combinations:
1. To promote Urine:
i. Restharrow with Fennel root (or the Opening Roots)
ii. Restharrow with Juniper berry, Juniper wood and Parsley seed (Wunderlich)
iii. Restharrow with Parsley root with Juniper berry and Licorice (Pharm. Austr. VIII)
iv. Decoction Restharrow, Syrup of the Opening Roots, Powder of Pill Millipedes; mix
2. Difficult Urination: Restharrow with Juniper berry, Parsley seed, Horsetail, Rosehip (Rose)
3. Kidney and Bladder stones:
i. Golden Rod with Birch leaf, Restharrow (Wittlich)
ii. Restharrow root-bark, Pill Millipedes
4. Gall Stones, Agrimony, Rhubarb, Restharrow (Pick)
5. Liver disease, Agrimony, Rhubarb, Restharrow, Elecampane (Flämig)
6. Rheumatoid arthritis and Gout, Restharrow with Willow bark and Birch leaf
7. Skin and Joint diseases, Sarsaparilla, Guaiacum, Sassafras, Restharrow (German Pharmacopoeia)
8. Syphilis: Sassafras with Sarsaparilla, Guaiacum, Restharrow, Licorice
9. Cardiac Edema, Lovage root, Juniper berry, Restharrow, Birch leaf (Flämig)
10. Diabetes: Restharrow with Bean pod, Senna, Yarrow, Sandalwood, Fennel seed, Calendula, Dandelion root
11. Dysmenorrhea, Amenorrhea, Leukorrhea, Restharrow with Madder, Horehound, Motherwort, Mugwort, Rosemary, Parsley seed, Saffron, Cinnamon (Formulaire de Montpellier, 1822)
Generally Safe.
1. Has been cautioned for Edema due to Cardiac or Renal failure.
2. Contains saponins which are hemolytic.
Main Preparations used:
Distilled Water of the whole Plant was used