O. Promote Digestion

These medicines promote digestion. This is either through their enzyme content, or by stimulating proper digestion. They are most often used in cases of poor appetite, bloating, nausea, thick tongue coat, and other symptoms traditionally classified as food stagnation, which may include foul-smelling gas being passed, diarrhea or vomiting etc.
Use with other Medicines:
1. With Spleen and Qi tonics for Indigestion and Food stagnation associated with deficiency.
2. With laxatives for Food Stagnation or Constipation with Indigestion.
3. With medicines that clear Damp-Heat when there is clumping Heat associated with Food stagnation.
4. With medicines that clear damp when Damp is obstructing digestion.
5. With Warming Spices to warm and promote digestion.

                             Hawthorn Shan Zha
                             Malted Barley Mai Ya
                             Asafetida A Wei

Medicated Leaven Shen Qu
Radish seed Lai Fu Zi
Fresh Ginger Sheng Jiang
Chicken Gizzard skin Ji Nei Jin
Setaria Su YaPaederia Ji Xue Teng

Chinese Classification
A. Clear the Exterior
B. Clear Heat
C. Clear Damp and Promote Urine
D. Clear Wind and Damp
E. Laxatives, Purgative and Cathartics
F. Emetics
G. Sedate the Heart, Mind and Spirit
H. Nourish the Heart

I. Settle Internal Wind
J. Regulate the Qi

K. Medicines which Move the Blood
L. Medicines which Stop Bleeding
M. Medicines to Warm to Expel Cold
N. Tonics
O. Medicines which Promote Digestion
P. Clear Phlegm
Q. Medicines for Cough and Wheezing
R. Astringents
S. Medicines for Worms & Parasites
T. External Medicines