Nelumbo folium, Lotus Leaf, He Ye 荷叶

He Ye (TCM)
Picture Nelumbo nucifera
Descourtilz, M.E., Flore médicale des Antilles, vol. 8 (1829)

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Botanical name:

Nelumbo nucifera

Parts used:

Leaf, fresh or dried

Temperature & Taste:

Neutral (slightly Cool), Bitter, slightly Sweet


1. Clears Heat:
-Fever, Irritability, Excess Sweating
-Restlessness, Irritation (Da Ming)
-Thirst due to Fever
-especially for ‘Summer-heat’; acute Heat disorders in Summer

2. Raises the Yang, Stops Leakage:
-Diarrhea from Spleen deficiency
-also used for Obesity

3. Stops Bleeding:
-Bleeding from the lower body from Heat
-Vomiting Blood
-abnormal Uterine Bleeding from Blood heat (Chinese Pharmacopoeia)
-the carbonised leaf is especially used for Bleeding, especially for Blood in the stool or Uterine Bleeding
-Fresh leaf can be used for Bleeding from the Lungs

4. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis.
-traditionally also viewed as resolving Blood Stasis.
-“good for relieving abdominal pain due to blood distention” (Chen Cang Qi)
promotes dispersion of placenta after delivery(Chen Cang Qi)
-Blood stasis following Birth and Blood Stasis from Trauma (Li Shi Zhen)



Decoction of the Dried Leaf: 3–9 grams;


… available in PRO version

Main Combinations:

1. Summer-heat disorders:
i. Lotus leaf with … available in PRO version
ii. Lotus leaf with … available in PRO version
2. Bleeding from Heat, Lotus leaf with … available in PRO version
3. Obesity, Lotus leaf with … available in PRO version


Generally Safe.
1. Not used in Cold-type Bleeding.

Main Preparations used: