‘All Disease Begins in the Stomach’
By Adam Tate
Practitioner of Traditional Medicine
Founder of MedicineTraditions.com
This Webinar was presented by MedicineTraditions
for Natural Medicine Week 2020.
Welcome to MedicineTraditions, the most awesome resource for the study and practice of Traditional Herbal Medicine. Focusing on the 4 Great Medicine Traditions along the Silk Road and their similarities, MedicineTraditions is the ultimate resource for those studying or practicing Traditional Herbal Medicine. With many ‘s of detailed Herbal Monographs and ‘s of Traditional Herbal Combinations and classical Formula, it is a unique resource to learn detailed information on Herbal and Traditional Medicine …
Be part of the move back to Traditional Medicine!
Diet and Digestion is of paramount importance in the maintenance of Health and the treatment of Disease. Yet there are so many theories about what’s right to eat. Have a look as Adam takes us on a Journey to understand the theory of Digestion, Humors and Individual Constitutions and how different types of Diet are suitable for different people. Further, Adam demonstrates that a lot of the basic Theory related to diet and digestion is common to the various Medicine Traditions of the Silk Road.
The Medicinal Formula of the
Western Medicine Tradition
By Adam Tate
MedicineTraditions is proud to announce the release of
The Medicinal Formula of the Western Medicine Tradition
by Adam Tate. A collection of the most used, most effectiveHerbal Formulas of the Western Medicine Tradition
. With a Tradition as old as Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine, the Formulas of the Western Herbal Tradition have been all but forgotten. This important text in conjunction withMedicineTraditions
provides ample resources for the study of Traditional Herbal Formula for Western Practitioners.The Medicinal Formula of the Western Medicine Tradition is a
text for the studying of TraditionalWestern Herbal Formula
. A must-have for students and practitioners of Herbal and Traditional Medicine, it is an indispensable resource containing many ‘s of themost used Traditional Formula
of the Western Medicine Tradition. Derived from some of the most respected authors and texts of the Western Tradition.
The text is divided into Internal and External Formulas, and is organized by type: Decoction, Syrups, Tinctures, Powders, Pills, Electuaries, Plasters, Ointments etc. Each formula contains the ingredients with their proportions, method of manufacture, dose and uses. ISBN: 978-0-6488478-0-9 668 pages (526 pages of text plus introduction, ample appendices and index) Only A$95(Usually $125)Including Postage |