Myrrha, Myrrh, Mo Yao 没药

Mo Yao (TCM)
Bola (Ayurveda)
Mur (Unani)

Gu gul nag po གུ་གུལ་ནག་པོ  (Tibetan)
Picture Picture
Picture Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491

Picture Myrrh tree and gum
Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640

Picture Koehler, Medizinal Pflanzen, 1890

Picture Myrrh (Adam, 2022)


Botanical name:

Commiphora spp.
  1. C. myrrha (syn. C. molmol)–Ethiopian Myrrh, found in Somalia, Oman, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia
  2. C. abyssinica (syn. C. habessinica)–Arabian Myrrh or Abyssinian Myrrh
It was classically derived from various sources.
See also Stacte

Parts used:

The  and was called Troglodytic (coming from Ethiopia).
The primary varieties were differentiated:
  1. Common Myrrh–Ethiopian or Arabian
  2. Bisabol Myrrh, Somali Myrrh, also called East Indian Myrrh; stronger and more pungent tasting
  3. Troglodytic Myrrh from Ethiopia; the best which is fat, reddish, clear, very bitter and light
  4. Arabian Myrrh
The oil extracted from fresh Myrrh by mixing with a little water and pressing was called Stacte (Dioscorides). It is similar to Myrrh but far stronger. This was the ‘Liquid Myrrh’ of the Apothecary.

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry. Bitter, Pungent, Aromatic
“Hot and dry in the second degree” (Avicenna)


4d. PECTORAL.    4i. UTERINE.    4j. NERVINE.    4k. ARTHRITIC


1. Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis, Eases Pain:
pain from obstructed blood of the flesh, organs, muscles and joints
-Headache, Migraine, pain from Trauma; fixed, sharp, stabbing-type pain
-chronic Joint disease, Arthritis, Rheumatism
-used for Hard tumors associated with Blood stagnation
-“removes hard masses and blood stasis, and eliminates swelling and pain”. (TCM: Da Ming)
-“injury with pain of the bone and tendon and blood stasis in the epigastrium and abdomen”. (TCM: Zhen Quan)

2. Moves the Blood, Promotes Menstruation:
-obstructions of the Uterus; Amenorrhea, Dysmenorreha with clotting
-“Mollifies the hardness of the Matrix [Uterus]” (Pemell)
-promotes Conception by removing obstructions
-Promotes Labor:
“Open and soften the Womb, provoke birth and afterbirth” (Culpeper)
-“promotes Abortion, and treats Puerperal Abdominal pain of woman” (TCM: Li Xun)

3. Clears Cold Phlegm, Stops Cough:
-Hoarseness, sore Throat, Tonsillitis, Bronchitis
-clears the Lungs, chronic Coughs, Pleurisy
-“good for chronic and moist cough associated with asthma, orthopnoea and chest pain” (Avicenna)
It clears the voice” (Avicenna)

4. Clears Cold Phlegm of the Stomach:
-clears Phlegm/Damp from the Stomach, Colic
-stops Fluxes (leakages including Diarrhea)

5. Resists Poison:
-prevents contagion during Epidemics; regularly used in Antidotes
-regarded as preventing Fever in Unani (ie. prevents Infection)
-Fevers, ‘especially Quartan cold Fits’; Matthiolus was cured of a Quartan Ague (Malarial Fever) by it.
-Venomous bites and Stings
used orally in cases of Scorpion bite” (Avicenna)

6. Kills Worms:
-Worms including Tapeworm
-recently found useful in treating Liver Fluke (Fascioliasis), Schistosomiasis

7. Externally:
-to soften Hardness, Lumps and Tumors,
-old Ulcers, green Wounds (especially of the Head)
-“heals the Ulcers and facilitates growth of flesh on Bones” (Avicenna)
treats various malignant sores, hemorrhoid and fistula” (TCM, Kai Bao Ben Cao)
-topically to Gangrene, St. Anthony’s Fire (Ergotism)
-applied to Ringworm

-held in the mouth for Hoarseness and dryness of the Throat
-mixed with milk and applied for purulent Opthalmia
-chewed and the juice swallowed for stinking Breath
-topically the strengthen the gums and prevents tooth decay (Avicenna)
-applied as a deodorant.
-when a little of the powder is used as a snuff “it cleanses the Brain” (Avicenna)
treats Nebula and Opacity in the eye with inflammation and pain”. (TCM: Kai Bao Ben Cao)
-dissolves early stage Cataracts (Avicenna)


1. Mostly used in Powders and Pills
2. Taken with wine, or made into a Tincture is strongest to move the Blood. Chinese sources recommended taking the powder (in formula) with hot wine.
Powder: 500mg–2 grams (half scruple–1 dram traditionally);
1200–1500mg per day for a week is used for Worms.
Decoction: 3–9 grams


1. Stir-Fried Myrrh:
  It is stir-fried to enhance its ability to move blood, to make it easier to powder, and lessen its deleterious effects of the Stomach.
2. Vinegar-Fried Myrrh:
  Preparing with Vinegar increases Blood moving and analgesic effects too.




1. Bdellium
2. Costus
3. Frankincense


1. ‘The difference between Bdellium and Myrrh: Bdellium in sight is somewhat like to Myrrh, but may be distinguished thus; Myrrh is extreme bitter, so is not Bdellium; again Myrrh is easier to be broken, and of a more quick sharp scent’. (Pemell)
2. Stacte is the name given to an oil expressed from a fresh type of Myrrh (according to Dioscorides). It is highly aromatic and was said to be very expensive.

Main Combinations:

Aloe & Myrrh
Myrrh & Frankincense
Saffron & Myrrh

Move the Blood:
1. Bruising, Blood stagnation:
i. Myrrh with Saffron
ii. Myrrh with Frankincense, Dragon’s Blood, Rhubarb
iii. Myrrh with Lacca, Armenian Earth (as in Powder for Bruising Lesser)
iv. Myrrh with Amber, Madder, Comfrey, Frankincense (as in Powder for Bruises of Lemery)
v. Myrrh with Armenian Earth, Dragons Blood, Shilajit, Rhubarb, Madder, Clove, Amber (as in Tincture for Blood Stagnation)

2. To promote Menstruation:
i. Myrrh with saffron
ii. Myrrh with Cinnamon, Savin, Celery seed, Indian Spikenard (as in Powder to Promote Menstruation)
iii. Myrrh with Opopanax, sagapen, Mint, Rue
iv. Myrrh with Savin, Rue, Castoreum
v. Myrrh with Olibanum, Mastic
vi. Madder, Juniper berry, Cinnamon, Myrrh (Wirtzung)
vii. and to promote Birth or expel a Dead Child, with Decoction of Lupins and Rue
viii. Myrrh with Saffron, Rose, Ammi, Aloeswood (as in Troches of Saffron of Nicholas)
ix. an enema of Myrrh and Rue promotes Menstruation (Avicenna)
3. To promote Labor:
i. Myrrh powder alone taken in doses of 2 scruples (2 ½ grams), or made into small honey pills
ii. Myrrh with Cinnamon, Saffron, Amber (as in Birth Powder)
iii. Myrrh with Savin, Pennyroyal, Mugwort, Cassia Fistula, Saffron, Cinnamon (as in Powder to Facilitate Birth of Renodeus)
4. Postpartum Abdominal pain and spotting from Blood Stagnation:
i. Myrrh, Comfrey, Peach kernel, Saffron
ii. Myrrh, Dang Gui, Ligusticum Chuan Xiong, Corydalis Yan Hu Suo, Safflower (Hong Hua), Motherwort (Yi Mu Cao) (TCM)

5. Cold and dry Cough, Myrrh with Saffron, Pine nut, Quince seed, Aniseed, Sweet Almond, White Poppy seed, Licorice juice
6. Bronchitis, Myrrh with Elecampane, Mullein, Cinnamon
7. Asthma, and to promote Menstruation, Myrrh with Saffron, Hyssop, Coltsfoot, Maidenhair, Raisins (as in Syrup of Myrrh)
8. Chest obstruction (Heart and Lung) Myrrh with Frankincense, Licorice, Saffron, Cassia Wood
9. Phthisis:
i. pituitous, Myrrh, with Asafetida, Bittersweet, Licorice
ii. Myrrh with Venetian Turpentine, Frankincense, Orris (Boerhaave)

10. To prevent infection during Epidemics, Myrrh with Aloe and Saffron (as in Pills of Ruffus [Common Pills])
11. Head Cold, Myrrh with White Pepper, Orris, Dill, in Wine (Dioscorides)
12. Quartan Agues, Intermittent Fever (Malarial Fever):
i. Myrrh and Black Pepper prevents Intermittent Fever in its early stage (Avicenna)
ii. pills made with Myrrh, Theriac and Birthwort (taken an hour before the fit for many days) (Pemell)

13. Arthritis and Joint diseases:
i. Myrrh with Aloe, Rhubarb, Agaric (as in Pills for Joint Disease)
ii. Myrrh, Angelica pubescens Du Huo, Saposhnikovia Fang Feng, Mistletoe (Sang Ji Sheng), Clematis Wei Ling Xian (TCM)
iii. Rhubarb, Myrrh, Aloe, Cinnamon, Mastic, Aloeswood (2 scruples each), Musk (1 grain), Oxymel enough to form pills. Dose: 1 scruple. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)
iv. Myrrh with prepared Nux Vomica (Ma Qian Zi), Frankincense (Ru Xiang), Scorpion (Quan Xie), Ephedra Ma Huang, Achyranthes Niu Xi (as in Feng Shi Ma Qian Pian)
14. Liver Heat and obstruction, Myrrh with Costus, Saffron, Aloe, Storax, Bitter Almond, Gentian, Wormwood (as in Antidote for the Liver and Chronic Cough)
15. Liver hardness, Fibroid Tumors, Myrrh with Lacca, Saffron, Costus, Madder, Licorice, Black Pepper, Rhubarb (as in Powder of Gum Lacca Lesser (Dialacca Minor) of Mesue)
16. Diabetes, Myrrh, Chebulic Myrobalan
17. Poor memory:
i. Myrrh with Frankincense and Cyperus rotundus (as in Electuary of Frankincense of Wirtzung)
ii. Myrrh with Calamus, Nutmeg, Clove, Frankincense (as in Pills to Increase Memory)
18. Worms:
i. Myrrh with Gentian and Wormseed (Wirtzung)
ii. Myrrh with Fern, Embelia ribes, Turpeth, Lupin, Myrrh, Mallotus philippinensis (equal parts) (Dispensatory of Ibn at Timid)
iii. enemas of decoction of Myrrh and Wormwood or Rue (Avicenna)

19. Head wounds; wash the wounds and apply powder of equal parts of Frankincense, Myrrh and Aloes
20. Mouth Ulcers or Gums Boils:
i. apply powder of Myrrh, Gall and Frankincense bark (or Gum) mixed with Honey (Avicenna)
ii. Myrrh with Golden Seal or Rhubarb or Coptis, equal parts; apply topically
21. Douche for Ulcerated Uterus, Leek, Elder berry, Hartwort, Aniseed, Frankincense and Myrrh, decocted in wine. (Hippocrates)
22. To promote thick hair growth, Myrrh is mixed with Myrtle oil and Ladanum oil (Avicenna)
23. Scars:
i. Myrrh, Saffron, Calf (or other) Fat, Olive oil, form an ointment and apply warm (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)
ii. Myrrh, Aloe, Rhubarb, Saffron, Zedoary, Gentian as a tincture topically. (as in Swedish Bitters)
iii. Myrrh is mixed with Myrtle oil and Ladanum oil (Avicenna)
24. Warts, decoct Myrrh with Honey and Cassia bark and apply. (Avicenna)

25. Applied topically to the armpits with Alum and Wine as an deodorant. (Avicenna)
Applied with vinegar cures Ringworm (Avicenna)
27. “
When used as a mouth wash with wine and olive oil, it strengthens the teeth, facilitates their tight fixation, prevents tooth decay”. (Avicenna)

Major Formulas

Tincture of Myrrh and Aloes
Elixir Vitae (Tincture of Life)
Troches of Myrrh (Rhasis)
Theriac of Four Ingredients (Diatessaron)
Pills Against Pestilence Magistrale
Pestilential Pills of Basil
Pills for Catarrh
Pills for Joint Disease
Pills for many Diseases of the Body
Pills to Increase Memory
Powder for Severe Sore Throat
Powder of Gum Lacca Lesser (Dialacca Minor) (Mesue)
Powder to Promote Menstruation (Rondeletius)
Powder to Move Blood (Wirtzung)
Powder for Bruising LesserTrauma PowderTroches of Gums
Powder for Wounds
Troches for Shortness of Breath
Confection for all Diseases of the Eyes
Electuary of Saffron Lesser (Diacrocon Minus) (Mesue)
Antidotus Acharistos Altera
Birth Powder

Boladi Vati (Ayurveda)
Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang
Xi Huang Wan
Feng Shi Ma Qian Pian

1. Good Samaritan Liniment:
i. Tincture of Myrrh, Oil of Wintergreen (4 fl. oz. each), Oregano oil (2 fl. oz.), Oil of Sassafras, Oil of Hemlock, Spirit of Turpentine, Tincture of Capsicum, Tincture of Opium (1 fl. oz. each), Camphor (2 oz.), Chloroform (1 ½ fl. oz.), Alcohol (4 pints).


1. Not used during pregnancy
2. Heavy and hard of digestion
3. Not used for pain associated with Blood deficiency
4. Overuse dries the Yin and lessens Seed


Toxicity studies in mice of Commiphora molmol oleo-gum-resin.

Drug Interaction
May interfere with anticogaulant therapy.
Antagonism of the anticoagulant effect of warfarin caused by the use of Commiphora molmol as a herbal medication: a case report.

Main Preparations used:

Prepared Myrrh (washed with a juice, infusion, decoction or Wine, then dry gently), Extract, Oil, Liquor, Tincture of Myrrh

1. Water Extract of Myrrh:
i. Myrrh (1 part), Water (4 parts). Digest in a covered vessel in a warm place, then set aside to cool and leave for 24 hours; decant, strain and evaporate over a slow fire. (Pharmacopoeia Oldenburgica, 1801)

2. Tincture of Myrrh:
i. Myrrh bruised (4 oz.), Rectified Spirit (3 pints). Macerate 14 days, filter. (London)

Myrrh has been used from the earliest times together with olibanum as a constituent of incense, perfumes, and unguents. It was an ingredient of the holy oil used in the Jewish ceremonial as laid down by Moses: and it was also one of the numerous components of the celebrated Kyphi of the Egyptians, a preparation used in fumigations, medicine, and the process of embalming, and of which there were several varieties.

In the previous article we have pointed out several early references to myrrh in connection with olibanum, in which it is observable that the myrrh (when weights are mentioned) is always in the smaller quantity. Of the use of the drug in medieval Europe there are few notices, but they tend to show that the commodity was rare and precious. This myrrh is recommended in the Anglo-Saxon Leech- books to be used with frankincense in the superstitious medical practice of the 11th century. In a manuscript of the Monastery of Rheinau, near Schaffhausen, Switzerland, we also find that, apparently in the 11th century, myrrh as well as olibanum were used in ordeals in the “judicium aquae bullientis.” The drug was also used by the Welsh “Physicians of Myddfai” in the 13th century. In the Wardrobe accounts of Edward I. there is an entry under date 6th January, 1299, for gold, frankincense, and myrrh, offered by the king in his chapel on that day, it being the Feast of Epiphany. Myrrh again figures in the accounts of Geoffroi de Fleuri, master of the wardrobe (argentier) to Philippe le Long, king of France, where record is made of the purchase of— “4 ounces d’estorat calmite” (Styrax) et mierre (myrrh) …. encenz et laudanon,” (Ladanum, the resin of Cistus creticus L.)— for the funeral of John, posthumous son of Louis X., A.D. 1316.
Gold, silver, silk, precious stones, pearls, camphor, musk, myrrh, and spices are enumerated as the presents which the Khan of Cathay sent to Pope Benedict XII. at Avignon about the year 1342. The myrrh destined for this circuitous route to Europe was doubtless that of the Arabian traders, with whom the Chinese had constant intercourse during the middle ages. Myrrh in fact is still somewhat largely consumed in China.

The name Myrrh is from the Hebrew and Arabic Mur, meaning,
bitter, whence also the Greek {?}. The ancient Egyptian Bola or Bal, and the Sanskrit Vola are preserved in the Persian and Indian words Bol, Bola, and Heera-bol, well-known names for myrrh.

Stacte, a substance often mentioned by the ancients, is said by Pliny to be a spontaneous liquid exudation of the myrrh tree, more valuable than myrrh itself. The author of the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea represents it as exported from Muzain Arabia together with myrrh. Theophrastus speaks of myrrh as of two kinds, solid and liquid. No drug of modern times has been identified with the stacte or liquid myrrh of the ancients: that it was a substance obtainable in quantity seems evident from the fact that 150 pounds of it, said to be the offering of an Egyptian city, were presented to St. Silvester at Rome, A.D. 314-335.
The myrrh of the ancients was not always obtained from Arabia. The author of the Periplus, who wrote about A.D. 64, records it to have been an export of Abalites, Malao, and Mosyllon (the last-named the modern Berbera), ancient ports of the African coast outside the straits of Bab-el-Mandeb; and he even mentions that it is conveyed by small vessels to the opposite shores of Arabia. (
Pharmacographia, Fluckiger & Hanbury, 1879)
An update review on Commiphora molmol and related species.
Commiphora molmol in human welfare (review article).

Plant Natural Products as Antimicrobials for Control of Streptomyces scabies: A Causative Agent of the Common Scab Disease.
Impact of Different Extraction Methods on Furanosesquiterpenoids Content and Antibacterial Activity of Commiphora myrrha Resin.
Evaluation of the Antibacterial Efficacy of Azadirachta Indica, Commiphora Myrrha, Glycyrrhiza Glabra Against Enterococcus Faecalis using Real Time PCR.
Nematicidal and antimicrobial activities of methanol extracts of 17 plants, of importance in ethnopharmacology, obtained from the Arabian Peninsula.
Antibacterial activity of resin rich plant extracts.
Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of selected essential oils and some of their main compounds.
Bactericidal activity of Myrrh extracts and two dosage forms against standard bacterial strains and multidrug-resistant clinical isolates with GC/MS profiling.
Antibacterial terpenes from the oleo-resin of Commiphora molmol (Engl.).

Hibiscus extract, vegetable proteases and Commiphora myrrha are useful to prevent symptomatic UTI episode in patients affected by recurrent uncomplicated urinary tract infections.

The Effect of Commiphora molmol (Myrrh) in Treatment of Trichomoniasis vaginalis infection.
Efficacy of two plant extracts against vaginal trichomoniasis.

Investigation of Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl. Oil and Its Main Components for Antiviral Activity.

A Pilot Study on Bioactive Constituents and Analgesic Effects of MyrLiq®, a Commiphora myrrha Extract with a High Furanodiene Content.
Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of individual and combined extracts from Commiphora myrrha, and Boswellia carterii.
Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of different extracts of Commiphora myrrha.
Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-hyperlipidemic activities of Commiphora molmol extract (Myrrh).

Antispasmodic effects of myrrh due to calcium antagonistic effects in inflamed rat small intestinal preparations.

Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of individual and combined extracts from Commiphora myrrha, and Boswellia carterii.
Anti-inflammatory activity of some traditional medicinal plants.
Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-hyperlipidemic activities of Commiphora molmol extract (Myrrh).
In vitro cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory effects of myrrh oil on human gingival fibroblasts and epithelial cells.
Anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of some Jordanian medicinal plant extracts.
Anti-inflammatory activity of Commiphora molmol

Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-hyperlipidemic activities of Commiphora molmol extract (Myrrh).

Hepatoprotective effect of Commiphora myrrha against d-GalN/LPS-induced hepatic injury in a rat model through attenuation of pro inflammatory cytokines and related genes.

Commiphora molmol protects against methotrexate-induced nephrotoxicity by up-regulating Nrf2/ARE/HO-1 signaling.

Four new sesquiterpenes from Commiphora myrrha and their neuroprotective effects.
Neuroprotective cadinane sesquiterpenes from the resinous exudates of Commiphora myrrha.
Sesquiterpenoids from the resinous exudates of Commiphora myrrha and their neuroprotective effects.

Gastric antiulcer and cytoprotective effect of Commiphora molmol in rats.

Guggulsterone attenuates cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis via inhibition of ERK and JNK activation.

Gastric antiulcer and cytoprotective effect of Commiphora molmol in rats.

Myrrh attenuates oxidative and inflammatory processes in acetic acid-induced ulcerative colitis.

Commiphora myrrha inhibits itch-associated histamine and IL-31 production in stimulated mast cells.
MyrliMax® and Low Back Pain: A Multicentric, Observational, Post-Marketing Surveillance Study in Indian Patients Suffering from Chronic Low Back Pain of Various Pain Intensity.

Anti-Osteoporotic Effects of Commiphora Myrrha and Its Poly-Saccharide via Osteoclastogenesis Inhibition.
A 12 week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial for the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of HT083 on mild osteoarthritis.
Commiphora Extract Mixture Ameliorates Monosodium Iodoacetate-Induced Osteoarthritis.

Cadinane-type sesquiterpenes from the resinous exudates of Commiphora myrrha and their anti-Alzheimer’s disease bioactivities.

Investigation of the effects of selected medicinal plants on experimental thrombosis.

Combination of Systems Pharmacology and Experimental Evaluation to Explore the Mechanism of Synergistic Action of Frankincense-Myrrh in the Treatment of Cerebrovascular Diseases.

Commiphora myrrha stimulates insulin secretion from mouse and human islets of Langerhans.
The anti-diabetic and antioxidant effects of a combination of Commiphora mukul, Commiphora myrrha and Terminalia chebula in diabetic rats.
Antihyperglycemic furanosesquiterpenes from commiphora myrrha.

Commiphora myrrha Resin Alcoholic Extract Ameliorates High Fat Diet Induced Obesity via Regulation of UCP1 and Adiponectin Proteins Expression in Rats.

Efficacy and safety of myrrh in patients with incomplete abortion: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study.

Efficacy of Myrrh in the treatment of schistosomiasis (haematobium and mansoni) in Ezbet El-Bakly, Tamyia Center, El-Fayoum Governorate, Egypt.
Effect of myrrh extract on the liver of normal and bilharzially infected mice. An ultrastructural study.
Clinical and parasitological studies on the efficacy of Mirazid in treatment of schistosomiasis haematobium in Tatoon, Etsa Center, El Fayoum Governorate.
A safe, effective, herbal antischistosomal therapy derived from myrrh.

Antibacterial activity and cytotoxicity of selected Egyptian medicinal plants.
In vitro cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory effects of myrrh oil on human gingival fibroblasts and epithelial cells.
Evaluation of the genotoxic, cytotoxic, and antitumor properties of Commiphora molmol using normal and Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cell-bearing Swiss albino mice.

In vitro anticancer activity of twelve Chinese medicinal herbs.
Anticarcinogenic effect of Commiphora molmol on solid tumors induced by Ehrlich carcinoma cells in mice.
Evaluation of the genotoxic, cytotoxic, and antitumor properties of Commiphora molmol using normal and Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cell-bearing Swiss albino mice.
Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl. resin extracts induce phase-I cytochrome P450 2C8, 2C9, 2C19, and 3A4 isoenzyme expressions in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells.
Frankincense myrrh attenuates hepatocellular carcinoma by regulating tumor blood vessel development through multiple epidermal growth factor receptor-mediated signaling pathways.
The Therapeutic Effect of Myrrh (Commiphora molmol) and Doxorubicin on Diethylnitrosamine Induced Hepatocarcinogenesis in Male Albino Rats.
Commiphora molmol resin attenuates diethylnitrosamine/phenobarbital-induced hepatocarcinogenesis by modulating oxidative stress, inflammation, angiogenesis and Nrf2/ARE/HO-1 signaling.
Potential chemoprevention of diethylnitrosamine-induced hepatocarcinogenesis in rats: myrrh (Commiphora molmol) vs. turmeric (Curcuma longa).
Cycloartan-24-ene-1α,2α,3β-triol, a cycloartane-type triterpenoid from the resinous exudates of Commiphora myrrha, induces apoptosis in human prostatic cancer PC-3 cells.

Oxidative stress and immunotoxic effects of lead and their amelioration with myrrh (Commiphora molmol) emulsion.

Episiotomy wound healing by Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl. and Boswellia carteri Birdw. in primiparous women: A randomized controlled trial.
Wound Pathogens: Investigating Antimicrobial Activity of Commercial Essential Oil Combinations against Reference Strains.
A Wound Healing Formulation Based on Iranian Traditional Medicine and Its HPTLC Fingerprint.
Evaluation of the Wound Healing Activity of a Traditional Compound Herbal Product Using Rat Excision Wound Model.
Efficacy of Commiphora myrrh mouthwash on early wound healing after tooth extraction: A randomized controlled trial.