Oleum Sulphuris
Oil of Sulphur



Source / Author:


‘Take a little earthen cup, which turn upside down, upon which place another Cup filled with melted Sulphur, place these in the middle of a Great Earthen Pan; over these hang a glass bell with a long neck like a Matrass, an Inch and a half in Diameter, and about a yard long, having a hole at top to give vent to the air, which does advance the burning: give fire to the Sulphur with a red hot nail or some such thing, and when your Sulphur is spent, put new in the same place, and continue thus to do, until you have a quantity of Oil which you desire, which keep in a glass close stopped for use’.


Resists Poison, Settles Wind, Opens Obstructions


1. To restore Appetite, take with Wormwood water
2. To stop vomiting, taken with Water of Quinces
3. Vomiting of Blood, take with Water of Shepherd’s Purse
4. Hemorrhoids, take with Waters of Yarrow and Mullein
5. Fever, taken with decoction of Rosemary and Wormwood
6. Worms in Children, 1 drop of the oil with Decoction of Agrimony
7. Edema:
i. Garlic boiled in wine and taken with 1 drop of oil
ii. taken with Water of Orris and Honey
8. Taken with Theriac and/or Mithridate for the Plague
9. Melancholy, take with a wine decoction of Rosemary, Celandine, Calamus, Basil and Saffron
10. Consumption, take with Decoction of Agrimony
11. Restore Radical Moisture (Yin), take with Malmsey wine.
12. Head diseases including Vertigo, take with Water of Balm and Bugloss
13. Epilepsy, take 2 drops with decoction of Peony and Betony
14. Apoplexy, take with Brandy (Aqua Vitae) after first purging
15. It hinders dreaming, taken with Poppy water
16. Weakness of Sight, taken with Waters of Fennel and Siler Montane
17. Gravel, take with Radish water
18. Applied to putrid sores to heal them
19. Applied to Headache, eases the pain, and taken internally with wine.


Usually 1–3 drops
Can be applied topically



‘This Oil is an Antidote against the Plague and all Malign and Pestilental Fevers, as the Fevers Causos, or burning Fever, the Calenture, Spotted Fever, and Sweating Sickness; it resists all manner of Corruptions and Putrefaction, inwardly taken and outwardly applied’.
‘It opens all Obstructions of the Stomach and Lungs, taking away Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, difficulty of Breathing, Shortness of Breath, Obstructions, Inflammations, and other distempers of those parts; It cools admirably, quenches Thirst, strengthens the Stomach, provokes appetite, and causes a good digestion. It also notable provokes the terms’.
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