Myrobalan, Black

Indian Myrobalan
Halela Siyah (Unani)
Picture Chebulic, Emblic, Belleric, Citrine (Yellow) and Indian (Black) Myrobalan
A Complete History of Drugs
, Pomet, London, 1748


 1. Yellow (Citrine) Myrobalan
 2. Black (Indian, Nigrum) Myroabalan
 3. Chebulic Myrobalan
 4. Emblic Myrobalan
 5. Belleric Myrobalan
 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578

Picture Left to Right: Yellow Myrobalan, Chebulic Myrobalan, Belleric Myrobalan, Emblic Myrobalan (stoned), Black Myrobalan (Adam, 2017)

See also

Myrobalan and the Triphala Formula

Botanical name:

Terminalia chebula (small black variety)

Parts used:

Dried Fruits
Black should be hard, oblong, as big as a small acorn, very black, and heavy

Temperature & Taste:

Cool and dry. Sour


Preparers and Purgers of Melancholy


1. Purges Melancholy:
-primary medicine to purge the Melancholy Humor and Burnt Bile.
-Chronic skin diseases including Psoriasis, Leprosy; Fibroid Tumors
-Mental diseases associated with Melancholy
-“improves the complexion” (Avicenna)

2. Strengthens the Stomach:
-“used as a preserve to strengthen the stomach. It digests the food and strengthens the gastric follicles by virtue of its expellent depurative and absorbent properties. Both the yellow and black varieties enhance the ‘cooking capacity’ (digestive action) of the stomach” (Avicenna)

Otherwise, similar to Chebula


Decoction: 6–12 grams
Powder: 1–4 grams


Chebulic Myrobalan


1. Honey; Almond oil
2. Ghee
3. See Chebulic Myrobalan for general correctives for all the Myrobalans.


Avicenna said when fried in oil, they cause constipation (ie. its enhances their astringent nature)


1. The Myrobalans are some of the important medicines in all Traditional Medicine systems except TCM where only Chebulic Myrobalan is used, and that, sparingly. The special thing about these fruits is that they are regulators, and when used together, they can balance and regulate the Humors. Each has a regulatory effect on one of the Humors: Chebula for Wind; Emblic and Yellow Myrobalan for Blood and Bile; Belleric for Phlegm; Black Myrobalan for Melancholy.
2. The three main Myrobalans: Chebulic, Emblic and Belleric, when used together form Triphala, the Three Fruits. These are both a household remedy and the basis for some of the most complex formulas of Traditional Medicine intended to treat some of the most obstinate diseases.
3. There are a great many Myrobalan based formulas used in Traditional Medicine. These are called Triphala in Ayurveda, Itrafal in Unani and Tryphera in the West.
4. Taken in Infusion, they only purge; in Decoction, they purge and bind (purging more); the Powder purges and binds (binds more).

Main Combinations:

1. To purge Black Bile and Melancholy:
i. Black Myrobalan, Oregano, Pennyroyal
ii. Black Myrobalan, Senna, Lapis Lazuli
iii. Black Myrobalan, Chebulic Myrobalan, Dodder of Thyme
iv, Black Myrobalan, Polypody, Dodder, Senna, Turbith
2. To Purge Bile and Melancholy:
i. Black Myrobalan, Yellow Myrobalan, Rhubarb, Rock Salt (as in Electuary for Bile and Melancholy of Mesue)
ii. Black Myrobalan, Chebulic Myrobalan, Emblic Myrobalan, Belleric Myrobalan, Yellow Myrobalan, Turpeth, Aniseed, Dodder (as in Triphala Electuary to Purge Phlegm and Black Bile)
3. Indigestion, Stomach weakness, Colic, and straining at Stool, Black Myrobalan (12 drams), Sugar (12 drams), Ginger (6 drams). Dose: 1 spoonful in water and wine, or hot water. (Syrian “Book of Medicine“, trans. by E.A. Wallis Budge, 1913)
4. Migraine, Black Myrobalan, Chebulic Myrobalan, Yellow Myrobalan, Saffron, Mastic, Aloe (as in Pills for Migraine of Galen)
5. Epilepsy, Black Myrobalan, Chebulic Myrobalan, Emblic Myrobalan, Belleric Myrobalan, Stoechas, Peony, Pyrethrum, Raisin (Triphala Electuary for Epilepsy of Unani)
6. Tremors, Black Myrobalan, Savin, Cyperus, Calamus

Major Formulas:

Infusion for Melancholy
Infusion for Burnt Bile of Mesue

Infusion for Pituitous and Burnt Humors (Mesue)
Infusion for Pituitous and Burnt Humors with Hellebore (Mesue)
Infusion for Mixed Humors Compound (Mesue)
Decoction of Fumitory of Mesue
Decoction of Myrobalan (Mesue)
Decoction of Dodder of Thyme (Mesue)
Decoction of Dodder of Thyme (Rhasis)
Syrup of Dodder of Thyme (Mesue)
Powder for Dysentery (Nicholas)
Powder for Evil Complexion of the Heart (Isaac)
Powder to Purge Melancholy
Powder to Strengthen the Memory (3)
Powder for Weakness of Sight
Arabian Pills (Nicholas)
Indian Pills (Mesue)
Magisterial Imperial Pills
Pills of Bdellium (Mesue)
Pills for Mixed Humors (Mesue)
Pills to Aggregate Lesser (Mesue)
Pills to Aggregate Greater (Mesue)
Greater Polycrest Pills
‘Pills without which I would not be’ (Nicholas)
Pills for Migraine (Galen)
Electuary of Dodder and Fumitory (Mesue)
Confection of Stoechas
Electuarium Alcharif (Mesue)
Electuary of Micleta (Nicholas)
Letificans Conciliatoris
Letificans Temperate Electuary
Arabian Confect Purging Melancholy (Confectio Hamech) (Mesue)
Electuary for Bile and Melancholy (Mesue)
Triphala Electuary to Purge Phlegm and Black Bile

Electuary for Melancholy and Fear of Filius Zacharia
Electuary of Life (Arnold de Villa Nova)
Triphala Electuary for Epilepsy (Itrifal Zabeeb)
Electuary for Head and Stomach Pain (Galen)
Expert Confection for Tremors
Triphala Electuary of Raisins (Unani)
Triphera Minor (Triphera Phoenonis, Triphera Minus) (Mesue)
Triphera of Dodder of Thyme (Mesue)


1. Caution in Pregnancy
2. Careful in Yin deficiency and excess Heat conditions
3. Pemell said the Myrobalans should not be used in Obstruction or Fever. They are sometimes used in formulas in these cases with appropriate medicines.

Main Preparations used: