Picture Oils
Medicated Oils of Traditional Medicine are generally prepared by infusing or decocting herbs in Oil. Lighter and more delicate parts such as flowers are generally infused in a sealed jar with oil for a week or 2. The infusion is often repeated 2 or 3 timers to make a more concentrated oily infusion.

More complex oils are formed by boiling herbs in oil, and to facilitate the extraction, often water is added and the boiling continues until the water evaporates.

Simple Oils of Herbs

Oil of Camphor
Oil of Camomile
Oil of Costus
Oil of Datura
Oil of Dill
Oil of Elder flowers
Oil of Elecampane
Oil of Jasmine
Oil of Lily of the Valley
Oil of Marjoram
Oil of Mastic
Oil of Mint
Oil of Myrtle
Oil of Orris
Oil of Poppy
Oil of Quinces
Oil of Rose
Oil of Rue
Oil of St. John’s wort
Oil of Storax
Oil of Violet
Oil of Wormwood

Simple Oils of Animals

Oil of Ants
Oil of Earthworms
Oil of Frogs
Oil of Pill Millipedes
Oil of Scorpion
Oil of Toads
Oil of Vipers

Compound Oils

Green Oil
Oil for Lameness
Oil for the Ears
Oil for Tinnitus (Wirtzung)

Oils from Eastern Systems

Oil for Skin Diseases (Siddha)

See also:
Ayurveda & Siddha Formulas
Chinese Medicine (TCM) Formulas
Tibetan & Mongolian Formulas
Unani Formulas