The Art of Physick
Section B. Of the 6 Non-Naturals
5. Of Rest

Picture Der gantzen Artzenei, Dryander, 1542

D. When is Rest required?

C. When the Body is wearied with extraordinary motion; for in all motion of the Body, says Hippocrates, when any person comes to be wearied, Rest is presently the Remedy against Weariness. This Ovid also confirms, where he says, That whatever wants alternate Rest, can never long support it self; for Rest repairs the strength, and recreates the weary Members. The Mind also wearied with Cares and Study, stands in need of Relaxation and Rest, which unless you grant, it is impossible to maintain its Vigor.
    Ease nourishes the Body, and feeds the Mind. But as moderate Ease is wholesome, so immoderate Sloth in hurtful; for it dulls the vigor of the Mind, and begets Crudity: For as by Exercise the Native Heat is increased, and Concoction expedited, so is it by Sloth extinguished, and Concoction hindered.

Previous: Of Exercise
Next: Of the Excrements

Picture The Art Of Physick
Section A.

Introduction to the 7 Naturals
1. Elements
2. Temperaments
3. Parts
4. Humors
5. Spirits
6. Faculties
7. Actions
Section B.

(Preservation of Health)
Introduction to the 6 Not-Naturals
1. Ambient Air
2. Food and Drink
3. Sleep and Waking
4a. Exercise &
4b. Rest
5. Excrements
6. Emotions (Passions of the Mind)
Section C.

1. Diseases
2. Causes
3a. Symptoms &
3b. Signs